DC: 10 Things To Know About Blue and Gold Before Their Miniseries

It has finally happened. After decades of fan requests for a series of their own, Blue Beetle and Booster Gold have been given a chance in Blue and Gold. The eight-issue monthly miniseries is written by Booster creator Dan Jurgens and drawn by Legion of Super-Heroes artist Ryan Sook.

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These best friends have appeared together in various series since their meeting in Justice League. This includes Heroes in Crisis, Injustice, and various JL reunion books. However, some readers don't know about this unusual team.

10 Booster Is (Much) Older

Michael John Carter (Booster) and Ted Kord (Beetle) are about the same age. Though not specifically stated, this is probably around their late 20s or early 30s. Technically, Booster is far older than Beetle. Approximately 400 years older.

Booster is originally from the 25th century. A star athlete at Gotham University, he gets into trouble when his father convinces him to throw some games. Later, as a night watchman at the Metropolis Space Museum, he steals a few of the exhibits, climbs into a time bubble, and transports himself to the present.

9 Beetle Is A Legacy Hero

Created by Steve Ditko in 1966 for Charleston Comics, Blue Beetle had a striking resemblance to one of the artist's other creations -- Spider-Man. In his fight against evil, the hero utilized quips and gadgets to defeat enemies. This was a far cry from the original hero that bore the same name.

That Blue Beetle was Dan Garrett. An archeologist by trade, this version of the hero gained his powers through an ancient alien scarab. Though it was revealed in Crisis on Infinite Earths that Dan passed the scarab to Ted at some point, the latter never utilized its power. Instead, it went to a third hero who took on the Beetle mantle, Jamie Reyes.

8 They Became Fast Friends

Beetle and Booster were original members of the first post-crisis incarnation of the Justice League. What they didn't have in brute strength they made up in close friendships. Though it took some time to get started after Booster was brought into the group in Justice League #4, the duo cemented their friendship while in Paris.

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It was shortly after the League obtained sponsorship through the United Nations and went international. Blue and Gold sat in a Parisian cafe when they saw a beautiful woman. Thinking his looks would get him somewhere, Booster tried to talk her up. The result was embarrassing for him and hilarious for Beetle. Turned out that the woman was the League's Paris bureau chief, which brought more humiliation and laughter.

7 They Were Repo Men

The early-90s version of the Justice League didn't pay much. With Ted's Kord Industries out of business and Booster constantly in debt, they decided to go into the repo business in Justice League International Annual #2. Their first assignment was simple:  repossess a tank.

It seemed to go well until the Joker climbed into its cupola and started to leave. However, things went downhill for the Clown Prince of Crime when a bunch of high-tech mobsters threatened to blow him away and take the tank back. Unfortunately, Blue and Gold's commission was eliminated when Martian Manhunter and Big Barda destroyed the tank.

6 They Ran A Casino

Booster and Beetle were always in for the quick money. In addition to becoming repo men, they also took on the role of vampire hunters with a tragic outcome. Not long afterward, the friends enlisted former Green Lantern Kilowog, the League's technician, to help them build a casino.

It was named Club JLI. Based on the tropical living island of Kooey Kooey Kooey (think Krakoa, except kinder), their ownership quickly faltered. First, the villains Major Disaster and Big Sir counted cards to wipe out the casino. Then, the island started moving, thus frightening the guests.

5 Booster Quit The League

Something changed after the disaster of Club JLI. Booster tired of being the brunt of humiliation and embarrassment. He wanted his old reputation back, which was pretty decent at the start. So, he quit the League and left Beetle in the lurch.

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Instead, he became the leader of the Conglomerate, a group of heroes, including former Leaguer Gypsy, sponsored by various corporations. While Booster felt his team initially did good he started to realize they were corporate pawns. Eventually, Booster decided to rejoin the League -- the place he felt most comfortable.

4 They Were Injured Fighting Doomsday

Of the original members of the Keith Giffen-J.M. DeMatteis League, Blue and Gold had the longest run. They remained with the team when both Superman and writer-artist Dan Jurgens took over the title. They were part of the group that first encountered Doomsday. Actually, it was Booster that came up with its name.

It was a disaster for many League members, especially Booster and Beetle. After taking a pounding from Doomsday, Gold ended up injured and minus his costume, which was ripped to shreds. Even worse, Blue was hurt to the point he remained comatose for several issues afterward.

3 They Reunited The League Several Times

The Justice League was more than a superhero team for Booster and Beetle. It was a family they didn't want to leave. Yet, when their dissatisfaction with the United Nations reached its peak, the duo decided it was best to depart. Nevertheless, the League never got out of the systems.

The first place they reunited with other League members was the Justice League Extreme title. Years later, Max Lord brought together members of the America and International Leagues and became the Team Formerly Known as the Justice League. In 2010, as part of the Brightest Day event, Booster joined with Fire, Ice, and the new Blue Beetle, Jamie Reyes, for Justice League: Generation Lost. 

2 They Both Died

Both characters have perished both on Earth-0 and the Multiverse. Of the two, Beetle's were the worst. In Countdown to Infinite Crisis, Ted is killed by his former League boss, Maxwell Lord, when Beetle discovers he runs a new version of Checkmate. In Injustice 2, he is assassinated by Ra's al Ghul as part of a broadcast of executions of corporate leaders who allegedly destroyed the universe.

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While Beetle's death was long-lasting on Earth-0 Booster's was shorter. After returning to health after fighting Doomsday, Beetle created a new armored suit for Gold. It became a life-support system when he was briefly killed by in a battle with the Overmaster. In Injustice 2, Booster ended up sacrificing his life to save Blue Beetle Jamie Reyes during a fight with Starro.

1 They're More Admired Than They Think

Throughout their decades of friendship, Blue and Gold have held a belief that they're second bananas. Sure, Ted is a technological genius and Michael has saved the timestream several times. However, it has been done with the seeming humiliation of themselves or others.

However, this isn't the case. The powerhouses of the DC Universe, including Superman and Batman, truly admire the duo's tenacity despite their awkwardness. The Martian Manhunter, leader of the League when Booster and Beetle were around, always expected more from them despite their antics. Separate or together, Blue and Gold have been an important part of the Multiverse's history.

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