My Hero Academia Season 5, Episode 14: Spoilers & Recap | CBR

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for My Hero Academia Season 5, Episode 14, "Off to Endeavor's Agency!" now streaming on Crunchyroll, Funimation and Hulu.

My Hero Academia Season 5, Episode 14 hints at a looming danger that Hawks looks to expose by working undercover with the League of Villains. His frightening discovery not only hints at a massive number of villains lobbying behind a common goal but also reveals the existence of traitor heroes. Meanwhile, Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki officially join Endeavor's hero agency for their work-study program, aiming to make the best of the experience. As the young heroes set out on their new journey, they'll undoubtedly be called to action if Hawks' investigation proves true.

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As his mission as a double agent continues, Hawks talks with Dabi over the phone. They continue their conversation from earlier in My Hero Academia Season 5, with Hawks complaining about how little notice he was given when the new Nomu was unleashed, resulting in Endeavor defeating it and revitalizing the Hero movement. Dabi tells Hawks that he has one last chance to prove his loyalty to not only the League of Villains but the "anti-establishment cause."

Afterward, Hawks gets in touch with his handlers at the Hero Public Safety Commission to discuss the League's plan. He knows the League is wary of him and requests that, henceforth, all the HPSC's messages are sent in code. Hawks is playing a very dangerous game, and it only seems to be getting more complicated.

Hawks then pays a visit to a hero we haven't seen in some time -- Best Jeanist. It would seem Best Jeanist is nearly recovered, though he's lost an entire lung from his merciless beating from All For One. As they discuss Best Jeanist's imminent return, Hawks has other things on his mind. Unfortunately, it might be that Best Jeanist finds himself in danger again soon as Hawks ominously readies one of his feather blades. While we don't see what happens next, Hawks flies through the air with a duffle bag, waiting for a message from Dabi that doesn't come.

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Meanwhile, Midoriya and his mother share a meal back at their family home. Midoriya can visit for one night under heavy security, as he and the other heroes-in-training are still under constant threat from the league. Midoriya's mother tearfully expresses how proud she is of her son and the man he's becoming, which causes Midoriya to start crying too. Apparently, explosive tears are the Midoriya family Quirk. The following day, though, it's off to Endeavor's agency for training with Bakugo and Todoroki.

Cutting back to Hawks, he arrives at a mysterious location to meet with some villains. The Hero Slidin' Go is a traitor to the cause, and he criticizes Hawks for coming and going as he pleases. A mysterious figure with long black hair comments on how Slidin' Go needs to collect information from the Hero center. He also says that since Hawks is ranked so much higher, he can gather far more valuable information. It's no wonder Hawks needs to communicate in code from here on out -- this mysterious man's surveillance of Hawks is so intense that he even monitored what type of coffee the hero was buying.

Back in the city, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Midoriya find themselves face to face with the Number 1 Hero, Endeavor. Midoriya thanks Endeavor for letting them do their work-study with him, even as he thinks to himself how frightening the Flame Hero can be. Endeavor isn't interested, admitting that he's only allowed Bakugo and Midoriya to join because Todoroki requested it. He would have been much happier working solely with his son. Still, Midoriya isn't deterred. Before they left, All Might told Bakugo and Midoriya how valuable an experience working with the Number 1 Hero would be, and Midoriya is keen to take full advantage.

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Suddenly, a villain appears, and Endeavor rushes off to face them. He yells at his new interns to stay behind him, but they run after him regardless. The villain is a strange old wizard type, the Servant of the Stars, floating along on glass spheres and rambling about enlightenment. He can control glass and starts drawing it from neighboring windows into one massive sphere. Unfortunately for him, glass and fire aren't a perfect combination, and Endeavor quickly melts down the glass ball within seconds.

The villain flees and attempts to lead Endeavor into a trap his underlings have set -- but Endeavor catches him, burning through the chords that were meant to stop him. Hawks then appears, grabbing the henchmen and putting the criminal action to bed. As he's tied up, the villain starts screaming about how Endeavor's light creates darkness and how he's a source of death and destruction.

After some banter with Bakugo and Midoriya, Hawks goes over to Endeavor with a book titled "Meta Liberation War," a strongly political text that focuses heavily on a society of personal responsibility. Hawks tells Endeavor how this book has become very popular lately and that he should read it. He also mentions how he's highlighted certain parts for Endeavor to read. Hawks anxiously hopes that Endeavor will pick up on the signs he's sending him as he does all this. He's under close surveillance from the villains, and this is the only way for him to get a message through to Endeavor, but only if the Flame Hero picks up on it. Endeavor takes the book, and Hawks passes out copies to Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki as well.

At Endeavor's agency, Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki meet with the Flame Hero's sidekicks, who let the three new interns know they'll be put to work fast. Despite the number of heroes working there, it's clear they need all the help they can get. It is the Number 1 agency, after all.

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Endeavor sits in his office reading "Meta Liberation War," thinking back on how unusual Hawks' serious demeanor was when he gave him the book. He realizes Hawks was trying to tell him something, but even as he pores over the highlighted sections of the book, he isn't sure what. Then he realizes -- the second word of each highlighted sentence can be strung together to form a message. "The enemy is the Liberation Army. They number over a hundred thousand. In four months..." They'll rise to action.

My Hero Academia Season 5, Episode 14 close with Hawks flying back to the headquarters of the Liberation Front. Hawks worries he wasn't direct enough, and that Endeavor won't pick up on the code; he also worries about how since a number of heroes are part of the Liberation Front, the HPSC won't want to make any of it public. But he knows the truth: in four months, the Liberation Front will rise to action, and the world will see a peril like it's never experienced.

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