Fighting-type Pokémon have always been known for their powerful and dangerous physical attack moves and brute strength. In the Pokémon games, Fighting-type Gyms can be simple enough to defeat with the super-effective Flying-types being easily obtained. In the anime, however, Ash and other trainers alike seem to have difficulty at times in dealing with the barrage of physical offense from Fighting-types.
As it is one of the original typings and has been around since Gen I, Ash and friends have encountered countless Fighting-type Pokémon in the anime, with some of them being more useful, dangerous, or powerful than others.
10 Sirfetch'd Is A Great Member Of Ash's Team

Ash getting a Sirfetch'd in Pokémon Journeys felt like a big deal. Acquiring a Galarian variant of a Gen I Pokémon in Farfetch'd and then having it evolve during a battle with a Gallade certainly resonated well with long-time Pokémon fans.
As far as its moves go, Ash's Sirfetch'd has so far been seen to use Night Slash, Brutal Swing, Fury Cutter, Focus Energy and Detect, suggesting that not only does it make decent use of the sword in combat but it is also capable of strategy and other means to prolong battles.
9 Medicham Is A Formidable Combination Of Psychic & Fighting

Introduced in Gen III, Meditite and Medichan are both dual Psychic/Fighting-types, a combination that is only used elsewhere by Gallade, Mega Gallade, and Mega Mewtwo. The combination negates the Dark and Psychic weaknesses, which helps it a lot in terms of defense.
In the anime, there are two memorable trainerswho use Medicham well, Greta of the Battle Arena and Snowpoint City Gym Leader Candice in Sinnoh. With Medicham's Psychic capabilities, immense physical offense, and diverse move-set, it's surprising that more trainers don't utilize this Pokémon in the anime.
8 Poliwrath Was Strong Enough To Consistently Dominate Ash's Pikachu In The Anime

Poliwrath is an intimidating dual Water/Fighting-type Gen I Pokémon and the final evolved form of Poliwag and Poliwhirl. In the anime, it has been showcased on occasion to be a tank of a Pokémon with devastating offense. In "Charizard Chills," a trainer named Tad uses Poliwrath to beat Ash's Pikachu and Charizard with ease before losing the rematch.
In Johto, Cianwood's Gym Leader Chuck also uses a Poliwrath which again defeats Pikachu before losing to Ash's Bayleef. The fact that Pikachu doesn't have the best record against Poliwrath despite having a type advantage is a testament to Poliwrath and its strength.
7 Grapploct Is A New & Dangerous Fighting-Type Introduced In Gen VIII

In Pokémon Journeys, Bea is a formidable Fighting-type trainer who becomes a new rival for Ash. Her Grapploct is first seen battling the Karate Master of the Saffron Fighting Dojo and defeating his Hitmonchan. Bea's Grapploct also helped her to a win versus Ash in a World Coronation Series Battle by defeating his Riolu and Farfetch'd with the help of Hitmontop.
Surprisingly, Grapploct isn't considered to be part Water-type despite looking like an octopus. Instead, it is a pure Fighting Pokémon with only has three weaknesses in battle.
6 Blaziken Is Powerful Fire/Fighting-Type Starter Pokémon

In the anime, Ash gets knocked out of the Silver Conference in Johto when he comes up short against a trainer named Harrison who has a Blaziken. Blaziken is the final evolution form of Torchic and Combusken, and as a dual Fire/Fighting Pokémon, it is extremely powerful with both physical and special attacks.
Harrison's Blaziken is able to defeat Ash's Charizard, which is no small feat to say the least. May's Blaziken doesn't really get enough time to shine in the anime, apart from a battle against Ash's Sceptile at the Terracotta Town Pokémon Contest, but it could have been a big help in May's other battles and contests if she had been able to evolve it sooner.
5 Hawlucha Was An Integral Part Of Ash's Kalos Team

Hawlucha is given a good reputation in the Pokémon anime, with Bea's Hawlucha defeating Ash's Farfetch'd in Pokémon Journeys, but even more impressive is Ash's Hawlucha, who is an important player on Ash's Kalos team.
The fact that Hawlucha is considered a champion of the forest before it joins up with Ash and friends speaks volumes for how strong this dual Fighting/Flying Pokémon is. Ash's Hawlucha forms a close friendship with Noivern, and their synergy is clear for all to see, just like it is through Ash's entire team.
4 Hariyama Is A Go-To Fighting-Type Behemoth

Hariyama is used by several strong Fighting-type trainers in the anime, with the main ones being Hala, Brawly, Tyson, Greta, and Paul. Ash has difficulties when facing Hariyama over the course of his adventures, losing Torkoal and Corphish to Tyson's, and Grovyle to Greta's.
Brawly's Hariyama is seen using Vital Throw, Arm Thrust, Seismic Toss, and Knock Off, which perfectly represents its physically offensive-focused moveset.
3 Bewear Was A Gracious Host To Team Rocket & Could Be Dangerously Protective

In Pokémon Sun & Moon, Bewear took a liking to Team Rocket, housing and feeding them, but it came with a catch -- they would only be able to escape for so long before Bewear found them again. For the most part, this was all fun and games, but there were a few occasions in the anime where Bewear was called to action in a fighting capacity.
It went up against three Ultra Beasts over the course of the anime, keeping up with the powerful Buzzwole, protecting its Stufful, and teaming up with Team Rocket against the mighty Guzzlord. But perhaps its most impressive moment was how it decimated Pheramosa. This battle was where Bewear's true power and destruction were showcased for everyone to see.
2 Infernape's Fiery Rage Unleashes Chaotic Fire & Fighting-Type Power

Infernape is a perfect example of a powerful dual Fire/Fighting-type Pokémon that makes for some captivating battle sequences in the anime. Ash's Infernape lights up the various battles that it takes part in, even the one against Flint's own Infernape where it suffered a tough loss.
Infernape's fiery rage where it seems to lose control and awareness of its surroundings appears to be a nightmare for a trainer to control, but Ash manages to get his Pokémon through it. Flint's Infernape also took the fight to Cynthia's Garchomp, which is notorious for being one of the most dominant Pokémon in the entire series.
1 Lucario Is An Integral Part Of Any Team

Lucario is well-known for bringing immense physical offense to any battle, so it is no surprise that several Fighting-type specialists utilize the Steel/Fighting-type Pokémon. Maylene's Lucario carries her team to a draw against Ash with sheer will and powerful strikes.
At the Vertress Conference in Unova, Cameron goes into his battle against Ash with a Riolu, which defeats Ash's Unfezant and then evolves into Lucario. From there, it knocks out Snivy and Pikachu. Ash obtaining a Lucario in Pokémon Journeys felt like a game-changing moment, and it instantly made his team look almost unbeatable.