10 Most Over-The-Top Anime Transformation Sequences | CBR

There are many different forms of entertainment that compete for the audience’s attention, yet there’s always something special and out of the ordinary that comes out of anime. Anime is a medium that’s able to engage in limitless genres and styles of storytelling, which only grows more advantageous when it’s paired together with the fearless animation and art design that anime frequently showcases.

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Admittedly, there are certain tropes and stereotypes that litter the medium, but there are a lot more anime that want to use these archetypes to evolve the art form. One big stylistic convention that’s mocked in anime is how series often indulge in exaggerated transformation sequences. These transformations can really go to over-the-top places, but these are some of the most extreme and gratuitous examples.

10 Tetsuo’s Transformation In Akira Is Still The Height Of Anime Body Horror

Even non-anime fans at least have basic knowledge over Akira. The iconic anime movie has become a foundational piece of art from the industry that’s gone on to inspire countless other works. Akira tackles some high-minded ideas and presents a scathing indictment of society, but the flashiest aspect of the dystopian saga is the gruesome metamorphosis that’s experienced by Kaneda’s friend, Tetsuo. Tetsuo undergoes an absolutely horrific transformation that turns him into an enormous mass of psychically activated flesh. This painful transformation carries on for multiple minutes and each second is harder to endure than the last.

9 Eren’s Founding Titan Transformation Leaves The World In Ruin

Attack on Titan is one of the most popular anime of the decade. The transformation into blood-thirsty Titans has been painful and traumatic ever since the start of Attack on Titan, but the addition of grander Titan variants only increases the horror. Eren’s transformation into the War Hammer Titan and Armin’s first shift into the Colossal Titan are epic moments. However, Eren’s transformation into the revered Founding Titan is an event that’s felt by the entire world. Eren becomes hundreds of miles of exposed skeleton and triggers the Rumbling of mass Titans stomping flat whatever is in their path.

8 Ken Kaneki’s Dragon Transformation In Tokyo Ghoul Marks The End Of His Humanity

Tokyo Ghoul will at some point hopefully receive a new anime series that properly adapts the manga. The evolution of Tokyo Ghoul’s anime has been disappointing for fans, but the various series at least properly highlight the disturbing transformations that gradually take over Ken Kaneki.

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Kaneki’s initial foray into Ghoul territory and the emergence of more complex kagune are all intimidating moments. Kaneki continues to lose sight of himself and grows into just a weapon of destruction. The apex of this is when he painfully enters his Dragon state, which is essentially a gigantic kaiju centipede that devastates the city.

7 Goku’s First Transformation Into Super Saiyan 3 Makes The Planet Tremble

Many shonen series feature copious transformation sequences, but Dragon Ball Z has almost become synonymous with drawn-out sequences where characters power up and perform unbelievable transformations. Dragon Ball has gone on to introduce transformations like Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, and Ultra Instinct, but the most extreme transformation sequence accompanies Super Saiyan 3’s debut. Goku’s first SS3 transformation is a five-minute-long sequence that’s largely filled with strenuous screams and dazzling displays of light. The planet literally shakes as Goku accesses this power and it’s clear that Super Saiyan 3 was intended to be the final form.

6 Ichigo’s Vasto Lorde Form Unleashes The Demon In Bleach

Bleach is regarded as a classic shonen series even though it accumulates over 350 episodes and ends up lost in endless filler. Bleach’s anime ends on a weak note that squanders the story’s potential, but it still gets to explore Ichigo’s powerful transformations. Ichigo utilizes his mystical Zanpakuto sword to gain more strength, which results in his lost soul Hollow power being summoned. Ichigo’s inner demon takes him over and makes him a Vasto Lorde, which involves an increase in muscle, hair, and a foreboding horned mask. It’s easily one of the most exciting moments in the entire series.

5 Shigeo Kageyama’s Psychic Explosions In Mob Psycho 100 Surpass 100%

Mob Psycho 100 is a modern masterpiece that focuses on a powerful group of psychic espers. However, the most exceptional of them all, Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama, is afraid to use his powers. There’s a suspenseful ticking time bomb element as Mob’s emotions get the better of him and a psychic explosion becomes imminent.

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Mob gets pushed too far during his fight against Teru, and the sadness that he experiences pushes him past 100% into “???%” territory. The transformation features some of Mob Psycho 100’s most gorgeous work, and Mob is literally able to destroy and reassemble matter with this power.

4 Gintama’s Kaien Mecha Celebration Puts All Newtypes To Shame

Gintama is a rare anime that has over 350 episodes, yet it actively gets better with each passing installment. Gintama is a master of both absurdist comedy as well as sweeping serialized drama, which makes the long-running anime a spectacle that’s always unpredictable. One arc that heavily lampoons the Star Wars series involves Gintoki and company assembling a giant mecha known as Kaien. Kaien’s strength and means of attack are all greatly exaggerated, but the transformation itself is a glorious riff on the overdone nature of Voltron and other mecha series. Nobody beats Gintama when it comes to parody.

3 The Loss Of Kite Pushes Hunter X Hunter’s Gon To Drastically Transform & Mature

Hunter x Hunter is an exceptional shonen series that works especially hard to feature unique arcs to avoid the standard repetition that can bog down the majority of longer anime. Gon Freecs’ growing mastery of nen energy is always fulfilling, but he experiences an incredible metamorphosis after he loses his friend, Kite. Gon needs to become stronger than ever to defeat Chimera Ant, Pitou, and the result is that he uses up all of his nen in an extreme transformation. Gon becomes consumed by dark matter, and his body rapidly ages in a lengthy, suspenseful transformation sequence.

2 Omnimon Is A Mega Level Digimon Unlike Anything That’s Been Seen Before

Digimon’s enduring audience understands that it’s much more complicated than some Pokémon ripoff. Digimon has received a reboot, and it’s clear that there’s still a lot being done with the franchise and its growing universe. Increasingly extravagant Digivolutions enter the series, but there’s still nothing that’s managed to top the birth of Omnimon. This Mega Level Digimon is a combination of both WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, and this new plateau of power is necessary to wipe out Diaboromon. This transformation lasts for over a minute long and is considerably more intense than the other Mega Evolution sequences.

1 Luffy’s Gear 4 Transformations In One Piece Are Worthy Of A Pirate King

One Piece has become emblematic of long-running anime that are consumed with just as much filler content as they are with canon that advances the narrative. One Piece’s Devil Fruits have led to some stunning displays of power, but the advancement forward with Luffy’s Gear 4 transformation is on a whole other level. Whether it’s his Bounce Man or Snake Man form, Luffy experiences highly detailed changes where he’s covered with energy and his body expands in surreal ways. All of Luffy’s previous Gear transformations are substantially shorter in comparison.

NEXT: Dragon Ball: 5 Transformations That Left An Impression (& 5 That Were Unremarkable)

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