Naruto: 4 Ninja Who Avoid Killing Their Opponents (& 6 Who Have A Lot Of Blood On Their Hands)

The life of a shinobi is often a violent one. War and death come with the territory, yet they're not easily accepted by all. In Narutothere seems to be two different types of ninja. The first type is those who become shinobi to protect, desiring peace and a harmonious world where all life is valued. They therefore perfect their skill so that one day they can save the lives of others. Sometimes this means killing a rival ninja, but they do their best to avoid this option at all costs.

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Then there are those who pursue a shinobi life to capitalize on their bloodlust. Recognized as an acceptable way of killing, these ninja hone their skills so they can take the lives of others. Powerful yet reckless, many end up joining terrorist organizations like the Akatsuki.

10 BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS: Kakuzu Only Cared About Money & Nothing Else

Even by the Akatsuki's standards, Kakuzu was evil. Taking a life never required a second thought as long as his victim was worth a lot of money. His pursuit of riches resulted in the deaths of countless shinobi including Asuma Sarutobi. Kakuzu wouldn't just stop after killing his victims, though. He would then take their hearts, infusing them with his own body to obtain near-immortality. He lived for almost 200 years, leaving fans to only guess how many lives he took in the process.

9 AVOIDS KILLING: Naruto Always Searches For The Good In His Opponents

As the kindhearted, idealistic protagonist, Naruto believes everyone had good in them somewhere. Because of this, Naruto rarely kills his opponents. The only official kill in his ninja career is that of Yura, a ninja from the Sand Village. Naruto refuses to let his overwhelming power fuel his desire to kill, instead remaining humble in battle and offering his opponent the chance at redemption. Even when fighting powerful opponents like Pain, who had just killed Kakashi, Naruto looked for the good in the villain right until his last moments.

8 BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS: Sasuke's Vengeance Left Behind A Trail Of Bodies

Early on in Naruto, Sasuke was motivated by his desire to kill his brother. He grew into a powerful ninja, slaughtering all who stood in the way of his showdown with Itachi. However, after succeeding in killing his brother he discovered a painful truth that sent him on a path filled with death.

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Sasuke went on to kill Danzo and intended to do a lot more damage. He was cursed with the infamous Uchiha hatred, and his heart was closed off. If it wasn't for Naruto, Sasuke's body count would be even higher.

7 AVOIDS KILLING: Like His Son, Minato Preferred Peace Over Violence

It's no surprise Naruto grew up the way he did, sharing the same ninja philosophy as his father. Minato did kill on occasion but only when deemed absolutely necessary, such as protecting his comrades during the Third Great Ninja War. However, when fighting A and Killer Bee, Minato had the opportunity to end Bee's life, but instead, he reminded Bee of his value as a brother. His unrivaled skill yet diplomatic nature made Minato the perfect Hokage. He was a pacifist born into a dangerous way of life.

6 BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS: Hidan's Immortality Meant He Didn't Value The Lives Of Others

Like his partner Kakuzu, Hidan was the human embodiment of evil. Before he was recruited by the Akatsuki, Hidan roamed the world, killing anyone who crossed his path. Even as a member of the Akatuski, Hidan showed no care for the greater goal. He was content as long as there was blood to spill. He was mostly responsible for the death of Asuma Sarutobi, and he wanted to take the lives of the rest of his team. But, he underestimated Shikamaru's genius, meeting his own end in the most painful way imaginable.

5 AVOIDS KILLING: Hashirama Established The First Ninja Village To Escape The Cycle Of Needless Death

Of all his incredible gifts, it was Hashirama's compassion that was most impressive. Born during a time when ninja were nothing more than killing machines destined for brief lives, Hashirama befriended Madara, a rival from the Uchiha Clan, and together they dreamed of change. He went against his family's wishes and founded the first ninja village known as The Hidden Leaf. His goal was to unite the shinobi of the world and establish a peaceful system. Whilst wars did occur, Hashirama's village system did bring peace. The First Hokage's compassion meant he wasn't cut out for the role of a killer.

4 BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS: Orochimaru Took Others Lives In Hope Of Extending His Own

Orochimaru is unquestionably the most sadistic character in Naruto. He didn't kill for revenge or to protect others. Orochimaru was motivated by selfishness, blinded by greed and his desire for eternal life.

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The Sannin lost his parents at a young age, possibly explaining why he feared his own death. However, Orochimaru didn't just kill, and he went on to perform twisted experiments that often ended with the death of his test subjects. Many died as Orochimaru searched for answers to his most pressing questions.

3 AVOIDS KILLING: Sakura Preferred To Save Lives Rather Than Take Them

As a prodigious medical ninja, Sakura spent most of her time preventing death rather than adding to it. Following in the footsteps of her teacher Tsunade, Sakura saved countless lives during the Fourth Great Ninja War. But don't for one minute think Sakura was soft—her immense physical strength was feared by all, including Naruto and Sasuke. Sakura wasn't a complete pacifist, though, as her deep love for her friends meant she would take a life in order to protect them.

2 BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS: Tobirama Lacked The Softer Side Of His Brother Hashirama

Tobirama was an anomaly amongst those chosen to be Hokage. He grew up in a different time, where children were expected to kill in order to survive. And whilst his brother remained kindhearted, Tobirama was hardened by those harsh conditions.

He lost several brothers early on at the hands of the Uchiha, leading to a well-known hatred of the clan. However, it's difficult to argue that Tobirama enjoyed killing. Instead, he valued it as an option. When diplomacy failed, the Second Hokage would turn to killing if it helped save his village.

1 BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS: Itachi Betrayed His Pacifist Nature When He Slaughtered His Clan

Itachi was introduced into the series from Sasuke's point of view as a cold-blooded killer who slaughtered his entire clan. But fans of the show know Itachi did this to prevent even further bloodshed—and it was an act that haunted him until his death. Consider Itachi's actions throughout the show and his disdain for violence is obvious. He could have killed Kakashi during their earlier confrontation and his undercover work in the Akatsuki saved countless lives. So although he has his own clan's blood on his hands, Itachi Uchiha preferred peace over killing, and went to great lengths to prevent as many deaths as possible.

NEXT: Naruto: Hashirama's 7 Worst Decisions As Hokage

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