My Hero Academia: 10 Least Sympathetic Characters, Ranked | CBR

Many colorful characters populate the story of My Hero Academia, counting both superheroes and villains alike, and everything in between. Some characters are more fleshed out than others, but most of them get at least some token development, exploring their backstories, their motivations, their goals, and much more.

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Many characters are at least somewhat sympathetic, even if they are rough or aggressive on the surface, such as Katsuki Bakugo, who is secretly envious of Izuku Midoriya's progress, or even Tomura Shigaraki, who got some character development in recent chapters. However, there are some characters who are nearly impossible to forgive for what they have done, or their goals, personalities, and motives are so questionable or cruel that these characters haven't earned sympathy from viewers. No one can feel bad for characters like these.

10 Minoru Mineta Is Class 1-A's Mega-Pervert

Minoru Mineta is an odd case. If he toned down his antics somewhat, he would be somewhat sympathetic, but as things stand, he falls just short. In his favor are factors such as his decent grades, his genuine desire to be a popular hero, and his increasingly resourceful use of his Pop Off Quirk. Of course, there are still some outstanding issues.

Minoru is notorious for his inappropriate and perverted ways, aggressively alienating him from viewers and his classmates alike, especially Momo Yaoyorozu and Kyoka Jiro. He was also quick to flee from villains early in the series, something that no one appreciated.

9 Neito Monoma Is Class 1-B's Biggest Advocate Who Bullies Class 1-A

Like Minoru Mineta, Neito Monoma of Class 1-B does have a few factors in his favor, but the downsides outweigh the upsides, resulting in a character who is rather difficult to root for. In all fairness, it's admirable that Neito urgently wants Class 1-B to succeed and prove itself to Class 1-A, and at least he has a sense of loyalty and teamwork.

These virtues would be much stronger if Neito didn't harass and mock Class 1-A nonstop like a bully. Neito is far too fixated on spiting Class 1-A's members, and he even annoys his own classmates in the process, mainly Itsuka Kendo. There must be a better way for Neito to express his competitive feelings than this.

8 Endeavor Is The New #1 Pro Hero Who Has Scarred His Family

Endeavor, the top pro hero, is yet another case of a character who started off in the red but is trying to climb out of the hole. Endeavor's quest for atonement is the subject of much debate both among My Hero Academia characters and its fans alike, making his character arc rather interesting.

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Endeavor has much to answer for, such as unfairly pressuring and rejecting his children for the sole purpose of raising a Todoroki who can surpass All Might. Children are meant to be cherished, not treated as tools for domination, and Endeavor should have aimed to surpass All Might himself. If he can't do it, then he should move on and not burden his children with this goal.

7 Seiji Shishikura Of Shiketsu High Is More Than Arrogant

The Shiketsu student known as Seiji Shishikra takes himself and his school a bit too seriously. It's one thing to be a proud student of an elite school, but confidence can easily slide into arrogance territory, and Seiji is more than a little arrogant.

Seiji appeared during the provisional hero license exam, and he made it his mission to cull countless students whom he deemed unworthy and only allow the cream of the crop to advance. It's not Seiji's job to do that, and who is he to decide who's worthy or not? That, combined with his humorless and cold personality, makes him nearly impossible to care about.

6 Magne Is The Magnetic Villain Who Commits Crimes For Fun & Profit

Most of the villains in this series are totally unsympathetic, and that is probably by design. Characters such as Twice are a bit of an exception to help balance things out, but overall, the League of Villains' members are nothing but monsters. That includes Magne, who once dueled Tiger of the Wild, Wild Pussycats.

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Magne had already committed many atrocities as a villain and would gladly commit many more, simply for fun or for profit, and there is no forgiving that. In addition, Magne never had a "pet the dog" scene, where Magne showed a great act of kindness or generosity toward someone else. Magne was a villain, period.

5 Moonfish Is The Toothy Villain Has An Eerie Fixation With Human Flesh

One of the most chilling members of the League of Villains was Moonfish, a man bound almost entirely in black leather and straps. His Quirk allowed him to rapidly extend his teeth and sharpen the edges, to create a web of organic blades and slice up his foes.

Little is known about Moonfish's backstory or personality, except that he is eerily focused on human flesh, calling it "meat." That, combined with his creepy appearance and Quirk, makes him among the least sympathetic characters of all.

4 Mustard Is The Revolver-Toting Villain Who Enjoys Hurting Others

Some of My Hero Academia's least sympathetic characters are those who hurt other people and enjoy it, and that includes Mustard, who is probably among the League's youngest members. Mustard can emit a deadly gas from all over his body, and he fought U.A.'s students in a support capacity with that Quirk.

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Mustard doesn't even try to have a noble or halfway sympathetic story or worldview that got twisted by villainy. He is a vicious person inside and out, taking glee in shooting his victims with a gun if his poison gas doesn't kill them first. That's just despicable, and Itsuka said as much right before she knocked Mustard out.

3 All For One Is Literally The Symbol Of Evil

Incredibly, the supervillain known as All For One has a faint glimmer of a sympathetic side. In the early days of Quirks, he sought to redistribute Quirks to make people happier, though he also demanded that they swear loyalty to him in the process. In this way, All For One cultivated a whole cult of followers.

All For One wanted the world to be stable and secure, but only if he could be the big boss. It's a somewhat noble goal totally soured by selfish ambition, and that, combined with All For One's many atrocities, makes him difficult to empathize with.

2 Muscular Is The Brawny Villain Who Enjoys The Misery Of Others

Like Mustard, the melee villain known as Muscular seems to enjoy causing pain and misery to other people, and it's a good thing Izuku defeated him before he got a chance to cause any more damage. Muscular killed both of Kota's parents, and he even tried to kill Kota himself. That's just horrible.

Muscular fought Izuku to the bitter end until he was finally captured and hauled off. It's easy to say "good riddance" to someone like him, and it's incredibly unlikely that any future flashbacks will depict a sympathetic or gentle side to Muscular's personal story.

1 Overhaul Is The Yakuza Boss Who Abused Eri

Even if the crime boss Overhaul isn't quite as powerful or influential as All For One, he managed to be even more cruel and difficult to sympathize with. He was born into a life of crime and aspired to become a crime boss since his boyhood. And he has no regrets.

Overhaul is despicable enough for being the leader of Shie Hassaikai, a large crime family, and much worse is his treatment of the young Eri. Overhaul kidnapped and tormented Eri nonstop to create the anti-Quirk drug, and Overhaul will gladly kill people (such as Magne) without a second thought. Even when he was restrained and lost his arms to Tomura Shigaraki, no one shed a single tear for him. His list of crimes is far too long.

NEXT: Fairy Tail: The 5 Most Sympathetic Characters (& 5 Total Monsters)

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