10 Most Balanced DC Heroes, Ranked | CBR

Balance is important regardless of who one is or what they do and it can be doubly important when one is, say, battling super-powered beings with the fate of millions at stake. While having one amazing power or skill is great, a hero who is more multi-faceted can respond to threats better and save more lives. Luckily for the denizens of the DC Universe, their respected roster of heroes contains some of the most balanced heroes around.

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These heroes use their variety of skills and powers to tackle the deadliest villains and deal with the biggest threats, saving the day when everything seems lost because of everything they can do.

10 Batman Is One Of The Most Multi-Faceted Heroes Of Them All

It's kind of cliche by now to point out that Batman can do just about anything given enough time and resources but this makes it no less true. Batman faces down some of the deadliest villains in Gotham City and is an integral member of the Justice League and a huge reason for this is just how good he is at everything.

Honestly, it's easier to list the things that Batman isn't good at than what he is good at. His wide range of skills and his proficiency in those skills is basically a superpower and with resources like he has, few can hold a candle to him.

9 Superman's Variety Of Powers And Skills Allow Him To Take On Anything

When a lot of people think of Superman, they think of an OP character and sure, that's fair. Superman has more powers than one can shake a stick at and his powers levels are frankly a bit insane but those powers, combined with his amazing skills, actually balance out nicely. Sure, Superman can do just about anything he puts his mind to but against the things he faces, he needs to be able to.

His variety of powers and abilities allow Superman to handle anything from bank robbers to natural disasters to evil gods bent on multiversal destruction. On top of that, his power level is actually nicely balanced when one takes into account all of the things he faces.

8 Martian Manhunter Is The Justice League's Jack Of All Trades

Martian Manhunter is another character who seems to be unbalanced but isn't. He has a multitude of powers but this actually goes to prove why he's so balanced. Martian Manhunter can pretty much do anything he sets his mind to, which is pretty important for someone who has been on just about every major team in the DC Universe.

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Martian Manhunter is the hero that can be asked to do just about anything and he can pretty much pull any of it off. His variety of powers make him perfect for roles on the front line or in support and there few heroes who can match his utility in battle.

7 Shazam's Powers Run The Gamut And Let Him Handle Nearly Anything

Shazam is one of those weird heroes who can be considered overrated and underrated and there's a valid argument for each point. He's a kid with amazing powers, so while he can do a lot, being a bit immature holds him back. However, this is overlooking just how good Billy Batson is at everything.

Billy's more down to Earth than he seems and this makes a huge difference in his battles. The variety of powers gifted him by the Wizard's magic lightning gives him a lot of options and he knows how to use all of them to his advantage. He can pretty much do anything he needs to do, making him a great hero to have around.

6 Wonder Woman Does It All With Unparalleled Fierceness

Wonder Woman is one of the strongest women in the DC Universe but that's probably the least of her skills. She's uncannily fast, can fly, and is one of the best hand-to-hand fighters around. Besides all of that, she's also has a variety of other skills that come from her training as the daughter of a monarch.

Wonder Woman is a great leader, a capable and cunning diplomat, and, most importantly, endlessly compassionate. All of this, combined with her powers, has allowed Wonder Woman to triumph over just about any threat she's ever faced.

5 Black Canary Is One Of The Most Skilled Vigilantes Around

Black Canary brings way more to the table than most people suspect, which is why she's always such a respected and important member of any team she joins. Her canary cry sonic scream is a devastating power but she only pulls it out when she needs to- she's an amazing hand-to-hand combatant and can beat most with just her fists and her feet.

She's surprisingly strong and fast and a capable and cunning hero. Anyone who can ride herd on Green Arrow is a tough cookie who can take charge of any situation and that's Black Canary in a nutshell. Taken together, her balance of skills makes her one of the most feared heroes for villains to face.

4 Mister Terrific Is One Of The Most Skilled Heroes In The DC Universe

Batman gets all the plaudits but there are people that he goes to when he's stumped or needs help. The main person he goes to for help in those situations is Mister Terrific. To begin, Michael Holt was a gold-medal-winning Olympic decathlete before becoming a superhero. He's one of the smartest people on Earth, having invented all kinds of marvelous things.

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He's an amazingly skilled fighter and his T-spheres give him all kinds of options for dealing with situations. Mister Terrific can outthink or outfight any foe he comes across and is the best of the best.

3 John Constantine Can Survive Anything

John Constantine is the ultimate survivor. It's what he does best- there's a reason that he's usually around in any DC dystopian future. John Constantine isn't the smartest guy around; he's not the best fighter and he's not the most powerful sorcerer. However, all of his skills balance in such a way that he can survive anything and have a smoke and a pint afterwards.

John has spent years amassing information and favors, learning skills, and conning people. He'll do anything to survive and this has allowed him to win in situations where most would fail miserably. He doesn't have to be the best or most powerful- he has it where it counts.

2 Booster Gold Wins In Spite Of Himself Because Of His Variety Of Skills

Booster Gold is one of the most annoying heroes in the DC Universe but he's also inexplicably saved all of time and space on a lot of occasions. Booster's capacity to screw things up is near bottomless but he makes up for that by having a variety of skills and a heroic wherewithal that is nearly unmatched, which gets him through everything.

Booster's armor is made of a variety of futuristic artifacts that allow him to fly, project force fields and fire energy blasts, protect him from harm, and gives him super strength. Those powers, combined with his experience, sense of self-preservation, and desire to be a superhero make him more than the sum of his parts and balance out all of his foibles.

1 Hawkman Is More Than Just A Bruiser With Wings

Hawkman has a reputation for being the kind of guys who hits first and thinks never but that really does him an injustice. Sure, his Nth metal enhanced physical abilities, tremendous fighting skill, and brutal arsenal make him an ideal bruiser but it also discounts the things that balance all of that out and make him so fearsome.

Hawkman has been around for millennia. He's a cunning strategist, a skilled leader, and way smarter than he lets on. Anyone who has survived and accomplished what he has over the years has to be a formidable person and a big part of why Hawkman has succeeded so much is because of the balance of his skills.

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