Marvel's new Phoenix host, Echo, will headline her own solo series in Phoenix Song: Echo.
Written by Rebecca Roanhorse and illustrated by Luca Maresca, Phoenix Song: Echo is a five-issue series that follows Maya Lopez after the events of Jason Aaron and Javier Garron's "Enter the Phoenix" storyline in Avengers. Roanhorse previously wrote an Echo story in last year's Marvel’s Voices: Indigenous Voices #1. The series promises to explore Echo's ancestry along with the Phoenix Force mythos, all while introducing new heroes and teasing the return of an iconic X-Men villain.
"I am excited to return to Echo in her first solo series and follow this thrilling new direction Jason Aaron has taken her," said Roanhorse. "Readers will see some old favorites reimagined and some entirely new characters as Echo comes to terms with the incredible and dangerous powers of the Phoenix."

- Cover by CORY SMITH
- Variant Cover by LEINIL FRANCIS YU
- On Sale 10/6!
- Echo is now the host of one of the most powerful entities in the Marvel Universe, and she has burning questions that demand answers. Still learning her new cosmic abilities—and struggling with the Phoenix’s overwhelming personality—Echo strikes out to return to her roots. But the reservation has even fewer answers. And where power goes, evil follows. Someone wants Echo to fail—and unleash a power only the greatest heroes in history have been able to control.
"Enter the Phoenix" saw the powerful cosmic entity assemble heroes and villains from across the Marvel Universe to compete in a Mortal Kombat-style tournament to crown a new host. It concluded with Echo being chosen to wield the Phoenix Force. The character will also join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with Alaqua Cox portraying Echo in the Hawkeye Disney+ series.
Phoenix Song: Echo #1 goes on sale Oct. 6 from Marvel Comics.
Source: Marvel