Hunger Games: How Haymitch Won His Games | CBR

When readers and moviegoers were first introduced to The Hunger Games' Haymitch Abernathy, he didn't exactly make the best impression. The only surviving Hunger Games victor from District 12 before the events of the main story, Haymitch came off as an unhelpful drunk who didn't seem to care about the trials Katniss and Peeta were about to go through. But as the series progressed, he ended up becoming one of Katniss' greatest allies and a crucial part of the rebellion against the Capitol.

As more about Haymitch's past was revealed, it became easier to understand why he had grown into such a harsh person. Winning the Hunger Games is already a traumatic experience, but how Haymitch won, and the consequences of his actions, led him down a dark path.

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At the age of 16, Haymitch was chosen as a tribute for the 50th Hunger Games. What made that year's Games different was that it was the second Quarter Quell, a special version of the Games that changed the rules with special twists that made the game even more dangerous. The first Quarter Quell, the 25th Games, had each district vote on who would act as tribute, rather than being randomly chosen by the Capitol. Haymitch's Hunger Games doubled the number of tributes from 24 to 48, picking four teens from each district instead of the normal two.

Haymitch was one of the four chosen to represent District 12, and was sent into an arena that was as beautiful as it was deadly. He managed to survive many of the arena's traps and stood his own against several opponents, eventually teaming up with fellow District 12 tribute Maysilee Donner. The two traveled to the edge of the arena, where Haymitch discovered that the force field surrounding the arena bounced back objects thrown at it. After Maysilee was killed, Haymitch faced off against the last remaining tribute, a girl from District 1. Though she nearly got the upper hand, Haymitch outsmarted her by leading her to the force field and dodging her axe throw, causing it to bounce back and kill her.

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Haymitch was declared the victor, but his choice to use the force field to his advantage did not go over well with the people of the Capitol. In order to punish Haymitch for what was perceived as an act of rebellion, President Snow had Haymitch's family and girlfriend killed. After that, Haymitch served as the mentor for several other future District 12 tributes, but the district's poor performances in future Games led to countless deaths and losses. Considering the trauma of killing fellow tributes for sport, losing his family at the hands of President Snow and watching almost all of the tributes he mentored die, it's no surprise that Haymitch turned to drinking and became closed off from others.

Haymitch's journey during his original Hunger Games tournament is very similar to Katniss' initial run. Both started out fighting and surviving on their own before they formed temporary alliances, with Rue serving as Katniss' version of Maysilee. Unfortunately for both of them, they had to watch their allies die. Haymitch and Katniss were both able to claim victory by outsmarting the Capitol and using their own tricks against them. Later on, Katniss survived her return to the arena in Catching Fire for the 75th Games in part due to Haymitch's plan to save her and bring her to District 13. In the end, both Haymitch and Katniss were key figures in the rebellion against the Capitol.

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