It was recently announced the newest Star Wars series for Disney+, Obi-Wan Kenobi, has begun filming, which has Star Wars fans around the world rejoicing and, most importantly, speculating about what stories this six-episode series will delve into. With it being confirmed that the series will take place ten years after the end of Revenge of the Sith, there is a lot of ground that can be covered before the infamous meeting between Kenobi and Skywalker.
With the Extended Universe not considered canon anymore, there are a plethora of story ideas that the creators could pull from. From fighting Wookie Bounty Hunters to writing journals for young Skywalker to find later in life. There are a few questions during this open decade that fans are dying to have answers to and then there are some questions that aren't even worth asking.
10 Needs To Answer: Why Keep The Surname Kenobi?

After the events of Order 66, most of the Jedi were wiped out by Palpatine and the Galactic Empire. Only a few Jedi survived and scurried themselves into exile. When Obi-Wan arrives on Tatooine and presents Luke to Owen and Beru, he stays on the desert planet and takes on the new name of Ben Kenobi.
This seems problematic as Kenobi was a very well-known Jedi both within the council and to Palpatine himself, having stood alongside him throughout the Clone Wars. It's puzzling that while hiding from the Galactic Empire, he would still be using a name that would be highly recognizable.
9 Not The Question Fans Are Looking For: Seeing Young Han Solo

With the Obi-Wan series, presumably, taking place on Tatooine it wouldn't be strange to potentially see Han Solo and Chewbacca milling about as they received smuggling jobs from Jabba the Hutt. This would be about the time that they would be heavily working for the crime lord before there is a bounty put on their head.
However, this should be something that the series should avoid. Not only would introducing Han Solo be only a fan service move, but it would also create further continuity issues for when Kenobi and Solo meet in the Cantina in A New Hope. Furthermore, that kind of story might be better served in a sequel to the film as there is a lot to unpack there.
8 Needs To Answer: The Beef Between Owen & Obi-Wan

When viewers are first introduced to Owen Lars in A New Hope, it is obvious that Uncle Owen knew a bit more than he was willing to let Luke in on. When the discussion of protocol droids potentially belonging to "Old Ben Kenobi" pops up, Owen is quick to state that the "wizard is just a crazy old man."
Owen's distrust of Kenobi really came fully into focus when Obi-Wan presented Anakin's son, Luke, to Beru, and him stating that the child needed a home. Knowing that Luke could potentially fall into his father's footsteps and get mixed up with the Jedi, Owen and Beru did all they could to shield Luke from that life. This would be an excellent story to explore in the upcoming series, as the fate of Luke's life hangs in the balance.
7 Not The Question Fans Are Looking For: I Don't Remember Owning A Droid

Many a Star Wars fan have commented on the continuity issues about the shiny metal Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (C-3PO and R2-D2). Nothing has ever really brought the fan base together more than the question of how Obi-Wan seemingly forgets about C-3PO and R2-D2, despite them being in every adventure that the Jedi Knight partook in. The odds of him forgetting these droids were in his service are 725 to 1.
While this is a question that will plague the fan base now and forever, with only six episodes, that answer is best saved for a later season, if at all.
6 Needs To Answer: Ahsoka Tano's Reunion

Ahsoka Tano always had a place in fans' hearts since her introduction in The Clone Wars, but that love grew exponentially when Rosario Dawson donned the makeup in season 2 of The Mandalorian. So much so that they are even providing her own series to follow her adventures in a post-Empire world.
It's not out of the realm of possibilities to see the former padawan located and reconnect with her master's former trainer to make sure that he is alright and alive. While a risky move for two wanted Jedi to be seen together, their reunion would certainly make for great television.
5 Not The Question Fans Are Looking For: We Don't Need To See Luke

The reason for Obi-Wan's existence on Tatooine, and likely the basis for the entire series, is to watch over the young Skywalker as he is said to be the chosen one that the prophecy states. However, it would do nothing for the series for viewers to see Luke before his introduction in A New Hope.
When fans meet Luke, they immediately connect with a young man looking for a life beyond his station. As an audience, we identify with his plight and want to see him jump into this adventure. If we see him as a child and dealing with Tatoonie's related adventures, it would undercut the importance and the appreciation that we have when we meet him staring at those Twin Suns.
4 Need To Answer: Would Rey's Real Father Please Stand Up?

While divisive, the introduction of Rey's true parentage raised a lot of questions about the Palpatine family tree and the creation of what are known as "Strand-Cast clones."
To introduce the Emperor's cloned son, prior to meeting Rey's mother might help tie up that story thread and provide some fleshing out for a movie that is already under much scrutiny. To bring Obi-Wan into that plot point would even provide more weight to his guiding voice being present when Rey touches Luke's lightsaber in The Force Awakens and in The Rise of Skywalker.
3 Not The Question Fans Are Looking For: Bo Katan Replacing Satine

In The Clone Wars, fans were introduced to the first --and only-- love of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze. Sister to Bo Katan, she was a member of Mandalore who was killed by Darth Maul in an act of retaliation. While exploring the connected loss of a loved one for these two characters is certainly something that the show could certainly explore, that's as far as it should go.
All too often, storylines like these find the two grieving parties getting closer with each other and touching upon a romance. To have Obi-Wan and Bo Katan even entertain that idea would be disingenuous and a bit too predictable.
2 Needs To Answer: Live-Action Death of Maul

At this point, it's almost a requirement to have Darth Maul play a part within this series. The rivalry between Kenobi and Maul started in The Phantom Menace and continued through The Clone Wars series. While it finally officially concluded in the series Rebels, it would be amazing if they brought that final fight from animation to live-action.
To have Ewan McGregor against the red-and-black-faced foe, would not only be thrilling for the audience but serve as a wonderful bookend to an arc that started 22 years ago.
1 Not The Question Fans Are Looking For: Is Kenobi Dancing with the Dark Side?

In order for the show to be a success, it would be best if viewers didn't follow any of the beats that The Last Jedi touched upon. While the eighth installment has its supporters, it was certainly a divisive film if nothing else because of the treatment of Luke. To have Obi-Wan potentially start off in a similar position of dourness and wavering between light and dark would do nothing but further divide the fan base.
One thing that has to be true is that Obi-Wan, no matter how stacked the deck is against him, always remains true to the light side and the ways of the Jedi. For he is, at least at this point in time, one of the only Jedi in existence and that is a very powerful thing to be.