HFPA Issues Statement on NBC Refusal to Air 2022 Golden Globes

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association officially responded to NBC network's decision to not air the 2022 Golden Globes until the organization implemented systemic changes.

"Regardless of the next air date of the Golden Globes, implementing transformational changes as quickly -- and as thoughtfully -- as possible remains the top priority for our organization," the HFPA said in a statement published by THR. The organization continued, "We invite our partners in the industry to the table to work with us on the systemic reform that is long overdue, both in our organization as well as within the industry at large."

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The HFPA shared a detailed timeline for enacting reforms, adding that the timeline "demonstrates our commitment to achieving these goals with extreme urgency." The HFPA has been criticized over the past year for its alleged sexist and exclusionary practices, which include a lack of diverse representation within its membership. In February, the HFPA-backed Golden Globes Awards were also accused of snubbing several notable Black films.

During the week of May 10-17, the HFPA plans to revise and approve the organization's new code of conduct with publicists and studios, engage in an independent third party investigation regarding claims made against the HFPA and interview candidates, as well as work with a new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion consultant.

Through the beginning of August, the HFPA pledged to work with outside experts to conduct mandatory member training in diversity, equity, inclusion and sexual harassment. The group also stated that it plans to hold focus groups with members, Advisory Board, and Ropes & Gray to review amendments to Bylaws and have HFPA members vote on the decided Bylaw Amendments by mail. The HFPA also vowed to bring in at least 20 new members to the group and increase its efforts in creating internships, mentorships and scholarships for students in underrepresented backgrounds interested in journalism.

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The organization behind the Golden Globes issued its statement days after Netflix revealed its intentions to cut ties with the group following the release of proposed reforms that many in the industry felt weren't drastic enough.

Marvel Cinematic Universe actors Scarlett Johansson and Mark Ruffalo also recently expressed displeasure with the HFPA, with Johansson saying, "Unless there is necessary fundamental reform within the organization, I believe it is time that we take a step back from the HFPA and focus on the importance and strength of unity within our unions and the industry as a whole." Ruffalo, a recent Golden Globe winner, added that he "cannot feel proud or happy about being a recipient of this award."

Others who have spoken out in opposition of the HFPA include actor Tom Cruise, filmmaker Ava DuVernay, screenwriter Shonda Rhimes and the Time's Up organization.

KEEP READING: NBC Drops 2022 Golden Globes Over Growing HFPA Controversy

Source: THR

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