10 Strongest Marvel Planets, Ranked | CBR

The Marvel Universe is a well-charted reality compared to our own. There are countless worlds known to exist and be populated within the Marvel Universe. Each world has a unique species with its own culture, species, and technology. Many of these planets have historically had their eyes locked on invading Earth.

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Different alien species have different strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities in Marvel. From the shape-shifting Skrulls to the reptilian Snarks, Marvel has countless distinct alien species with powers all their own. That leads one to wonder which planet has the most firepower behind it, as it seems inevitable that each Marvel planet is destined to go to war with one another at some point.

10 Strontia, The Home Planet Of A Race of Kryptonian-Like Aliens

Kallark the Gladiator is one of the most powerful beings in the universe. He serves as the head of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, and he was even the Majestor of the Empire for a time. Kallark has incredible strength, the ability to fly, supervision, can emit energy beams from his eyes, has superspeed, and is virtually invulnerable.

Kallark is a Strontian, and his entire race had these abilities. Unfortunately, Kallark is among the last Strontians, as Majestor T'Korr of the Shi'ar Empire unleashed a plague that wiped out much of the Strontian race and forced them to surrender to the Shi'ar Empire years ago.

9 Hala, The Homeworld Of The Kree Warrior Race And Throne Of Its Empire

Hala was the now-destroyed homeworld of the Kree Empire. As such, it was once teeming with Kree soldiers, warriors, and Accusers. Powerful beings such as Ronan the Accuser, Tanalth the Pursuer, Captain Mar-Vell, and the Supreme Intelligence have called this planet their home at different points in its existence.

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Furthermore, Hala was ruled by the Inhuman Royal Family for a time, meaning it also boasted individuals like Black Bolt, Crystal, and Gorgon. The Kree are a warrior race with highly advanced technology, meaning that their homeworld was once an inhospitable place for their enemies.

8 Rigel-3, The Homeworld Of The Psionically Powerful Rigellian Race

The Rigellians are a race of powerful psionic beings with a highly advanced civilization that possessed technology unimaginable to even the most intelligent of earthlings. They also created the Rigellian Recorders, which were intended to observe other planets throughout the universe.

However, Rigel-3 was eventually destroyed by the Black Stars, carnivorous planets that cut a path of destruction across the universe. Now, the Rigellian Recorders are all that remain of the Rigellion civilization.

7 Skrullos, The Homeworld Of The Skrull Race And Its Empire

Skrullos was once the throneworld of the Skrull Empire. However, it has since been consumed by Galactus, leaving the Skrull race without their true home.

The Skrulls are also a highly advanced race with incredible scientific achievements. The Skrulls are a warrior race with the uncanny ability to mimic shapeshift into other beings of comparable size. Furthermore, they've unlocked powerful genetic engineering which allowed Skrulls to be imbued with the superhuman abilities of Earth's heroes. The most notorious success of this program is K'lrt the Super-Skrull, who possesses the abilities of all four members of the Fantastic Four.

6 Ego The Living Planet, The Wandering Sentient Planet

Ego the Living Planet is an Elder of the Universe who also happens to be a sentient planet capable of directing its own movement across the universe. Ego is a highly intelligent being capable of shifting its own matter and firing off blasts of psionic energy.

Ego has run afoul of Thor, the Avengers, and the Nova Corps throughout the years, but it's difficult to call Ego wholly evil. He has his own intentions and goals that don't always qualify as good or evil.

5 Xandar, The Headquarters Of The Nova Corps Of Peacekeepers

Xandar is the headquarters of the Nova Corps. The Nova Corps is an intergalactic peacekeeping organization made up of individuals armed with helmets that grant them the ability to fly at incredible speed, enhanced strength, and the ability to fire off blasts of energy.

Xandar and the entire Nova Corps were unfortunately wiped out during the first Annihilation. Richard Rider of Earth was the only survivor. He tried to rebuild the Corps but had his efforts interrupted when he seemingly died in the Cancerverse. Later iterations of the Corps were not armed with the Nova helmets that granted them superpowers, and they were wiped out as well.

4 Saturn, Thanks To The Moon Titan And Its Race Of Eternals

Saturn itself is seemingly uninhabited, but its satellite, Titan, is home to a race of Eternals watched over by the god Kronos. The Titan Eternals were as advanced and powerful as their Earth counterparts until, one day, Thanos was born to A'Lars the Mentor and his wife, Sui-San.

Thanos wiped out most of his Titan Eternal brethren, but his presence alone makes Titan and Saturn one of the most powerful civilizations in the universe. Furthermore, former Avenger Starfox, aka Eros, also hails from Titan and is the brother of Thanos.

3 Chandilar, Throne Of The Shi'Ar Empire And The Imperial Guard

The Shi'ar Empire is possibly the most powerful and expansive empire in the Marvel Universe. They control countless star systems and even have an entire galaxy, known as the Ravenscar Galaxy, as a prison.

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Shi'ar warriors are committed and deadly, and their home planet is Chandilar. Beyond even common soldiers, the Imperial Guard, headed by the incredibly powerful Gladiator, a Strontian. The Shi'ar Imperial Guard is a vast and powerful team of superpowered individuals capable of protecting the Empire from any and all threats. Furthermore, Gabe Summers, the powerful younger brother of Cyclops, was also the Majestor of the Shi'ar Empire for a time.

2 Asgard Thanks To Its Native Race Of Asgardian Gods And Monsters

Asgard is home to the Asgardian gods, the Aesir, Thor, Odin, Amora, Bor, Loki, Skurge, Sif, Heimdall, Ulik, and all other manners of incredibly powerful beings have lived on Asgard as well. It is also where Yggdrasil the World-Tree is rooted. Asgard is home to some of the most powerful beings and one of the mightiest armies in the universe.

Despite that, Asgard has been destroyed on several occasions and has been located on Midgard on several occasions. However, Asgard always rebuilds and is currently ruled by the God of Thunder himself, Thor.

1 Earth Thanks To Its Myriad Superheroes, Its Moon, And Its Local Gods

Given the abundance of superheroes that exist on Earth, it's hard to deny that it's likely the most powerful world in the Marvel Universe. Earth has the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, the Defenders, the Thunderbolts, the Atlanteans, Olympus, the Eternals, the Wellsprings of Power, the New Warriors, Spider-Man, the Inhumans, and Uatu the Watcher once lived on its moon.

Earth is the fulcrum of many of the biggest events in the Marvel Universe, and, given the countless super-beings that live on it, it's easy to see why it gets so much attention.

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