10 X-Men Who Deserve Solo Books | CBR

The X-Men have never had an easy go of things but that's never stopped them. As one of the most powerful teams in the Marvel Universe, they've been through terrible events, fighting to keep their people from the brink of extinction. The dangers the team has faced over the years have created some of the most formidable heroes in the Marvel Universe, ones who can handle anything.

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Marvel has recently gone all-in with X-Men comics but there are relatively few X-Men solo books- pretty much just Wolverine's. This is a tragedy, as there are plenty of mutants who can easily helm their own book.

10 A Second Wolverine Book Starring Laura Would Be Great

There's an unwritten rule over at Marvel- Wolverine sells books. While Logan has his own book, he's not the only Wolverine, as his daughter Laura has recently taken up the Wolverine spot on the new X-Men team. Laura's time as Wolverine was one of the most exciting times for both her and Wolverine fans, so giving her another book would be amazing.

The fact that Wolverine lost her first book when Logan returned was a travesty, so giving her another chance at a solo book is a perfect way to show fans how great a character she can be and help her achieve everything she can.

9 Storm Deserves Way More Time In The Spotlight

Storm has long been one of the most powerful X-Men and her skill as a leader is just about unmatched; one could argue that she's the greatest leader in the team's history. She's also one of the most popular X-Men ever but has never had her own solo book. This is just plain weird; with a history as rich as hers, a Storm solo book should be a no-brainer.

In recent years, Storm's treatment hasn't been the greatest- she's either been Black Panther's wife or Wolverine's girlfriend, mostly playing second fiddle in whatever book she was in. Giving her a solo book would go a long way towards making up for years of misuse.

8 Jean Grey Has Never Had A Solo Starring Book Of Any Kind And It's Time To Remedy That

Jean Grey is one of the most important mutants in the Marvel Universe but she's also never had a solo book. No mini-series, no one-shots, nothing. The closest she got was X-Men: Red and even that was still an ensemble piece. Jean Grey is a rich character and giving her a solo book is long overdue.

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Jean Grey has been around forever and the fact that no one can think of anything to do with her beyond putting her on a team is a gross miscarriage of justice. Giving Jean some time on her own, where she can define herself as a character away from the X-Men is long overdue.

7 A Captain Britain Book Would Be A Very Different Kind Of X-Men Book

Elizabeth Braddock stopped being Psylocke and took up her brother's old mantle of Captain Britain and has made a good go of it. While she's starring in Excalibur currently, the Captain Britain concept, with the multidimensional Captain Britain Corps, is too good to waste on a team book. Seeing Elizabeth get used to dealing with multiversal threats and her new responsibilities would be delightful.

Elizabeth Braddock is yet another longtime X-Woman who has never had any solo stardom of her own and her new role would make her perfect for some. The mantle of Captain Britain has long been one of the most interesting in the Marvel Universe and seeing her deal with the new realities of it and her life would be a lot of fun.

6 Colossus Is A Ball Of Contradictions That Should Be Explored In More Detail

Colossus is a really interesting character, much more so than his cold organic steel exterior lets on. He's one of the X-Men's strongest members but he's also one of its most gentle. He's a warrior through and through, yet he also has a soul of an artist; he'd rather be painting or farming instead of fighting. This dichotomy needs to be explored more and the best place to do that would be in a solo book.

There's so much that can be done with Colossus on his own given a chance. If the Hulk can have a book about being a rage monster who sometimes fights evil, why can't Colossus have a book that explores the contradictory sides of him?

5 Cannonball Is Way Too Interesting To Not Have A Solo Book

Cannonball rose through the superhero ranks, starting out as a member of New Mutants to the leader of X-Force to finally becoming a member of the X-Men. He'd even join the Avengers, meeting his wife, the Shi'Ar Superguardian Smasher. Now living on the Shi'Ar homeworld of Chandrilar with her and their child, a Cannonball book could be a rip-roaring sci-fi good time.

Cannonball has always been a great character and putting him in awesome outer space adventures with his wife and the Imperial Guard would be a wonderful premise for a solo book. It would take him out of his comfort zone and show readers just how multi-faceted the character could be.

4 Sunspot Is Entertaining In An Ensemble And Would Be More So On His Own

Sunspot, like his friend Cannonball, has grown a lot over the years, and putting him in a solo book would be a showcase for that. Since his star turn in U.S.Avengers, he's taken a back seat and that's a shame because he's probably at his most entertaining right now. He's a hilarious billionaire playboy and there is so much trouble he can get in on his own.

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Putting Sunspot by himself, where he can be as extra as possible and with no one to hold him back or look after him, would be a lot of fun. He's powerful enough to hold his own with no help and his personality would go great in a solo book.

3 Warpath Was Always On The Cusp Of Stardom And A Solo Book Can Push Him Over The Edge

Warpath has always been a way better character than most people give him credit for. He's been a member of X-Force and the X-Men and it's always seemed like he was about to get pushed harder. However, for whatever reason, he never got the push that he deserved and that's a tragedy.

Warpath's history with the X-Men started even before he was a member as it began with his brother Thunderbird. He's had a rich history, one that is ripe with potential for a solo series. Giving him one could show his potential to readers who don't know the glory of Warpath.

2 Mirage Has Too Rich A History To Not Have A Solo Series

Mirage has been around for a long time but never really got much of a chance. This is very unfair to the character. She's always been one of the most interesting members of the New Mutants and was even an Asgardian Valkyrie for a time.

She works both in the world of mutants and because of her status as a sometimes Valkyrie, can be used in that world as well. She has so much potential that just using her in team books is a waste of an amazing character.

1 Magik Has Been Pushed To The Moon In Recent Years And A Solo Book Could Complete That Push

Magik has gotten a lot of spotlight in recent years, taking her place as one of the most powerful mutants on the X-Men. Her mutant teleportation powers are bolstered by her magical skill and prowess with a sword. She's put that to good use over the years, helping to fight against every foe who's battled the X-Men.

She's also made appearances in Doctor Strange's book and works as well as a magical character as she does a mutant one. She can do so many things that a solo book for her should have been a foregone conclusion ages ago.

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