My Hero Academia has plenty of fantasy elements in it that mainly take the form of superpowered Quirks. Many of these Quirks are, in fact, akin to the elemental attacks used by all the Pokémon in the Pokémon franchise, such as fire, ice, lightning, and wind. What if My Hero Academia characters like Shoto Todoroki ended up in the Pokémon realm somehow?
Ending up in the Kanto region, the realm of Generation I, to begin the adventure, Shoto will choose Pokémon that suit his combat style and his personality. Of course, he will choose only the best and strongest Pokémon for his team. He was raised to be the #1 hero, after all.
10 SHOTO WOULD WANT: Ninetales, A Fire Powerhouse

At first, Shoto would avoid any Pokémon that use fire, since they would remind him of his overbearing father, Endeavor. For a time, Shoto wouldn't even use the fire half of his Quirk, but once he got over that, he would want to find a Fire-type Pokémon for his team.
Ninetails is a solid option, being a fully evolved Pokémon that's agile and light on its feet despite its impressive firepower. Ninetales can blast foes away with Flamethrower and other moves while having the fancy footwork to avoid the opposing Pokémon's own moves.
9 SHOTO WOULDN'T WANT: Golem, A Blunt Smasher

Golem is a tough Ground-type Pokémon, the final evolution of Geodude and Graveler. It's an extremely heavy and dense Pokémon, as its appearance would suggest, and Golem can only move quickly when it rolls around on that rocky body.
It's true that Golem's defenses and earthquake-like techniques are impressive, but Shoto isn't the brute-force type. Perhaps Cementoss or Rikido Sato would want a Golem, but Shoto wants something with more elegance.
8 SHOTO WOULD WANT: Articuno, The Ultimate Ice Pokémon

Articuno is one of the three legendary elemental bird Pokémon of Generation I, and these three birds set the mold for legendary elemental trios in the future. Articuno is a heavy hitter that also had the advantage of being a bird, easily avoiding Ground-based attacks and melee attacks.
Shoto definitely likes that kind of mobility, and Articuno's personality would mesh fairly well with Shoto's own. Best of all is this bird's Ice-based techniques, which are devastating and mirror Shoto's own. Articuno will prove tough to catch, but capturing it will be worth it.
7 SHOTO WOULDN'T WANT: Pigeot, The Gale Pokémon

Pigeot is also a bird Pokémon (yes, there are lots of them), but Pigeot would not earn a slot in Shoto's Pokémon team in the Kanto region. Pigeot has plenty of merits, mostly from its powerful wind-based attacks, but this isn't what Shoto is looking for.
For the most part, Shoto Todoroki wants Pokémon with strong elemental attacks of ice or fire, and Pigeot's wind doesn't fit the bill. Worse yet, Pigeot would remind Shoto of his rival, Inasa Yoarashi.
6 SHOTO WOULD WANT: Vaporeon, The Bubble Jet Eeveelution

Vaporeon, one of Eevee's three original evolutions, is quite effective for its size. Unlike bulky Generation I Pokémon such as Gyrados or Lapras, Vaporeon is small and agile, like its counterparts Flareon and Jolteon, and it can wield an astonishing variety of elemental attacks.
If necessary, Vaporeonc can use light and nimble physical attacks, but ideally, Shoto's Vaporeon will use moves such as Bubble Beam, Hydro Pump, and even the ice-based Aurora Beam. This Pokémon should complement Articuno nicely if the battlefield is too aquatic even for that legendary bird to handle.
5 SHOTO WOULDN'T WANT: Machoke, The Vain Fighter

A variety of physical combat is available in Generation I, and while Izuku Midoriya would like to capture and train them, Shoto would find them tiresome, and he isn't used to fighting bare-handed anyway. He would struggle to train these Pokémon in an intuitive way.
Machoke would be problematic for Shoto, being the middle evolution of Machop and Machamp. Worse yet, Machoke is notoriously vain, obsessing over its own appearance even at the expense of actual training. This musclehead of a Pokémon would be a total headache for Shoto to train.
4 SHOTO WOULD WANT: Moltres, The Legendary Fire Bird

This flaming bird is another of the legendary three bird Pokémon of Generation I, a counterpart to Articuno. This phoenix-like Pokémon would intimidate Shoto at first with its strength and flames, reminding him a lot of the vain Endeavor. But if Shoto can handle Moltres, then he can truly conquer his fear of his father.
Thus, training the great Moltres would be a personal and emotional challenge to Shoto. But by now, he is ready and willing to face new challenges to grow stronger, just like Tenya Iida. No one can possibly defeat Moltres in battle if Shoto is commanding it.
3 SHOTO WOULDN'T WANT: Tauros, The Stubborn Bull

This is another physical combat Pokémon that would be more of a challenge than it's worth for Shoto to train. True to the Taurus astrology sign and the ox of the Chinese zodiac, Tauros is a stubborn, strong-willed, and angry bull-like Pokémon and then some.
Tauros will whip around its three tails to warn other Pokémon and strike them with its twin horns if that should fail. Shoto would have no interest in Tauros' fighting style, and its temper would be a real headache to deal with. It takes a real cowboy of a trainer to handle Tauros.
2 SHOTO WOULD WANT: Magneton, An Electric Powerhouse

Magneton is a powerful Electric Pokémon, the evolution of Magnemite (and resembling three of them stuck together). This Pokémon is hardly cuddly and cute, but it will loyally follow any commands its trainer gives it, and Shoto needs a little variety in his team anyway.
Magneton can handle opposing Water-type Pokémon with ease, zapping them into submission with its formidable Electric moves or even self-destructing to take out an especially tough foe. This Pokémon's heavy use of elemental attacks should appeal greatly to Shoto.
1 SHOTO WOULDN'T WANT: Omastar, An Ancient Sea Pokémon

Shoto is always on the lookout for ice and water Pokémon, and while he would enjoy training Vaporeon and Articuno, he would not find any use for an Omastar, a Fossil Pokémon with a heavy shell. Shoto already has many strong Water-type options, and Omastar can't keep up with the competition in Shoto's eyes.
This ancient Pokémon is rather defensive and uses moves such as Withdraw and Protect to shield itself from harm. Those are good, competitive moves, but they are not what Shoto is looking for. He needs something that can simply blast the opposition away.