When DC introduced the concept of Earth One, it was something distinctly different than anything they'd ever done before. Mini-series were common, and Elseworlds became frequent, but an entire universe unto itself made up entirely of original Graphic Novels was something entirely new.
The first character to receive one of these was Superman, and writer J. Michael Stracyznski and artist Shane Davis went to work creating this unique world where superheroes had never existed before. Even now, Earth One Superman is one of the most developed "Earth One" characters from an Earth in the multiverse that's largely undeveloped, with the character getting three different graphic novels, with the last volume releasing six years ago.
10 This Version Of Superman Is A Genius

Superman has always supposedly been super-intelligent, but the writers are never consistent on it. Sometimes he’s capable of understanding Kryptonian advanced technology, other times he’s being schooled by Batman on basic science. Earth One Superman isn’t getting schooled by anyone though—he’s incredibly intelligent, so much so he was able to solve an equation being worked on by multiple inventors for months in a matter of seconds.
9 He Almost Didn't Become A Writer Because He Wasn't Excellent At It

When Superman: Earth One begins, JMS quickly displays Superman is literally good at everything. Using his talents, he can embarrass players on the football field, and can get a job anywhere he wants. But when he goes to the Planet, Perry White very quickly explains to him that he’s an average writer at best. And despite being given an application to work there, the fact that it doesn’t pay well and he’s not amazing at it causes him to toss the application in the garbage.
8 The S Stands For The Son Of Krypton

The origin of Superman always needs to explain his costume and why he’s wearing it. In Man of Steel, everyone decides that the S on Superman’s chest is actually the crest of his family. It’s much more simplified in Earth One, as they decide that the S means he’s the last “son” of his home planet. They also decide he should be “Superman” because he’s so much stronger than any normal human being.
7 An Alien Race Came To Attack Him

Superman needed a reason to finally take on his identity and go into battle as a hero. Much like in Man of Steel, what inspires Superman in this universe is the arrival of an alien race. Unlike the film though, it isn’t the Kryptonian race.
Instead, it’s an entirely new group that was responsible for the destruction of Krypton. A collection of aliens who were at war with Krypton and wanted to eradicate every living Kryptonian.
6 Had A Cat Named Fuzzball

Most of the time in Superman mythology, Clark’s closest animal friend is his buddy Krypto. In some cases, Krypto comes from Krypton, but since Earth One is meant to be significantly more realistic, this was eschewed. Clark instead takes care of a young cat when he was a child, looking after him for years. When it finally passes away, Clark flies it to the moon, which had been her favorite place to look at when they were together.
5 Kryptonian History Was Downloaded Into His Brain

Every version of Superman has to learn about their origins at some point. Typically, the Kents manage to have the entire ship hidden away somewhere, so they’re able to give the ship to Clark after he starts to have questions about his origins. This time around, the Kryptonian ship was captured by the government and the Kents only had a fragment. Even with that fragment though, it’s able to download much of Kryptonian history directly into Clark’s brain.
4 Zod Was Part Of His Family And Destroyed Krypton

The alien race responsible for destroying Krypton had done so because they had been given weapons and were commanded to do so. The third volume of Superman: Earth One explained that the person who had commanded them to wipe out Krypton was actually General Zod.
This version of the House of El had once had complete control over Krypton but gave it up over time for the sake of progress. When Zod tried to take over, they fought him long enough that he finally got fed up, and decided the planet would either follow him or it could be erased from existence itself.
3 He And Lois Aren’t Close

In this universe, Superman and Lois Lane aren’t exactly the best of friends. Though Lois and Jimmy save Superman’s life several times, Lois has a problem with Superman and Clark because of how Clark manages to scoop her on who Superman actually is. Lois also digs into Clark Kent’s background because she doesn’t trust him, resulting in her learning about his history. In the end, she admits he’s legit, but the two aren’t close and by the end of three volumes ad there’s no romantic involvement that’s even close to happening.
2 He Has A New Girlfriend Here

While Clark is not particularly close to Lois, he is close to another woman in the series. His neighbor, Lisa Lasalle, is a young woman with dreams of becoming a model. Though Clark has problems getting romantically close to him because of his powers, eventually she discovers his identity. And because the two of them are able to care about each other no matter what, they find themselves in a relationship by the end of the third volume.
1 Lex Saved His Earth One Superman's Life From General Zod

The last volume of Superman: Earth One features Clark Kent in a battle against General Zod, with all the governments of Earth agreeing to stay out of the battle no matter who wins. In the end, Clark is hit with red sun energy that weakens him and allows Zod to get the upper hand. But a much younger, cooler Lex Luthor than usual who’d figured out Clark’s weaknesses, isn’t willing to allow Superman to die like that and hits Zod with the same red sun cannon to even the odds. Zod kills Lex Luthor for turning against him, and Lex’s wife Alexandra refuses to accept their responsibility in this and vows to take revenge on Superman.