Legend of Korra: 5 Technological Advancements New To Republic City (& 5 Inspired By ATLA)

The Legend of Korra (TLOK) is technologically far superior to that of Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA). While the Fire Nation did have some interesting inventions, technology was still pretty basic for most of the world. During Korra's time, Republic City is bustling with all kinds of new inventions and technologies.

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Many of the advancements are unique to the minds of the geniuses of Republic City, whereas others are simply improvements on or extrapolations of previously shown inventions from ATLA. Because the world was able to advance in such a short period, it's likely that the technology of the Fire Nation, once dispersed by Fire Lord Zuko, was a driving force in the advancement seen in TLOK.

10 New To Republic City: Hiroshi Sato's Very Own Satomobile

While ATLA did have small tanks employed by the Fire Nation's army, they weren't quite street-legal vehicles. Hiroshi Sato, founder and CEO of Future Industries, is a local industrialist famous in Republic City for his invention of the Satomobile. This is The Legend of Korra's version of a car, and it is very popular in the city.

Asami, Sato's daughter, happens to have an incredibly unique Satomobile that she expertly drives in pursuit of villainous Equalists. In addition to the standard model, there are luxury versions, and even transport vehicles for passengers and cargo. Sato truly reinvented the world of Avatar with his take on the automobile.

9 Inspired By ATLA: Airships, First Developed By Sokka & The Mechanist

By the time Korra is the Avatar, airships are rather commonplace. The metalbending police force even uses them to patrol the city and apprehend Korra when she arrives and causes some damage. Airships are also used by villains, such as Amon's Equalists and Kuriva's Earth Empire.

While airships are quite useful in The Legend of Korra, they were introduced in Avatar: The Last Airbender when Sokka helped the Mechanist with his airship design by introducing a release valve for excess hot air. Unfortunately, their ship crashed and the Fire Nation got their hands on it, resulting in more streamlined, much deadlier versions during Ozai's invasion of the Earth Kingdom.

8 New To Republic City: Sato's Shocking & High Flying Biplane

Sato is certainly no one-trick pony when it comes to incredible and advanced inventions. In addition to the various Satomobiles, he also invents biplanes (airplanes) in the time of TLOK. After it's revealed that he has been backing the Equalists, he runs away with Amon. However, when the United Forces arrive with reinforcements, they're ambushed by Sato's latest invention.

The airplanes decimate General Zuko's warships in a matter of minutes with their rapid aerial movements, explosive bombs, and stealthy torpedoes. The soldiers are completely unprepared as this is a machine of war none of them have ever seen before.

7 Inspired By ATLA: Formal Telecommunications After So Many Failed Message Deliveries

While the telegraph delivery system didn't directly inspire the telephone or broadcast radio, considering messages were lost or intercepted so frequently, the people were looking for a way to improve the current system. Like many of the other technologies in Republic City, it's assumed that broadcast radio and telephones have been around for a while.

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While these messages can still be intercepted, the intended person still receives the message as well. People can now relay important information in moments as opposed to hoping a bird or courier delivers an easily destroyed piece of parchment in days or weeks. The invention of the radio has also allowed the new sport of pro-bending to flourish, with die-hard fans supporting from beyond the arena.

6 New To Republic City: Varrick's Sensational Talkies

The invention of the modern motion picture with sound (i.e. a talkie) is nothing short of miraculous during The Legend of Korra. Varrick brings Bolin into the talkie world, skyrocketing him to stardom as the titular hero of his Nuktuk series. The talkies prove to be a smashing success in Republic City's entertainment industry.

Additionally, before each new episode of TLOK, viewers are shown an old-timey recap sequence paired with the announcer's voice of yesteryear, making the early movie theme constant throughout the show.

5 Inspired By ATLA: Trains Powered By Energy Rather Than Bending

Trains were used in Avatar as a means of transport from the edge of Ba Sing Se to the heart of the city, stopping at the inner rings along the way. Though these trains were controlled by skilled earthbenders, the Fire Nation is eventually able to develop trains past the need for bending.

By the time of TLOK, the train system has advanced to a point where they are all powered by some form of energy, and Republic City even has an elaborate subway system operating throughout the city. Trains have also become a lot more streamlined over the years and can go much faster.

4 New To Republic City: Sato's Anti-Bender Mecha Tanks & Kuvira's Versions Of Mecha Suits

Hiroshi Sato is responsible for three of these new technological advancements for Republic City. After his Satomobile and biplane, Sato invented a metal mecha tank suit that was the perfect anti-bending war machine. It was even made entirely out of platinum, which, as is revealed in The Legend of Korra, is the only metal that metalbenders can't seem to bend.

Once Amon was taken down and Sato imprisoned for his crimes, Asami assumed control of Future Industries and ceased production of anti-bending weapons. However, a few years later, a ruthless tyrant named Kuvira took Sato's design and improved upon it by creating more battle-ready suits that are more humanoid than tank-like. She even builds a gigantic mecha bot with an enormously destructive spirit-powered cannon on its arm.

3 Inspired By ATLA: A Sewer System & Indoor Plumbing As A Result Of Fire Nation War-Time Factories

In one episode of Avatar,  Katara assumes the role of The Painted Lady and helps a small village suffering from the Fire Nation's factory runoff. The Fire Nation had a lot of factories installed in Earth Kingdom territory. After the war, these factories were likely dismantled and the parts repurposed.

The factories, as well as Azula's powerful drill, expertly moved fluids around in ways that benefited their operation significantly. The factories disposed of unwanted waste material, and the drill cycled water through its body to keep it cool. It's likely that a genius, much like Sato or Varrick, combined these two ideas to provide Republic City with a functional sewer system and clean, running water.

2 New To Republic City: Power Plants Powered By Lightningbenders

While the Fire Nation likely had cogeneration plants that helped power their factories, they probably didn't utilize lightning as a source of power. During Aang's time, the only people who were known to be able to lightningbend were the Royal Fire Nation Family.

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In The Legend of Korra, lightningbending has become much more common, like metalbending. Mako is seen making some extra cash by putting his talent to work at a local power generation facility in Republic City. This seems like a great way to earn an honest living, assuming one can channel electricity for hours on end with no long-term side effects.

1 Inspired By ATLA: Cabbage Corporation Inspired By None Other Than The Cabbage Merchant Himself

The beloved Cabbage Merchant has been seen all over the world of Avatar, usually getting his cart and merchandise destroyed by Aang and company. Despite the destruction, he always bounced back in record time with a fresh crop of cabbages to sell.

While he was exclusively in the business of cabbages during ATLA, the Cabbage Merchant's business flourished in such a way that Cabbage Corp is the main and only rival to Future Industries in Republic City. With the announcement of Avatar Studios, perhaps fans will get some insight into how the Cabbage Merchant turned a cart of cabbages into a technological empire.

NEXT: Legend Of Korra: 10 Giveaways Amon Was A Bloodbender All Along

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