D&D: 5 Monsters The Avengers Could Defeat (& 5 They Couldn't)

The Avengers are Marvel's premiere superhero team. They are called Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and they are a group of disparate heroes united with the goal of protecting humanity from threats within and without. They are undeniably the strongest team of superheroes on Earth, and they have taken on threats such as Thanos, the Masters of Evil, Kang the Conqueror, Ultron, and other threats over the years.

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Dungeons and Dragons has a vast array of monsters, but, with the right combination of heroes, the Avengers could beat a good number of them. However, the famous six from the Avengers films--Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye--would likely have a harder time than the current combination of heroes in the Marvel Comics team.

10 D&D MONSTERS THEY COULD DEFEAT: Mind Flayers Don't Do Great Against Groups

Mind Flayers are frightening alien beings with powerful psychic abilities that could shut down even the most stalwart adventurer. The first incarnation of the Avengers team in the movies didn't have any psychically attuned members and in, fact, buckled when Loki and the Scarlet Witch used their insecurities against them in Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron.

However, they did still push through these trials and win the day. Plus, well, the Mind-Flayer can only feed on one brain at a time.

9 D&D MONSTERS THEY'D LOSE TO: Aboleths Are Sea Elder God Monsters

The Aboleths are, in many ways, like an upscaled version of a Mind-Flayer. They are very Lovecraftian in design and purpose, and they have psionic abilities far beyond even those of a group of Mind-Flayers. They are essentially undersea elder gods that can control others from miles and miles away.

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An Aboleth could easily set the Hulk and Thor against their fellow Avengers, wiping out the team well before they get anywhere close to the Aboleth.

8 D&D MONSTERS THEY COULD DEFEAT: The Demogorgon Isn't Anything They Can't Take

The Demogorgon, made even more famous thanks to Stranger Things, is a demon lord incredibly resistant to magic and possesses incredible physical might. It knows some magic spells that defend against other magic, but its physical strength and the ability to cause disease to spread.

Thankfully for the Avengers, physical might is their specialty. While Black Widow, Hawkeye, and perhaps Iron Man may fall victim to the disease caused by the Demogorgon, Thor and Hulk could beat the beast in a contest of might.

7 D&D MONSTERS THEY'D LOSE TO: Shadow Dragons Revert You To Your Past Self

A Shadow Dragon is a deadly beast that comes from the Shadowfell realm and has been transformed by this place. It has the abilities of most dragons with a few cruel twists on the concept.

Its most powerful attack comes from its breath, which can level down a player in D&D. It then could, presumably, remove the Super Soldier Serum from Cap, strip Thor of his god power, and maybe even purge Bruce Banner of his gamma-powered form.

6 D&D MONSTERS THEY COULD DEFEAT: Beholders Are Magical But Not Overwhelming

While the initial Avengers team didn't possess any heroes with magical prowess, they were still able to outmaneuver Loki's own spells and sorcery. Beholders have a range of combat magic, but most of these cause physical damage or try to manipulate a victim.

However, a Beholder is physically weak, and their attacks are telegraphed quite strongly since they come from the Beholder's eyes. The Avengers could dodge the Beholder's attacks and bring the beast down.

5 D&D MONSTERS THEY'D LOSE TO: Dracoliches Are A Melding Of Dragons And Sorcery

That said, a Dracolich is a far more powerful magical being that mixes the threats inherent to a powerful lich and a dragon. They can cast powerful spells but are no slouches when it comes to physical attacks.

Furthermore, as a Lich, the Dracolich cannot be truly killed unless their phylactery is annihilated. If none of the Avengers can figure out how to do that, they will be unable to truly defeat the Dracolich. Worse yet, the Dracolich is more powerful near its phylactery, so destroying it would be no easy task.

4 D&D MONSTERS THEY COULD DEFEAT: Elder Brains Are Powerful Psychics But Physically Weak

Elder Brains are another monster that specializes in psionic combat, and that could easily cause some trouble for the Avengers. However, they are also incredibly vulnerable monsters unable to defend themselves physically.

One throw of Mjolnir or an explosive arrow could easily destroy the Elder Brain, reducing it to gray matter paste.

3 D&D MONSTERS THEY'D LOSE TO: Tarrasque Is A Reality-Devouring Beast

The Tarrasque is an apocalyptic monster that is destined to devour all of reality in its vast maw. It is a near-invulnerable creature that can't be harmed through conventional means. Worse yet, proximity to the Tarrasque inhibits flight and makes the invulnerable weak to attacks that they would otherwise be able to withstand.

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The Avengers could try their best to bring down the Tarrasque, but they would ultimately be found wanting in the face of this monstrosity.

2 D&D MONSTERS THEY COULD DEFEAT: Krakens Are Like Chitauri Leviathans

Krakens are gigantic underwater beasts capable of doling out immense damage. However, they primarily pose a physical threat and are unable to use magic or psionic abilities.

Most of the Avengers aren't really made for underwater combat, but the Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor could tussle under the waves for a time. These three alone could likely take down the body of the mighty Kraken.

1 D&D MONSTERS THEY'D LOSE TO: Empyreans Are The Descendents Of Gods

Empyreans are the children of gods. They are giants of immense physical constitution and are capable of powerful magic. They are not unlike the Eternals, godlike beings created by the Marvel Celestials. One of the most powerful and deadly of the Eternals is none other than dread Thanos, who repeatedly bested the Avengers in direct combat throughout the movie series.

With that in mind and taking into account the Empyrean's magical abilities, it's hard to imagine the original six movie Avengers being able to bring down an Empyrean in direct combat.

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