Mayans M.C. Recap & Spoilers: "Chapter the Last, Nothing More to Write" (S3, E10)

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Mayans M.C. Season 3, Episode 10, "Chapter the Last, Nothing More to Write," which aired Tuesday on FX.

After the shocking death of Steve in Mayans M.C.'s previous episode, "The House of Death Floats By," the Santo Padre Mayans find itself at a decisive crossroads in the Season 3 finale, "Chapter the Last, Nothing More to Write." Here's a spoiler-filled recap of what happened.

"Chapter the Last, Nothing More to Write" opens with a dream in which a young EZ Reyes looks at a picture of Goya's "The Dog," which he said reflected his life in Mayans M.C.'s previous episode, with his mother. Suddenly, a hummingbird flies into the window. The bird, though, is only stunned for a moment and soon flies off. EZ then wakes up next to his girlfriend, Gaby, in his trailer outside the Santo Padre Mayans clubhouse. EZ says that all he has to do is "tie up some loose ends for the club," and then they'll be able to go to Lodi together.

The action then moves to Miguel Galindo, who discovers that his ex-lover, Governor Palomo, is dead. Emily Galindo then wakes up in bed with a nasty hangover from having been poisoned and nearly drowned by her husband the night before. Emily isn't able to recall quite what happened, but she starts piecing things together, as Miguel didn't do a particularly thorough job of cleaning up after himself.

RELATED: Mayans M.C. Season 3, Episode 9, 'The House of Death Floats By,' Recap & Spoilers

Mayans M.C. then moves to a clubhouse for the Yuma Mayans, where a woman has brought her car. Soon, she arms a bomb in the trunk and calls EZ, Gilly and Angel, who are waiting for Canche -- the Yuma Mayans President -- so they can take him out once and for all. As they wait, Gilly asks EZ what Steve's dying words -- which were directed at the young Reyes -- meant, but he claims he doesn't know.

He's then saved from any follow-up questions when Canche arrives with a group of Yuma Mayans. Complicating matters, though, is Canche's young son, who has come along with his father. Angel refuses to kill a child, but EZ and Gilly are both ready to blow the car. EZ then takes the phone detonator and goes to get eyes on the car himself so that he can detonate it when the child isn't near. Angel then goes after him, leaving Gilly alone in the car. Canche ends up spotting EZ, forcing him to blow the car when the Yuma Mayan isn't in optimal position. Still, the trio are able to flee.

Back at the Santo Padre clubhouse, Hank and Creeper talk about Steve's death. While Creeper tries to figure out why Steve did what he did, Hank becomes upset at the conversation and storms off. The action then turns to Taza and Bishop sitting at the club's table. They're interrupted by a call from Palo's brother, Laura, who says that her brother came to her and that she fears his return. She asks Taza to bring her a gun to protect herself, despite his insistence that she should flee.

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The Santo Padre Mayans learn that Canche died in their attack, and his son survived. Angel and EZ then have a heart-to-heart outside the clubhouse about the events of the show thus far, particularly the latter having worked with the police in Season 1. EZ then reveals that he finally hopes that he's made up for what he's done and tells his brother that he's going to go to Lodi with Gaby. "If I stay," EZ says, "All I see is more bodies. And if I go with Gaby, maybe there's some hope." EZ, for his part, believes that Gaby is his only chance. After some resistance, Angel responds by, essentially, giving EZ permission to go.

After Angel and EZ go inside, Leticia arrives to talk to Gilly about Coco, who went to Meth Mountain alone. Leticia reveals she's scared about what's happened to Coco. Gilly tries to dismiss Leticia's concerns and tell her that she -- and Coco -- are on their own, which causes her to explode in anger.

Gilly, though, does end up going to Meth Mountain to rescue Coco from Isaac just as about the man is about to shoot him by blowing up a drug lab. This distracts Isaac, and Gilly is able to get Coco out. However, Coco insists on finding his girlfriend, Hope. They go to her trailer, but she's nowhere to be found. Instead, she's outside with Isaac and his squad, who end up in a showdown with Gilly and Coco.

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When she gets close to Coco, Hope says that Isaac won't ever let her leave and that he's got to go on without her. However, as Coco walks away, Isaac makes clear he's going to kill Hope. This causes Coco to run back and shoot Isaac in the neck. This starts a showdown that quickly fizzles when Isaac's lieutenant essentially tells the two men to take Hope and go.

Elsewhere, Marcus Álvarez, who has been tasked by Miguel with killing EZ in revenge for the murder of Dita Galindo, takes off his Mayans ring. He leaves with Nestor, who has orders to take out Álvarez if he tries to spare EZ, and heads to outside Felipe Reyes' butchershop to wait.

EZ, though, is at his trailer. Emily soon arrives and tells EZ that she thinks she's in trouble. After she sees his bags, EZ says that he's moving to Lodi with Gaby. This hurts Emily, as EZ didn't plan on saying goodbye to her. They then talk about destiny and how their life together could have gone and EZ sees the marks around Emily's neck from where Miguel choked her. Emily downplays the event and apologizes for coming to EZ. Then, just as she's about to leave, they kiss, and Emily gives him permission to go.

Gaby, for her part, is already at Felipe's butchershop, where he gives her one last paycheck and a St. Francis medallion that belonged to his wife, Marisol. Things take a turn for the worse when Gaby reveals to Felipe that EZ is coming with her. The elder Reyes makes Gaby sit down and explains that she can't save EZ. "EZ is broken," Felipe says. And while Gaby says she doesn't believe him, Felipe asks her to be honest with herself and says that he wouldn't be able to take something happening to her, the same way it happened to his wife (whose ashes he will later in the episode scatter to the Mexican wind through the border wall).

