Legion is an interesting recruit. He doesn't come in until very late in the game, and his loyalty mission is part of a mission countdown to major story events in Mass Effect 2. He's also a Geth, an unlikely team member, especially with Tali on board. However, Legion provides some interesting insight into the Geth and is a pretty good squadmate to have on the team. You don't want to lose this member by missing out on its loyalty mission before saving the galaxy.
Legion is obtained while acquiring the Reaper IFF late into the game. It helps Shepard, who then takes its unconscious body aboard the Normandy and can decide to reactivate it or sell it to Cerberus for 50,000 credits. Assuming you've chosen to keep this Geth for yourself, Shepard will get to pick its brain and learn that not all Geth follow the Reapers. They're also susceptible to Reaper indoctrination, and those who follow them are called heretics. Legion will ask Shepard to assist in destroying a heretic base for the loyalty mission, "A House Divided."

You'll be fighting Geth, so choose a third member with tech abilities and get ready to fight synthetics in a small space. Once on the station, Legion will inform Shepard that it has an alternate plan to destroy the station. Legion proposes that it could modify the Reaper virus to reprogram the Geth on board to essentially change their minds about following the Reapers and leave the heretics, rejoining Legion and the other unindoctrinated Geth. It's unsure if this is the right choice, but this doesn't need to be decided now. Saying it's unethical will earn +2 Paragon while saying they're just machines will earn +2 Renegade. Keep an eye out for medi-gel and salvage while exploring the ship.
In the next room, Legion will inform Shepard about the glowing nodes on the ground. Not all Geth will be active on the ship, mostly applying to rooms with glowing green tech pathways. Avoid stepping on these as they will sound alarms and active Geth from nearby nodes. If the pattern changes to red, it's bad news. While Geth are at these nodes, they're vulnerable to attacks and will not pay attention to Shepard or the squad, giving you an opening. Shooting the nodes will cause them to explode and do serious damage to enemies on them. Once they're dealt with, these nodes can also be salvaged for credits. Once this first one is destroyed, a conversation with Legion will take place, giving you more information about the Geth.
Saying the heretics are still Geth will earn +2 Paragon, as will saying that rewriting them could be traumatizing. Saying Legion feels guilty will earn +2 Renegade. On the other hand, worrying about brainwashing and their judgment sucks will earn +2 Renegade each, and saying that Legion would lose out on heretic perspective will earn +2 Paragon. Afterward, head through the door into a hallway.

There will be inactive Rocket Drones that Shepard can choose to activate for a few seconds before self-destructing, giving the team an advantage during a firefight. Take out the Geth and head into the next room. Here you'll find two more nodes; hitting one shouldn't trigger the other, allowing Shepard to take them down one group at a time. Once the Geth are down and the nodes are salvaged, continue through the room to the next hallway.
There will be more Geth here, and this time no extra help. Take them out, check the area and head up the ramp to the next room to fight more Geth. There will be a few waves here, so be careful. Head through the door into the next hallway and down the ramp where you'll be deep into the station.
More Geth will be waiting for Shepard, so take them out. Afterward, head over to a Geth terminal nearby to find a Geth Shield Boost upgrade before heading to the next area. Watch out for the data streams on the floor and continue through to the next room. There will be more nodes here, so take out each and their groups of Geth, salvage the nodes and head on. In the next hallway, there is an option to interact with the server room window. Doing so will trigger a conversation with Legion, who will tell Shepard more about the Geth. In reference to each faction, saying things change will earn +2 Paragon while saying Legion was naïve will earn +2 Renegade. Saying it's not Legion's fault will earn +2 Paragon while blaming the heretics will earn +2 Renegade. After this scene, continue moving forward.

Do NOT activate the drones here yet. Shepard and the team will be holding the line in this room, and it's best to wait until enemies are in range. The ammo in this area will respawn overtime as well. Accessing the console will trigger a scene with Legion, and it will begin to alter the virus, alerting Geth to their location. Stay up top where it's easiest to oversee the room and assign the other squad member to a side while Shepard takes the other. There will be drones on the lower level to assist in defeating up to four waves of Geth. Once they're all defeated, another conversation will begin with Legion.
Shepard must now decide to rewrite the Geth for a huge +30 Paragon or destroy the station for another big +30 Renegade. Your decision here will have consequences in Mass Effect 3 as part of the main plotline. Regardless of the choice made, it will be time to leave the station – quickly.

A three-minute timer will begin to get off the station once the choice is made. It's not a far run to get off the ship, but you will need to fight your way out. Head East through a door near the console and get ready to fight more Geth on the way out. Around a corner will be a Geth Prime, so be prepared to take it out as it will get in your face in this small area. Alternatively, you may attempt to bolt past everything and make it to the airlock.
Once safely out of harm's way on the Normandy (and provided you've completed Tali's loyalty mission), Tali and Legion will be in an argument. Like Jack and Miranda, Shepard can mediate the issue by siding with one party or settling the dispute to keep them both happy. Saying both sides are right will earn +15 Paragon, while telling them to knock it off will earn +15 Renegade. Additionally, telling Tali to back off will lose her loyalty. However, talking to her again and saying Legion is needed will earn +15 Paragon or saying Legion isn't a pet will earn +15 Renegade, and both will restore her loyalty. Telling Legion to stop transmitting data will lose its loyalty, but speaking with it again and apologizing will earn +15 Paragon, or saying Shepard lied to Tali will earn +15 Renegade; both choices will restore Legion's loyalty.