Choosing your starter Pokémon at the beginning of any Pokémon game is one of the toughest choices in all of gaming. It is an important decision, as you are committing to a specific path for the duration of that play-through, providing you are eventually wanting to have even type coverage across your team.
Even though the starter Pokémon are always Water, Fire, and Grass types, their later evolution forms can sometimes bring interesting and exciting type combinations that are more useful and effective in battles than others. The best generations for starter Pokémon have the best designs, characters, and move-sets on average across all three Pokémon.
8 Generation V: Oshawott, Tepig, And Snivy Are Cute Enough But Compare Poorly To The Other Generations

The Pokémon Black & White anime series is the last time that Ash Ketchum owned all three starters, which was his approach used in the first 2 regions. Ash's Oshawott, Snivy, and Tepig have their own personalities and characteristics that make them interesting enough, but there just aren't enough memorable aspects about the trio to compare them to starter Pokémon from every other generation.
Oshawott and Snivy's final evolutions, Samurott and Serperior, don't gain a second type to go with Water and Grass respectively, and Tepig's final form, Emboar, is another Fire-Fighting combination that doesn't rank anywhere near Blaziken and Infernape.
7 Generation VIII: Scorbunny Carries The Other Sword & Shield Starters

The trio of starters from the Sword & Shield games and Pokémon Journeys series, Scorbunny, Sobble, and Grookey, all stick to their single typing through all three forms, the only other generation to do this with all three starter Pokémon is Gen II.
Scorbunny, Raboot and Cinderace arguably save this generation's choice of starters as the Fire-type bunny line is generally beloved the world over, partially due to its portrayal in the anime: adorable, adventurous, and loyal at the start and evolving into a serious battler. All three final forms can certainly be used in one's main party, but none of them really stand out as a team carrier.
6 Generation VI: The Froakie Evolution Line Is One Of The Best In The Entire Franchise

Ash's Pokémon League Finalist team was arguably his best yet and his Greninja was a crucial part of this well-oiled machine. The Water-Dark type Pokémon is the final form of Froakie, which, along with Chespin and Fennekin, make up the X & Y starters. The main thing about starter Pokémon is that each of them has a strength and a weakness against the others, and Gen VI doubles this super-effectiveness, adding Dark, Fighting, and Pyschic typings to Greninja, Chesnaught, and Delphox respectively.
Greninja is globally loved, more so than the other Gen VI starters, mostly for its strength, cool design, and good move-set. If not for the Froakie line, the Kalos starters would rank lower.
5 Generation II: Johto's Starters Were Formed In The Shadows Of Kanto's Original Three

The Johto starters are quite likely to be recognized by casual Pokémon fans just behind Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile stick to their Grass, Fire, and Water typings throughout all their evolution forms and struggle to emerge from the shadows of the starters and their final evolution forms from the original games.
Feraligatr stands out as it can utilize some of the newly introduced Dark-type moves and despite not being part Dark-type, it can help add to its offensive move coverage. It can also use Ice-type moves which is especially helpful against the strong Dragon trainers in this generation, Clair and Lance.
4 Generation VII: Sun & Moon Saw A Return Of Consistency In Terms Of Starters

The starter Pokémon from Alola is a return to consistency across all three, with adorable designs and strong dual-type final forms. All three have great move coverage and any of the three final evolutions will certainly be a big player towards the end of the Sun & Moon games.
Litten's final evolution, Incineroar, is based on a wrestler but is Dark instead of Fighting. Decidueye, Rowlet's final form, is an Owl that isn't Flying-type. It's instead Grass-Ghost. Popplio's final form, Primarina, also provides the first starter evolution that is part Fairy-type, which also allows for a diverse move-set.
3 Generation IV: Infernape, Torterra, And Empoleon Are All Good Enough To Help Beat Cynthia

Gen IV followed up on Hoenn's success and provided some new exciting additions via their starter Pokémon, Chimchar, Piplup, and Turtwig. Once again, the first forms are adorable yet effective in the early game before their evolutions occur.
Infernape brings a burning ferocity to battles, with Fire-Fighting attacks. Empoleon brings a new solid combination of Water and Steel. Torterra is a colossal tortoise with dual Grass-Ground typing. All three are superb additions to any team, especially in the mid-to-late game of Diamond, Pearl & Platinum.
2 Generation III: Hoenn's Trio Almost Rivals Kanto's Original Crew

The three starters from Hoenn, Torchic, Treecko, and Mudkip, provide lovers of the Pokémon games with three of the most powerful final evolution forms out of all the games' starters in the form of Blaziken, Sceptile, and Swampert. The Ruby & Sapphire series made the starters truly beloved among fans again, which the Johto starters never really achieved.
Ash only owned one of them in the anime, Treecko, allowing other characters to showcase starters, May with Torchic, and Brock with Mudkip. A much-needed breath of fresh air to the series.
1 Generation I: Kanto, Where It All Began

The iconic original trio of starter Pokémon, Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur all contribute to Gen I being the best generation for starter Pokémon. More than just the overwhelming sense of nostalgia and the fact that everyone knows who they are, Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur are all heavy hitters and can contribute greatly to any player's main team of Pokémon in the games, with each of them being able to learn several of the HM's, always a useful feature.
All three are featured often in the anime, with many different trainers owning them, but Charizard, in particular, is used by many strong trainers and perfectly represents why so many people adore the Charmander line and the Kanto starters in general.