Castlevania: Trevor Belmont's 10 Best Scenes In The Entire Series

The Netflix Castlevania animated series has come to a close, and although it wasn't perfect, it did end up being one of the best video game adaptations ever created. The signature art style, mature storylines, and bloody, intense action helped make Castlevania a standout from which other franchises can hopefully learn.

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Trevor Belmont was the main hero of the entire show, but he was quite different from his scant video game counterpart. Flawed, immature, yet highly heroic and skilled, this Trevor made his mark on quite a few scenes throughout Castlevania's entire four season run.

10 His Drunken Bar Fight

It's safe to say that Trevor Belmont didn't start off on the best footing. As opposed to the heroic whip-wielding character of the Castlevania III video game the show was based on, this Trevor was a drunken buffoon who got caught up in a barroom brawl when his opponent learned of his lineage.

He didn't exactly fight with gust or zeal and ended up taking far more knocks than a Belmont should, but it did give audiences a hilarious introduction to a man who, for all accounts, was pretty broken. He never truly lost this goofy style of humor throughout the show, but he did temper it with a lot of heroism.

9 Trevor Battles Alucard

The meeting between Trevor, Sypha and Alucard was bound to go wrong. There were too many factors that kept them at odds, particularly the fact that Alucard was half-vampire. While Sypha believed that Alucard might stand in opposition to Dracula, Trevor had second thoughts about him.

Their natural instincts were against one another, and they were forced to hash it out in a brutal battle. Alucard ended up gaining the upper hand, but any killing stroke would have ended his own life, as well. Eventually, the stalemate allowed them both to step back and realize that they were batting for the same team.

8 Trevor Holds Off The Night Creatures In Belmont Hold

Trevor had broken out of his complacent shell by the end of season 1, but he was still relatively rusty around the edges. He should have done better in his fight against Alucard, and that was chalked up mostly to the fact that he hadn't squared off against such a powerful opponent in a while.

After getting back in touch with his roots at Belmont Hold, he seemed ready for action. When the night creatures attacked the Hold, Trevor took on a leadership role, directing Alucard and Sypha towards specific duties, while he held off the night creatures with amazing skill and technique.

7 Trevor Fights Dracula

Audiences were waiting with baited breath to see a Belmont finally take on the dread lord of darkness, Dracula himself. It happened in the penultimate episode of season 2 when he, Alucard and Sypha finally squared off against Dracula inside Castlevania.

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Although the bulk of the fight was a personal battle between Alucard and Dracula, there were moments when Trevor made a splash, particularly when he struck a powerful blow to him using the dreaded Morningstar whip. It was one of the most iconic callbacks to the Castlevania video games featuring the Belmont clan doing their best work.

6 Trevor & Sypha Confess Feelings For One Another

After slaying Dracula, it was time for Trevor, Sypha and Alucard to earn a little rest. The former two had no intention of staying still and were already talking about the joys of being on the road, helping out people wherever they needed protection. It seemed to go beyond that, however.

Trevor and Sypha shared a quiet moment together while watching the sun go down, and for the first time, they expressed true feelings for one another. These would blossom into a fully romantic relationship that saw both of them bring out the best in each other. Richard Armitage does a wonderful job voicing the moment, showcasing Trevor's sensitive side.

5 Trevor Battles The Visitor

Season 3 dealt with the aftermath of Dracula's destruction and the elements that sought to bring him back. It also introduced the concept of the Corridor, a series of magical gateways to other places and times throughout the cosmos. One of those doorways was a portal to Hell that was to be used by a grotesque night creature known as the Visitor to enact a fiendish plan.

Trevor squares off against the Visitor in one of the best battles of all of Castlevania. When the Visitor proves to be more than a match for him, Trevor brandishes both his traditional whip and the Morningstar in a dual-wielded flurry of attacks that make it one of his coolest moments.

4 Trevor Finds The Cross Blade

Near the end of season 4, Trevor ends up stumbling upon a one-of-a-kind weapon with two daggers on either end, and a circular handle in the middle. He picks it up and unsheathes two more daggers for a total of four, signaling the sign of a cross. This is a major nod to the throwable cross sub-weapon of the Castlevania video game series.

In an effort to shed some light on how a non-Christian vampire would be freaked out by such a weapon, Trevor takes the time to explain that a geometric shape like the cross confuses the vampire brain and causes it to panic. It's a nice, underrated nod to the video games, while updating it for a modern audience.

3 Trevor Battles Ratko To The Death

The lowly vampire Ratko was actually one of the most talented warriors of his entire species, and he was irritated at the fact that he'd been passed over in favor of others who were viewed as more intelligent. He brings his awesome fighting skills to the battle against Trevor, whom he holds an advantage over.

This was clearly one of the hardest battles Trevor was ever involved in, and he barely survived the encounter. Only a last minute interruption allowed him to turn the tables on Ratko and drive his newly discovered cross blade straight into his heart, killing him right on the spot.

2 Trevor's Fight Against Night Creatures In Castlevania

After defeating Ratko, Trevor and Sypha ended up back in Castlevania alongside Alucard, who was busy fighting a war of his own. They leaped into the fray to aid their friend, not realizing that a sinister plot was about to take place in the upper chambers.

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To fight their way up, Trevor went on full offensive to vanquish several powerful night creatures. These included a grotesque monster wrapped in bandages with razor sharp claws, and another capable of phasing through solid matter. Trevor vanquishes the final one with a powerful punch to the face that shatters it like a bloody melon.

1 Trevor Battles Death In The Final Battle

It's odd to see the final "boss" battle of the series come down to Trevor and Death incarnate, but that's how it went. It was an interesting twist on a show that spent its final season focusing on the machinations of this member of Dracula's inner court, trying to resurrect him into a being of total chaos.

Trevor takes on a huge incarnation of Death in a fever-pitched battle that's so destructive it nearly kills him in the process. He shows up weeks after the battle on horseback, bloodied and bruised. It ends up paving the way for a happy ending to the show, especially when Trevor regresses back to his goofier early self.

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