Metroid Dread: 10 Things Only Hardcore Fans Caught In The Reveal Trailer

With the new announcement from Nintendo at E3 2021, Metroid fans are ecstatic that after 19 years, a new 2D Metroid game will continue the story of the franchise. Metroid Dread takes inspiration from what has come before and improves upon it. The reveal trailer from Nintendo is just over 2 minutes long and packed with juicy details.

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Longtime fans will appreciate the changes compared to earlier games in the franchise, and the familiar returning aspects of the series. Some elements are self-explanatory, others are explained during the Nintendo Treehouse E3 2021 play session video or on the official Metroid Dread website, and some remain a mystery until more details about the game are shared.

10 The Wall Jump & Power Grip Abilities Remain In Samus' Arsenal

The Wall Jump is an ability that originated in Super Metroid. If players visit a certain isolated area of that game, they are introduced to the Wall Jump and forced to use it to return to the rest of the game. In Metroid games since, it has become one of Samus' regular abilities, and in Metroid Dread it returns.

The Power Grip capability was first introduced in Metroid Fusion. When Samus jumps close to a ledge, she grabs onto it and can pull herself up from its side, rather than having to successfully land on top of it. It's a handy ability to have that wasn't in the earlier 2D Metroid games.

9 Chozo-Themed Recharge Stations Reappear From Metroid: Samus Returns

In most entries in the Metroid series of games, interfacing with certain computer terminals via her Arm Cannon allows Samus to replenish her supplies. Metroid Fusion was the first game to shed light on the details of this phenomenon. Samus links up with Galactic Federation HQ through these terminals and is resupplied through their technological network.

In some cases from earlier Metroid games, and particularly in Metroid: Samus Returns, recharging stations instead feature a distinct Chozo architecture and craftsmanship. It is this style of recharge station that seems to make a reappearance in Metroid Dread, hinting that perhaps the Chozo race established itself on Planet ZDR earlier or more prominently than the Galactic Federation.

8 Samus Uses Both Charge Beam & Spazer Beam Weapons In The Trailer

Players familiar with Super Metroid or any later games in the franchise will recognize the returning Charge Beam ability. It is a powerup granted to Samus by the Chozo, allowing players to hold down the firing button on the controller for a few seconds to store up energy. Releasing the button will have Samus launch a larger, more powerful shot than her Arm Cannon normally fires.

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The reveal trailer also shows what looks like the Spazer Beam, first seen in Metroid II: Return of Samus. With the Spazer Beam, Samus launches three projectiles equally spaced apart with every shot she fires from her Arm Cannon. The individual shots are capable of hitting their own unique targets as well.

7 The Classic Eyeball Boss Doors Can Now Move Towards Samus

Longtime Metroid players are familiar with the strange eye-like doors that guard the entrances to boss battle areas. In past games in the series, these doors will be closed until Samus approaches them. When she gets close enough, the creature's "eye" opens, at which point they usually send projectiles out to attack her.

With proper timing, players can use missiles while the creature's eye is open, and if it connects, the eye will immediately shut itself again. A few times of this repeated pattern and the eye door creature disappears, allowing Samus access to the actual door it was guarding. In Metroid Dread, rather than remaining stationary, these doors can now move and attack Samus directly.

6 New Hieroglyphs Are Seen In The Technology Of Planet ZDR

Hieroglyphics are shown on various technological devices that Samus interacts with. In the first screenshot on the left, there are 6 glyphs written vertically, two of which appear to be the same. In the image on the right, the large purple gem-like object above the device on the left side of the screen features one of the glyphs in its center. It appears to be the same glyph as the fifth one down in the first screenshot, suggesting a connection.

In past Metroid games, the Chozo language has been shown written in similar hieroglyphs. These new hieroglyphs do not seem to match perfectly with earlier games, so they remain a mystery for now. They may also be Chozo in origin or something else entirely.

5 Samus' Missile Tank Capacity Appears To Increase By 2 With Each Upgrade

One of the joys of exploring any Metroid game is discovering the secrets tucked away throughout the game. Missile tank capacity upgrades are the most common for Samus to find. In most of the Metroid games in the past, when players find a missile tank upgrade, Samus' maximum missile capacity is increased by 5.

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Metroid: Other M broke series tradition, with its missile expansion upgrades only adding one missile to Samus' maximum capacity. Metroid: Samus Returns also bucked the trend, adding 3 missiles rather than the usual 5. Metroid Dread is yet another game that is deviating from the expected, with its missile upgrades apparently adding only 2 to Samus' maximum arsenal.

4 Samus' Arm Cannon & Power Suit Have Changed Since Metroid Fusion

While details are still unclear, it appears Samus' Power Suit and Arm Cannon have both undergone changes since Metroid Fusion, the previous game in the series' chronology. In Fusion, her Power Suit and Arm Cannon both underwent radical transformations thanks to being infected by the X Parasite. By contrast, her new look for Metroid Dread is closer to other games in the series.

One of the larger inspirations appears to be Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Her signature shoulder armor looks reminiscent of the P.E.D. Suit and the red portion of her upper armor has a similar design to the Varia suit from that game. Though the blue muscle-like wrappings around her new suit in Metroid Dread still show a clear influence from the Fusion Suit.

3 Even With Samus' New Slide Ability, The Morph Ball Returns

Samus has a new sliding mechanic she can use to quickly navigate small gaps. At first, it seems like the classic Morph Ball ability is being replaced. Later on in the trailer, however, Samus is shown using the Morph Ball to travel down a long corridor in traditional Metroid fashion.

With the more hectic style of gameplay during chase sequences, it makes sense to introduce a way for players to quickly move through smaller gaps. With as nimble and agile as the E.M.M.I. pursuers appear to be, players would not have time to stop and activate the Morph Ball without getting caught.

2 For The First Time, Players Get To See A Live Chozo In Action

The Chozo have always been a mysterious and enigmatic race in the Metroid series. Players have heard tales of their legendary civilization and seen the legacy it has left behind across many worlds. In past games, it is revealed that Samus herself even shares a history with them.

Chozo have been seen in various historic records, but until now players have only seen what their race has left behind. Ancient wonders surpassing modern technology, hieroglyphs showing records of their tales and exploits, and statues in their likeness as monuments to their legacy. For the first time in the series, with Metroid Dread, players will be able to see an actual living Chozo.

1 Aeion Powers Are Back From Metroid: Samus Returns & The New Phantom Cloak Ability Is One Of Them

Metroid: Samus Returns introduced a new set of powers called Aeion abilities. Similar to Samus' life energy, Aeion abilities have limited capacity, but can be increased by collecting Aeion Tanks. A gauge appears on the screen that depletes with the use of Aeion abilities. Samus can refill the gauge by collecting Aeion Orbs.

In Metroid Dread, Aeion abilities return, though exactly which abilities remain to be seen. However, one of Samus' new Aeion abilities is the Phantom Cloak shown in the trailer. Phantom Cloak allows her to become invisible to the E.M.M.I. sensors, and they will lose track of her while the ability is in effect.

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