Mass Effect: 5 Ways It’s Better To Be Renegade (& 5 Paragon)

Commander Shepard is the hero of the Mass Effect trilogy, and this character is open to a great deal of customization, from the Commander's sex to their hairstyle, weapons of choice, and, perhaps most importantly, whether the Commander is a paragon or a renegade. There are reasons to take either route, most of them being aesthetic.

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Major plot points will be resolved the same whether Shepard is paragon or renegade, but all the same, choosing paragon or renegade can make the whole game feel totally different, and affect how Shepard's personal life will turn out (and affect their reputation, too). Going paragon or renegade might even affect how Shepard's squadmates view him or her. Now, which route is better?

10 WHY PARAGON SHEPARD IS BETTER: Paragon Shepard Maximizes The Krogan Faction's Potential Against The Reapers

If Urdnot Wrex survives the first Mass Effect title, then this ambitious Krogan mercenary will return home to Tuchanka and begin uniting the feuding clans. By the events of Mass Effect 3, it's time to disperse the genophage cure to all those Krogan, but doing this will cost Shepard a great deal of Salarian support in the war.

Paragon Shepard will side with their friend Wrex and distribute the cure as promised, and doing this will maximize how powerful the Krogan faction can be. By contrast, renegade Shepard will sabotage things, and weaken the Krogan.

9 WHY RENEGADE SHEPARD IS BETTER: Renegade Shepard Impresses All Krogan

Paragon Shepard will ultimately save the Krogan, but on a personal level, the Krogan will like renegade Shepard much better. Grunt will enjoy renegade Shepard's bloodthirsty dialogue, and side characters such as the Urdnot shaman will approve of renegade Shepard's attitude and willpower.

Most Krogan warriors are renegade themselves, favoring action, brute force and aggression over diplomacy and compromise, meaning renegade Shepard is speaking their language. It's fun to impress so many tough Krogan with renegade dialogue like that.

8 WHY PARAGON SHEPARD IS BETTER: Paragon Shepard Spites The Illusive Man

Whether Shepard is a paragon or renegade, the Commander will successfully take the fight to the Collectors and conquer their hidden base. But then the Illusive Man urges Shepard to spare the base so Cerberus can take advantage of it, and paragon Shepard will say no thank you.

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Paragon Shepard will stick to the plan and set off some explosives to blast the base into bits, which is a good idea lore-wise and even spites the Illusive Man in true style. By now, it's clear that the Illusive Man should not get what he wants.

7 WHY RENEGADE SHEPARD IS BETTER: Renegade Shepard Has Better Interrupts

Mass Effect 2 introduced the concept of paragon and renegade interrupts, physical actions that will alter the course of any conversation or interaction. Paragon interrupts are rather tame, usually involving Shepard preventing someone else from hurting another party.

Renegade Shepard has a lot more fun, shocking other characters and the player alike with punches, gunshots, headbutts, and more. A few of these can even make a fight easier by killing one or two enemies during a conversation before the actual battle begins.

6 WHY PARAGON SHEPARD IS BETTER: Paragon Shepard Adds The Rachni To The War Effort

During Mass Effect, Shepard will first defeat Saren's minion Matriarch Benezia, then determine whether the last surviving Rachni queen should be spared or not. Renegade Shepard will take the safe route and kill her, but Mass Effect 3 makes it clear that this isn't the solution.

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Instead, the Rachni queen will be saved at the hands of paragon Shepard, and the queen was being honest about reforming her species and co-existing with everyone in peace. The Rachni also contribute to the Crucible project, a real boon indeed.

5 WHY RENEGADE SHEPARD IS BETTER: Renegade Shepard Has Witty & Funny Dialogue

Paragon Shepard is all about compromise and pacifism, which can get a bit dull and routine. By contrast, renegade Shepard is all about action and results, and this reflects in the character's dialogue. Arguably, the dialogue is the best part of playing as renegade Shepard.

This Shepard is quick to criticize and berate others, and usually in a memorable and witty way, such as comparing a Krogan scout to a Quarian "with a tummyache" or humorously tricking a stock boy into thinking that a bomb is about to blow. Even Shepard can't believe it worked.

4 WHY PARAGON SHEPARD IS BETTER: Most Squadmates Like Paragon Shepard Better

A majority of Shepard's squadmates will favor paragon Shepard, and if the player is indeed paragon, then they can enjoy the approving remarks of their squadmates, and build some serious relationships with paragon Shepard's empathetic and patient attitude.

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Thane Krios will enjoy speaking with paragon Shepard, and Samara the justicar (a powerful biotic) vastly favors paragon Shepard's Asari-like emphasis on diplomacy and understanding. Kasumi Goto will also like paragon Shepard better, and in general, it's better to be paragon when trying to romance someone.

3 WHY RENEGADE SHEPARD IS BETTER: Renegade Shepard Empowers Garrus More Than Paragon Shepard Does

Garrus is not evil, but he does respond better to renegade Shepard better than paragon Shepard. Despite being a Turian, born and raised on Palaven no less, Garrus is an independent-minded rogue who makes his own rules, and he has no patience for diplomacy or red tape.

This sets him slightly at odds with paragon Shepard, who's by the book, but Garrus will learn much from renegade Shepard's bold go-getter personality. This will inspire Garrus to take charge of his life and get results, and Garrus has enough of a noble side to keep his reckless streak in check somewhat.

2 WHY PARAGON SHEPARD IS BETTER: Paragon Shepard Shows Humanity's Best Side To All Aliens

Commander Shepard is neither humanity's ambassador nor its councilor, but arguably, Shepard represents humanity better than any politician. The Commander is a rising star and a historic hero, and the entire galaxy is judging humanity based on what they see of Shepard and the Normandy.

Renegade Shepard will reaffirm some aliens' view that humanity is a greedy bully, while paragon Shepard demonstrates that humanity is patient, kind, and cooperative, and thus ready to take part in galactic politics for real. Anderson and Udina are thus more in favor of paragon Shepard. No one wants a thug to represent their entire species.

1 WHY RENEGADE SHEPARD IS BETTER: Renegade Shepard Calls People Out On Their Nonsense

Whether or not Shepard is being witty about it, renegade versions of the character will be quick to contract any liars or hypocrites whom they meet. One example is Khalisah Bint-Sinan Al-Jilani, an obnoxious and biased reporter from Westerlund News. In Mass Effect 2, Khalisah tastelessly questions Shepard's sacrifice of the Alliance 5th Fleet, only to eat a knuckle sandwich.

Later, in Mass Effect 3, renegade Shepard will be furious when Admiral Han'Gerrel, a Quarian, fires on a Geth dreadnought while the Commander is still aboard. Shepard will slug him right in the gut when they next meet, and arguably, Han'Gerral had it coming. He nearly killed the galaxy's best hope of victory because he was too eager to shoot at Geth ships.

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