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The action then turns to the remaining Mayans leaders, who convene a meeting to figure out what to do following the death of Canche. Tucson Mayans President Ibarra is seemingly able to convince them to agree to work under Bishop and let the past remain in the past. However, when Diaz goes to give Ibarra back his cut, the Stockton Mayans President shoots him in the back of the head. In the background, it's revealed that Canche didn't die in the attack, setting up a major showdown.

Elsewhere in the episode, Luisa "Adelita" Espina continues her quest to get revenge for the things done to her by the American government. She shows up to where government agent and former Lincoln Potter ally Anna Linares is eating a meal. It's revealed that Linares tried to expose what Potter did to Adelita and, in return, was exiled from the United States. While at first Linares is certain that she has come to murder her, Adelita soon reveals she's actually after Potter. Linares then writes down where to find Potter, warning her not to "believe a word he says."

Potter, for his part, finally makes his return to the show when he calls Miguel from a beach. The Assistant U.S. Attorney reveals that Miguel has been framed for the death of Palomo, as Adelita's people claimed to be working for the Galindo Cartel. There's now a murder warrant out for Miguel and his property is being seized. However, Potter has contacted Miguel before federal agents get to his home due to a desire to, essentially, keep things interesting.

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Afterwards, Miguel gets into contact with Emily and tells her that they need to run. Miguel, for his part, ends up waiting at a helicopter for his family. However, Emily takes her son, Cristobel, and heads to her sister Erin's home. She sends her medication and wedding ring with a bodyguard, making clear that Emily knows exactly what Miguel tried to do. Soon after, Miguel takes off for parts unknown in his helicopter, his relationship effectively dead, as he flies out of Mayans M.C. Season 3.

And while he may have saved Miguel, things get incredibly tense for Potter. After going to the market to get groceries, Potter returns home to find that his girlfriend and child are missing, their house covered in flies. A blood-soaked Adelita then appears with a kitchen knife. At first, Potter tells her not to harm his family, but Adelita makes clear she has no interest in recreating the violence that the Galindo Cartel inflicted on her family. Just as Adelita looks likely to kill Potter, though, he reveals his last triumph card: Her son isn't dead. While Adelita thinks he's lying, Potter threatens her, saying, "If you kill me, if you hurt my family, I promise you, you will never find your son." And there Season 3 leaves Adelita and Potter.

At the butchershop, Álvarez and Nestor see EZ pull up. While Nestor wants to kill him right away, Álvarez aims to spare Felipe, who he believes has suffered enough tragedy. Soon, EZ learns from Felipe that Gaby has left for Lodi without him. EZ realizes that it's Felipe who convinced her not to wait for him and he storms out to search for Gaby. EZ then gets on his bike and takes off in search of her with Álvarez and Nestor in pursuit.

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After a red light, though, Álvarez puts the car into park. "I guess we figured out where my loyalties lie," he says. Nestor then threatens to shoot Álvarez and then kill EZ himself. In response, Álvarez pulls out his own gun and points it at Nestor and asks him if he wants to be his own man or an errand boy. Later, Álvarez and Nestor watch on TV as Miguel's compound is raided.

When EZ gets to Gaby's house, he finds a letter from her in the screen door. Sitting on her steps, EZ reads Gaby's last words for him: "When summer returns and the roses bloom," a reference to story he told her about St. Francis in Mayans M.C. Season 3, Episode 6, "You Can't Pray a Lie."

Around this time, Taza heads to Laura's house with a gun. However, unbeknownst to him, Palo -- who is wearing his new Mayans cut -- is already in the house and he essentially forced Laura to help him, as he's got her son. Palo escorts Taza at gunpoint into a killroom covered in plastic.  Taza and Palo have a confrontation about David, with the latter trying to justify killing his brother for being queer. This proves enough of a distraction that Taza is able to grapple with Palo, but the latter soon gets the upper hand.

Just as Palo looks likely to kill Taza, Laura comes in and shoots her brother in the back. She then screams at Taza to get out of her house. "All this death," she says, "All to keep your secret." Laura then says that she's going to tell the police the truth about what happened. Before he leaves, Taza strips away Palo's Mayans cut.

From there, Taza returns to the Santo Padre clubhouse and shows Palo's cut to Bishop. Although he knows something is coming, he's not quite sure what. Still, with his mortal enemy gone, Taza puts a gun on the table and reveals the truth about how he killed Michael "Riz" Ariza in Season 2 to start a gangwar. As their segment ends, Bishop picks up the gun and Taza accepts his fate for all the things that he's done.

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Just what happens isn't shown, though. Instead, Mayans M.C. cuts to EZ in the clubhouse and preparing to embrace life as a Mayan. "This is who I am," EZ says. "This is where I belong." EZ then goes outside, where he hears a gunshot break the silent night. However, then a bunch of molotov cocktails come over the gate: The Santo Padre compound is being attacked by the combined forces of the other Mayans groups, as led by Canche. And thus ends Mayans M.C. Season 3.

Created by Kurt Sutter and Elgin James, Mayans M.C. stars J.D. Pardo as EZ Reyes, Clayton Cardenas as Angel Reyes, Sarah Bolger as Emily Galindo, Michael Irby as Obispo "Bishop" Losa, Carla Baratta as Luisa "Adelita" Espina, Richard Cabral as Johnny "Coco" Cruz, Raoul Trujillo as Che "Taza" Romero, Danny Pino as Miguel Galindo, Edward James Olmos as Felipe Reyes and Emilio Rivera as Marcus Álvarez. New episodes air Tuesday on FX and are made available the following day on Hulu.

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