10 Controversial Anime Characters Who Spark Debates Among Fans

In order to tell a compelling and original story, many anime and manga authors stretch the limits of their imaginations. Hundreds of unique characters are the result, many of whom remain treasured by fans across the world.

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However, there are just as many controversial creations whose very existences tend to split fanbases and turn fans against one another. Whether for the nature of their personality or the questionability of their actions, these individuals are often intensely scrutinized by their respective series' audience, resulting in an endless amount of debates over social media.

10 It's Never Clear Where Light Yagami Crossed The Line For Many (Death Note)

Light Yagami was a controversial character not for what he became, but at which point he crossed the line from hero to villain. At the beginning of the series, his actions could be justified since he was punishing criminals who were not sufficiently prosecuted (or might've even escaped without his intervention).

With even his original motive highly contestable among many of the series' most avid enjoyers, Light has been the discussion of countless conversations regarding life and the nature of justice.

9 Endeavor Struggles With The Sins Of His Past (My Hero Academia)

Although Endeavor has been a massive asset against the League of Villains, he is controversial due to the nature of his past. He was responsible for abusing his children, destroying his family, and turning Dabi into one of Shigaraki's most invaluable servants.

Much of the controversy regarding the new number one hero revolves around whether or not he can actually be redeemed for his past actions. It is a particularly sensitive topic since the subject is common in the real world.

8 Ludociel's Stance On Demons Is Highly Contentious (Seven Deadly Sins)

Ludociel was a member of the Four Archangels who was zealously invested in eradicating demons. Arguably the Supreme Deity's most loyal and unwavering servant, his offer to assist humanity against the Ten Commandments is offset by the fact that he is essentially advocating for genocide.

Despite how he assisted Merlin by attacking Zeldris, Ludociel is not beyond using unscrupulous means to achieve his goals. He cast "Fraudulent Light" on the humans who were too inquisitive of his motives for their own good, converting them into loyal pawns for his campaign against the Demon King.

7 Mayuri Embodied The Darkest Aspects Of The Soul Society (Bleach)

While Mayuri may have been a useful resource for the heroes during the campaign against the Espada, he simultaneously embodied the darkest aspects of the Soul Society. The captain was enamored with human experimentation, and his Zanpakuto indiscriminately paralyzed ally and enemy alike.

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Given the inhumane practices he used on the Quincies, Mayuri was also one of Uryu's most hated adversaries. However, his connections as a shinigami ensure that he remains untouchable and guarantees that he can continue his profane research in peace.

6 Sakura's Usefulness Is Always A Sensitive Subject (Naruto)

Sakura Haruno was once the weakest member of Team Seven and lamented her own uselessness. At the beginning of Shippuden, her training under Tsunade began to show considerable dividends, as illustrated through her victory over Akatsuki member Sasori.

Despite her unique abilities, many fans are divided about whether or not the kunoichi is a good character. The controversy is further exacerbated through her greatest flaw -- an unwavering obsession with Sasuke Uchiha that she was willing to take to the grave. Fortunately, the events of Boruto provide the series' community more information to form a complete opinion of her.

5 Many Argue About Whether Or Not Eren's Actions Were Justified (Attack On Titan)

After touching Historia's hand, Eren's personality was irrevocably changed. He had a strong premonition of the future and did everything he could to avoid the destruction of the Eldian race.

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However, his plan involved the Rumbling, an activation of wall titans that swept across the entire planet and decimated eighty percent of all living humans. Although many fans condemn Eren's behavior as extreme and abhorrent, others argue that it was the only conceivable way to save his friends and country.

4 Kirito Is Too Perfect For Some Fans' Likings (Sword Art Online)

Kirito was also known as the Black Swordsman and the main protagonist of the Sword Art Online series. Although generally likable and compassionate, he is the topic of debate due to being "too" perfect.

Not only was he able to wield two swords efficiently in the original Aincrad game (a feat considered to be an exceptional rarity), he was also extremely skilled at everything he did and forced Heathcliff, the game creator, to cheat in order to win their first match. The most frequent accusation against Kirito is that he is a Mary Sue character.

3 Seto Kaiba Wavers Between Hero & Villain (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Seto Kaiba was Yu-Gi-Oh's most contentious character for how fleeting his allegiances were. In some instances, he was an ego-driven man who would stop at nothing to destroy Yugi and his friends, as proven when he subjected them to a series of brutal, life-threatening games.

However, he has also been known to ally himself with the Pharaoh and shares many common enemies with him such as Pegasus and Marik Ishtar. Although some fans adore his status as an anti-hero, others find him too conceited for their liking.

2 Bakugo's Behavior Is Standoffish & Hostile (My Hero Academia)

Bakugo's behavior is standoffish and hostile, with his loud-mouthed antics widening the rift between Class 1-A and the rest of U.A High. He tormented Deku for his powerlessness as a child and beat him to a pulp after he felt insecure about his rival's development of One For All.

In spite of this, he has also illustrated heroic qualities, such as when he refused Shigaraki's attempt to recruit him to the League of Villains. Bakugo's edgy personality remains an explosive point of contention for the series' most passionate fans.

1 Sanji Is The Most Controversial Member Of The Straw Hat Pirates (One Piece)

Sanji's lechery makes him the Straw Hat pirates' most controversial member. Although his behavior toward women often borders on disturbing, it is counterbalanced by his chivalry (which also has a history of putting his friends in danger).

Although he isn't the only lustful member of his group, Sanji's insatiable desire for women is arguably his most defining character trait (whereas it is secondary for Brook). Many of One Piece's most devoted fans continue to debate whether or not the Straw Hat chef's actions are endearing or excessive.

NEXT: One Piece: 10 Times Usopp Was Completely Insufferable

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