Game Of Thrones: 5 Ways Jon Snow Was The Main Character (& 5 It Was Daenerys)

The title of the book that the Game of Thrones series is based on is known as A Song of Ice and Fire, which many fans believe refers to Jon Snow (of the frozen North) and Daenerys Targaryen (born from flame). It is pretty obvious that these two characters are probably the most important in the story, given that they eventually reconfigure the politics of Westeros.

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Jon is the legitimate son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, which grants him the right to the Iron Throne ahead of his aunt, Daenerys. At the same time, it is she who possesses superior military power, not to mention three fierce dragons, that basically let her get away with most things. Which one of them is more significant, though?

10 Jon Snow: He Is The Son Of Rhaegar Targaryen & Lyanna Stark

Fans had been predicting that Jon Snow is actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark (R+L=J) for years before the revelation, but watching it happen in the course of the show is far better.

This means that Jon has the absolute authority to denounce Daenerys' claims to the Iron Throne and take the sword-forged seat for himself, on account of being the only remaining child of Rhaegar, the Targaryen crown prince before Robert's Rebellion.

9 Daenerys: She Is The Mother Of Dragons

Daenerys is given three Dragon eggs as a wedding gift, although they are believed to be fossilized at the time. When she enters her dead husband's funeral pyre, the Khalasar believes that she plans to immolate herself along with Drogo's corpse.

And then she emerges from the ashes completely unscathed, carrying three baby dragons on her, a sight that instantly converts the Dothraki to her service.

8 Jon Snow: His Honor & Honesty Are Truly Unparalleled

Jon Snow is best known for his honor, as a man who never goes back on a promise (at least in most circumstances). He is painfully honest about his experiences, even if they might be considered in a negative light by others.

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Most importantly, though, is the fact that learning about his Targaryen ancestry hasn't affected his political or patriotic views. Jon continues to fight on behalf of the North, paradoxically proving his suitability for the role of ruler over all Westeros.

7 Daenerys: She Controls The Largest Military Force Ever Seen

Daenerys and her hundred thousand Dothraki already sound overpowered, so including the eight or so thousand Unsullied just makes her all that more fearsome.

With her ground-based army, she has shown to be capable of several impressive feats, such as routing the combined forces of Houses Lannister and Tarly. And then there are Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal, the only three dragons known to exist in the world, each as capable as several battalions.

6 Jon Snow: He Brokers Peace Between The Westerosi & The Wildlings

Better known as the Free Folk, this group of people often clash with the Night's Watch, further worsening the opinions that Westerosi people already have of them.

The tireless actions of Jon Snow help convince those at Castle Black to give them a chance. In fact, it can be argued that he is the main reason that the Wildlings, until then regarded as violent savages, obtain a home within the boundaries of Westeros. Jon's limitless compassion is rewarded with loyalty.

5 Daenerys: She Frees Thousands Of Slaves On Principle

Daenerys travels along the coastline of Essos, freeing slaves from each of the city-states she visits. When in Meereen, she discovers that one of her previous victories has been tainted by a coup.

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Interestingly, her first instinct is to stay back and ensure that slavery is permanently abolished. Daenerys' decision is incredibly benevolent given that she puts her desire to reconquer Westeros on hold for this purpose.

4 Jon Snow: He Is Chosen As The King In The North

After the defeat of Ramsay Bolton at the Battle of the Bastards, Jon Snow convenes a meeting involving all the major Houses in the North (and a number of associated allies).

When most of the adult leaders mumble about their futures in confusion, Lyanna Mormont puts them all on the spot for not instantly declaring Jon as King in the North, especially after his accomplishments. Following her, several others chime in with similar appraisals, concluding with Jon effectively given control of the North.

3 Daenerys: She Takes On The Night King To Protect Her People

Daenerys Targaryen is smart enough to understand the threat of the oncoming Night King apocalypse, something Cersei Lannister rudely dismisses as inconsequential.

Two of her dragons are killed, but she plows through the pain of losing her children to secure a better future for the rest of humanity. Although it's possible that Daenerys' motivations are partly founded on restoring her lost legacy, the fact is that she knows there is no legacy to protect without a living, breathing Westeros.

2 Jon Snow: He Defeats The Final Antagonist Of The Story

Daenerys succumbs to the Targaryen "madness" at the gates of King's Landing, taking Drogon on a mission to subjugate her enemies by burning most of the city to ashes. This horrifies everyone, even her closest allies, Tyrion and Jon, who ultimately conclude that the best course of action would be to kill Daenerys.

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Jon is rightfully hesitant, given his multi-layered relationship with her, but he puts the best interests of the world at heart anyway. He's quite lucky that Drogon doesn't barbecue him in revenge.

1 Daenerys: She Is Literally Fire

Daenerys isn't a pyromaniac, nor can she produce torrents of burning flame from her fingertips or set her body aglow with the force of a thousand suns.

She is, however, completely immune to the destructive potential of fire, meaning that she can waltz in and out of infernos like she's wading through a pool of warm water. Daenerys forces the collective Dothraki horde to submit to her when she incinerates the other Khals and emerges from the blaze victorious.

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