10 Characters That Still Need DC Showcase Animated Shorts | CBR

As if each release of a new DC Animated Universe Original Movie wasn’t awesome enough for fans, each film also comes with a short film under the DC Showcase Label. These films explore characters that may not be widely known or popular characters who have yet to receive their own full-length features. Such films have featured the likes of Jonah Hex, The Phantom Stranger, and Green Arrow.

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Even with the success these shorts have gotten, there are still quite a few DC characters that are very deserving of their own shorts but have yet to receive one. From fan favorites to characters who haven't been explored in a while, there's a number of characters who could lend themselves to the format of these short films.

10 The Challengers of the Unknown Should Make a Comeback

More of an actual team than a single character, the Challengers of the Unknown are a team of adventurers who have gone up against many bizarre threats in their pursuits of knowledge about the untold truths of their world and other worlds as well. While they were overshadowed by Marvel's own team of fantastical scientists and explorers, the Fantastic Four, the Challengers have continued to make appearances here and there.

A DC Showcase short could bring some attention back to the team and allow them to carve out their own identity. The Challengers could take on something of the supernatural variety or find themselves prisoners in an alien world, similar to the stories from their earlier comics.

9 Booster Gold Should Get More of the Spotlight He Craves

Everyone's favorite glory hog from the 25th century has proved his worth in recent years, so what better way to celebrate him than with a DC Showcase film? A short film starring Booster Gold would probably see him and his sidekick Skeets constantly using time travel as a means to get the drop on a criminal and bask in the success of it, only for that honor to go to another hero.

It isn't long before Booster's repeated interference with time travel sends the main timeline out of whack, with him being left to fix it.

8 Letting The Huntress Go Solo Would Bring More Attention To Her

Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress has gotten more exposure outside comics than most, appearing in shows like Justice League Unlimited and Arrow and films such as Birds of Prey, but these instances haven't always done justice to her character.

This is mainly due to her being a side character in these appearances, as viewers only get glimpses into Helena's past as the sole survivor of the Bertinelli crime family and her quest for vengeance on the Mafia that shaped her into the Huntress. Making her the lead of her own short film, where she takes on one of Gotham City's crime families, would solve this problem.

7 The Question's Pursuit of the Truth Is Always Fascinating

Vic Sage, the persistent detective, conspiracy theorist, and crimefighter better known as The Question, has ripe potential for a DC Showcase short. Much like Batman and previous DC Showcase star Green Arrow, The Question has no powers but relies on his wits and specialty in combat when on the case.

Capturing just the right noir-esque tone and complexity that are inherent to both of Vic Sage's identities is essential to this short.

6 Katana Is A Character Brimming With Unexplored Potential

With her prominence in recent years thanks to appearances on Arrow, in Suicide Squad, as a lead on Beware the Batman, and a consistent member of The OutsidersTatsu Yamashiro is quite deserving of the spotlight that the DC Showcase series provides.

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It would be interesting if a short film had her operating on a chosen solo mission that tied directly to her past. This would allow for a deeper look into her relationship with her late husband Maseo, whose soul resides in her main weapon the Soultaker, and how she has changed as a person since then. Not to mention that seeing the DC Showcase team tackle a character who happens to be a samurai would lead to some pretty great action moments.

5 Exploring Captain Atom on a Larger Scale Would Bring in Fans, Old 7 New

Originally a Charlton Comics character, Captain Atom, along with the likes of Peacemaker, Blue Beetle, and The Question were brought into the DC Universe in the 1980s. Captain Atom was already the strongest character Charlton had to offer and his powers only increased at DC, though he hasn't gotten as much attention recently that a character of his stature should require.

A large-scale DC Showcase short that shows off Captain Atom's powers of energy absorption and manipulation that the Quantum Field grants him could remind old fans of how great he is and would bring in new fans of the character as well.

4 Ambush Bug Wouldn't Let People Forget Him

Ambush Bug's role as DC's wacky, fourth-wall-breaking character has been given to Harley Quinn in recent years, but maybe a DC Showcase film could be just the thing he needs to reclaim his place as DC's own answer to Marvel's Deadpool.

In fact, a short film starring him could have him address the fact that he's not as popular as he once was and how both Harley Quinn and Deadpool have "stolen" his identity. He could also rant about the format of the DC Showcase films and how they mostly star characters that DC has somewhat forgotten about, himself included. Ambush Bug could go on these rants for so long that by the time he's ready to start the story of his short, the film ends. Think of this as DC's version of the classic Daffy Duck cartoon Duck Amuck!

3 The Creeper Needs the Chance to Really Let Loose

Despite his memorable appearances on both The New Batman Adventures and Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Jack Ryder and his questionably sane alter ego, The Creeper, haven’t really gotten their due outside of the comics, which is a shame as there's a lot of potential to explore the powers, motivations, and overall complexity of this character.

A DC Showcase film would be a good start in exposing him to a wider audience, especially if he's pitted against The Joker. As seen on The New Batman Adventures, The Joker of all people managed to be freaked out by The Creeper, and revisiting that dynamic would be a lot of fun.

2 Human Target Could Use a Return to His Darker Roots

Christopher Chance, the brilliant master of disguise and P.I. better known as the Human Target, has gotten not one but two live-action TV series in the past as well as an appearance on Arrow. And yet he’s not close to being the household name that he should be, but a DC Showcase short done right could fix that.

Recent DCAU films haven't shied away from the darker elements of their source material and the same goes for the DC Showcase films. A short film that frees Chance from the content restrictions of his past appearances and takes inspiration from Peter Milligan's Vertigo run on the series, which doubled as a psychological character study and a gritty spy thriller, could be a huge hit.

1 People Deserve To See the Badass That Cassandra Cain Really Is

Birds of Prey got a lot of flack for its take on Cassandra Cain, especially since the character from the comics has little to nothing in common with the character from the film. Fans know that Cain isn't an unassuming pickpocket but the daughter of Lady Shiva and David Cain who's an exceptionally trained and efficient martial artist and the third character to take on the mantle of Batgirl.

Despite being mute and illiterate, she was trained by her parents to become an expert at reading body language to the extent that she can understand the thoughts and feelings of others or anticipate an enemy's actions. Having her as the star of a DC Showcase film would make for a unique viewing experience that plays into those aforementioned traits while not skimping on the visceral action scenes.

NEXT: DC: 5 Marvel Villains Katana Could Defeat (& 5 She Would Lose To)

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