10 Most Balanced Marvel Villains, Ranked | CBR

Marvel has created some of the most memorable villains in comic history, the perfect foes for their heroes. Whether solo or in powerful groups, Marvel's villains run the gamut from rather too weak to extremely powerful but some of the most dangerous are the more balanced villains. These intimidating foes have a wide variety of skills, powers, and abilities, ones that set them apart from villains who depend too much on one thing.

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Challenging heroes is tough work but the more a villain diversifies, the easier it is for them. Their wider range of skills makes them a bigger threat and gives them more of a chance to triumph.

10 Thanos' Multitude Of Skills And Powers Are What Make Him So Dangerous

Thanos is one of the Marvel Universe's greatest villains and for the uninitiated, they think that's because of the sheer level of his power. Now, this definitely helps- Thanos is one of the most powerful beings in the cosmos. However, one of the things that really makes Thanos so deadly is his wide range of skills.

Thanos is not only amazingly strong, able to generate and control vast amounts of energy, and fantastically durable, but he's also a shrewd tactician, extremely intelligent, and a great hand-to-hand combatant. His power helps but it's his smarts and skills that really make him dangerous.

9 Sabretooth Is A Villainous Jack Of All Trades

Sabretooth is known for tormenting Wolverine, which isn't easy. Sabretooth has been around for a very long time and he's learned a variety of skills in all of those years. He's devilishly clever and skilled, and has been trained in both regular military and special ops operations. He's a crackshot and knows his way around the criminal underworld of multiple countries.

On top of all that, he's strong, fast, and feral. Much like Wolverine, his healing factor allows him to sponge up damage that would end an army of lesser people. Sabretooth may seem like a wild animal but he's actually a much more balanced and devastating opponent than meets the eye.

8 Mystique Is A Master Combatant

There are few mutants out there as dangerous as Mystique is. She's been alive for almost a century and in that time has not only mastered multiple forms of combat but also just about every other facet of spycraft. Her shapeshifting skills have also allowed her to cultivate skills as a master manipulator and she's used all of this to her advantage.

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On top of that, she's learned to be a whiz with numbers and identities, able to move fortunes around between her various personas and launder money with the best of them. She can do it all and is one of the most dangerous black ops operators on the planet.

7 Apocalypse Combines Power And Experience As One Of The Most Dangerous Beings On Earth

Apocalypse has long been one of the most powerful mutants on the planet. Super-strong, able to completely control his molecular structure, a powerful telepath, and able to manipulate vast amounts of energy, Apocalypse also has Celestial technology at his disposal and the kind of skill and experience that only comes with millennia of experience.

Apocalypse doesn't just overpower his opponents but outthinks them as well. His variety of skills and powers are what makes him so deadly- power on its own can be beaten but a foe who is both strong and smart will always be more dangerous than one who depends too much on power.

6 Kraven Has Used His Multi-Faceted Abilities To Defeat Spider-Man

Kraven the Hunter has always been one of Spider-Man's most dangerous foes. A supremely skilled hunter, he's adept with a variety of weapons and has hunted down the most dangerous game the world has to offer. Endowed with superhuman skills by special potions he's ingested, he's proven a match for even Spider-Man.

Kraven doesn't win because of his overwhelming strength but because of his well-balanced skills. His strength, speed, and skill combined are what have allowed him to defeat Spider-Man, which is an accomplishment that few villains can crow about.

5 Kingpin Has It All

Kingpin is the very definition of a balanced, multi-faceted threat. Few villains out there can bring to bear what he can and that's what's made him one of New York City's deadliest villains. As the head of the NYC underworld, he has the money and resources to throw all kinds of things at his superheroic foes, from run-of-the-mill goons to powerful assassins.

He's also extremely intelligent, able to make cunning plans that ensnare his foes. His massive size is yet another factor in his threat, as he's a mountain of muscle who's a skilled sumo wrestler, putting the cherry on top of his threat- even if a foe fights through everything else, they have to contend with him and he can fight Spider-Man to a standstill.

4 Kang The Conqueror Is A Cross Time Threat

Kang the Conqueror made his name in his far-off future by defeating every enemy he came across. He accomplished this because of his variety of skills. Kang is a skilled fighter, a tactical genius, and a crafty and intelligent foe, one who can create and use the most advanced technology to defeat his foes.

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Kang doesn't win because of brute strength but because of the balance of skills he has. These skills, combined with his powerful armor, years of vanquished foe's collected weapons, and sheer experience make him deadly, no matter what iteration of him the heroes face.

3 Doctor Octopus Has Proven He's More Than Just A Mad Scientist

From the beginning, Doctor Octopus has always balanced his vast scientific knowledge with the brute strength of his octopus arms to become one of Spider-Man's most dangerous foes. He was able to even able to wrangle a group of villains together into the Sinister Six, no easy task. However, his time as Superior Spider-Man proved just how great he could be.

Ock's time in Peter Parker's body proved he was good for more than just robbing banks, as he proved to be a great hero and a shrewd businessman, using his all of skills and experience to make Peter Parker's life better. These accomplishments have proven he's more than just a mad scientist.

2 Green Goblin Is More Of A Threat Than He Appears

Green Goblin's greatest skill is the ability to survive and it's served him well over the years. However, beyond that, he's just a superlatively talented man. His scientific genius and ruthless business acumen led to him becoming rich and powerful, his Goblin formula gives the superhuman toughness to battle superhumans, and his variety of tech rounds it all out.

Green Goblin has proven to be a match for Spider-Man and the Avengers, using his combination of smarts, tactical acumen, and just plain ruthlessness to manipulate his way to power and use it against his foes in new and interesting ways.

1 Doctor Doom Is The Epitome Of A Well Balanced Threat

Doctor Doom is widely considered the greatest villain on Earth and the main reason behind that is the vast array of skills he brings to the table. Doom is one of the smartest people on the planet, his armor rivals that of Iron Man's for sheer power and strength, and he's one of the most skilled sorcerers on the planet.

Doom has made a name for himself by being the type of human that everyone is afraid of because of just what he brings to the table. Even all-powerful beings like the Beyonder have fallen before Doom; he's just too much of a threat, with a unique balance of skills that allowed him to triumph over just about anyone.

NEXT: 10 Marvel Villains Who Aren't That Scary

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