The Straw Hat pirates are the main protagonists of the One Piece universe. Each of them contributes their own specialized set of skills in order to ensure that Luffy's dream to become pirate king one day is a reality.
However, the crewmates have varying levels of maturity, making issues pervasive throughout the story. By ranking the Straw Hats based on their behavior, we can better grasp who understands how to conduct themselves properly and limit the number of issues the group faces in their journey across the Grand Line.
10 Brook Constantly Makes Vapid Jokes & Harasses Women

Brook's behavior is handily the most immature of the Straw Hat group. Not only does he constantly tell and laugh at the same jokes (ones that revolve around his skeletal body), he harasses any attractive woman to cross his path.
Should he find a girl particularly desirable, he will frequently ask that they show him their underwear. While this request is often played to comedic effect in the series, most of the people he solicits are bothered by him. His demeanor is one of the anime's most problematic elements.
9 Luffy's Recklessness & Immaturity Have Put The Crew In Grave Danger

Luffy's recklessness is one of his greatest flaws. He is more than willing to put his comrades in significant danger simply to sate his own curiosity, as proven through the events of Punk Hazard and Skypiea.
The captain's irresponsibility was again seen when he agreed to Foxy's challenge of a Davy Back Fight despite having nothing to gain from it. He nearly got his entire crew enslaved for generations all because he wasn't mature enough to back down from a game. Zoro and Nami have to be the ones to curtail Luffy's terrible judgment calls.
8 Sanji Is A Lecher Who Almost Abandoned The Straw Hats On A Whim

Although Sanji's judgment in practical situations is somewhat better than Luffy's (proven when he held Usopp accountable for defecting), his inability to contain his lust makes him immature and unreliable.
The most significant example of this is seen in the Dressrosa arc, where he was willing to abandon the Straw Hats in order to have a romantic adventure with Viola. Although she was revealed to be a member of Doflamingo's family, she would eventually betray her master and side with her unlikely paramour.
7 Chopper Is Childlike But Relatively Responsible

As the doctor of the Straw Hat crew, Chopper has taken responsibility for the health of his comrades. On dozens of occasions, his ability to act fast and apply his medical knowledge with whatever resources he had on hand is a massive credit to the heroes.
However, his childlike gullibility and outlook are both indicative of his immaturity. Chopper is willing to believe almost anything that others tell him if the lie is bolstered by even a superficial amount of evidence. This is why he is more prone to humor Usopp's tall tales than anyone else.
6 Franky Understands How To Take Command But Can Often Be Distracted By Cheap Gimmicks

Franky himself has mentioned that, when necessary, he is capable of acting as the group's "responsible adult." Although this statement is mostly true, the shipwright's fascination with his own body discredits how mature he actually is.
Not only does he constantly press his nose in order to fashion his hair into absurd and impractical shapes, he even used a massive fart in order to propel himself across the island of Punk Hazard. His method of transportation makes it difficult to take his claims of adulthood seriously.
5 Usopp Has A Healthy Amount Of Restraint But Tends To Gloat Inappropriately

Usopp's restraint and discretion provide a valuable perspective to the Straw Hat crew. He is less prone to taking unnecessary risks (or any risks at all, for that matter), and the heroes would have benefited from listening to him in several instances.
However, his immaturity stems from the fact that he will take credit for the accomplishment of others and over-inflate his own worth after battles he almost refused to fight in were completed. The sniper is also easily amused by petty impersonations of other crew members and even attempts to make mockeries of his own.
4 Zoro Has Sound Judgment But Is Sometimes Unusually Stubborn

Zoro has sometimes fulfilled the role of Luffy's caretaker, substituting his captain's unreliable judgment for more sound alternatives. He is one of the Straw Hats' most practical members and doesn't allow himself to be distracted by concepts like wealth or lust.
However, the swordsman can also be particularly stubborn, especially when his own decision-making is questioned. Because he refuses to take directions from others, he is often separated from the crew and forced to fend for himself.
3 Nami Balances Discretion With A Sense Of Adventure

Nami is the Straw Hats' navigator and a woman who served a parental role in the earliest arcs of the story. She would often reprimand Luffy for his insolence and attempt to mediate the constant quarrels between Zoro and Sanji (albeit reluctantly).
Although she tends to be aware of her limits and is generally risk-averse, she isn't beyond exploiting the good faith of others in order to line her own pockets. This was seen during the events of Fish-Man island, where she almost cleared Pappag's entire store of his merchandise for free.
2 Jinbe Was A Mentor Figure For Luffy Whose Presentation Is Only Occasionally Harsh

Jinbe is a man with few flaws, having been responsible for saving Luffy from being killed by Akainu at the battle of Marineford. He also served as a mentor figure, sharing his knowledge about Ace with the Straw Hat captain and helping to elevate him from the depths of despair.
The former warlord's only flaw is in his presentation. Jinbe will often use physical force and raise his voice in order to make requests or prove his points. Such behavior was illustrated in Amazon Lilly and again in Fish-Man island, where he was willing to fight Luffy in order to stop him from intervening in the struggle against Hody Jones.
1 Nico Robin Is Soft Spoken & Classy

Nico Robin is decisively the most mature member of the Straw Hat pirates. She estimates her strength well, does not take unnecessary risks, and avoids participating in the crew's more outlandish activities (though is sometimes amused by them).
This was proven during the events of Thriller Bark, where she refused to join Franky's human-robot formation in order to "defeat" Oars. Robin's only act of immaturity was when she abandoned Luffy without telling him what was happening at Water Seven. Fortunately, her insecurities were settled by the conclusion of the Enies Lobby arc.