My Hero Academia's Mina Ashido Vs. Beast: Who Wins? | CBR

My Hero Academia's recent Joint Training arc proved that Classes 1-A and 1-B at the U.A. school are very closely matched in strength. It's true that Class 1-A's students have far more real-life experience facing villains such as the assassin Stain, the mighty Muscular and the deadly Overhaul, but Class 1-B has been catching up.

The two classes faced off in teams of four, but what if they began a series of one-on-one duels to see which class is on top? Mina Ashido didn't face Jurota Shishida's team in the story, but if she faced him alone, with only her acid to protect her from Jurota's astonishing strength, it would be a fight to the end.

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Mina Ashido has always had the heart of a hero, as a flashback of her and Eijiro Kirishima proved. Even in middle school, Mina had the nerve to face a villain and triumph, namely by tricking him into turning himself in at a local police station. She is even braver now and has several key assets on her side, starting with her agility.

Above all else, Mina has excellent control of her own body, being a naturally gifted dancer. Her coordination, balance and spatial awareness are all top-notch, allowing her to easily evade enemy fire to get in closer and launch a counterattack. Mina's natural agility pairs well with her Acid Quirk, which lets her generate acid underneath her feet and slide around the battlefield, such as when she evaded Yuga Aoyama's lasers during MHA's Sports Festival arc. When launched, the acid can also go on the offensive to dissolve an enemy's armor, clothes and flesh alike. In case of emergencies, Mina can throw a whole veil of acid to defend herself, though it lasts only a few seconds and can block one single attack. This maneuver served her well during the provisional license exam.

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My Hero Academia's Joint Training arc proved that animal-based Quirks are not to be underestimated, most of all Jurota Shishida's Beast Quirk. In his human state, Jurota is a somewhat beastly but highly articulate boy, but when he activates his Quirk, he grows much larger, stronger and faster, becoming Class 1-B's strongest fighter. He proved powerful enough to take on Class 1-A's entire team almost single-handedly, though Kosei provided some support with his air-based Quirk.

Jurota's combat style becomes fairly straightforward once his Quirk is active. He fights like a wild animal, using his brawn to pummel, squash or simply grab his enemies and force them to submit. And while Jurota does act like a primal beast in this mode, he is not completely mindless -- he can still think like a rational human being, pairing his wild strength with tactical acumen. He may not be on Momo Yaoyorozu's level strategically, but he can still see through simple enemy tricks and traps.

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Jurota will activate his Beast ability so he can bring his full strength against his Class 1-A opponent. Mina, flattered, will get moving to avoid the worst of Jurota's attacks. She can generate acid under her boots to slide around and Jurota will have a tough time hitting her when she's moving like this. He might land one blow if he's quick enough, but unless Mina is knocked away and hits her head, she can stay in the fight despite any bruises. Mina can return fire with globs of acid, but Jurota's thick fur will protect him from the worst of it.

The two will be closely tied until Mina realizes Jurota's face isn't so well-protected by fur. She'll have one last chance and leap high into the air to deliver a final acid attack -- right at Jurota's face. He won't be ready for that, and will howl in agony as the acid chews at his exposed skin. Mina can kick aside Jurota's arms to keep his face exposed, then kick it once to deal the final blow. Jurota would collapse and concede defeat, leaving Recovery Girl to take care of him before he suffers permanent scars from chemical burns.

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