The definitions of friendship and enmity fluctuate quite often in Attack on Titan, making the story significantly more realistic than most shonen analogs. Characters who are gentle and compassionate in one arc might switch their personalities into the exact opposite later; the reverse being equally true and just as likely.
In that sense, there is no character that can be considered purely evil — just that they play the antagonist's role whenever the situation demands it. As such, these so-called villains have often been responsible for good deeds, or whatever passes for one in Attack on Titan.
10 Floch Forster Technically Saves Erwin Smith

Floch Forster has been an annoying fly in the ointment long before the formation of the Jaegerists, but he does rescue Erwin Smith from death's door and hands him over to Levi.
The fact that the Scout captain opts to save Armin instead of his Commander notwithstanding, it's really brave of Floch to carry an unconscious man across a live battlefield at great risk to his life. Unfortunately, there's little more to say about him in terms of positive accomplishments.
9 Rod Reiss Acknowledges His Illegitimate Daughter

Rod Reiss is forced to "disinherit" Historia when she's young, forcing her to change her name to Krista Lenz and avoiding contact with her as much as possible. He only does this under pressure, but it's quite a cruel thing to subject one's own child to, legitimate or otherwise.
Rod partially redeems himself when he offers Historia the chance to rule Paradis as the Founding Titan, choosing not to take the power for himself — either because he's terrified of reducing his lifespan or because he wants to ensure the Reiss bloodline remains in power. It's sad that this change of heart lasts only a few minutes, though.
8 Pieck Becomes A Warrior To Get Better Healthcare

Pieck is a steadfast Warrior, performing her tasks without complaint regardless of their nature. Deep down, though, she hopes that the Eldian people might one day be free of the blemishes created by their ancestors.
To that end, Pieck does exactly what she needs to do on behalf of Marley, and not a fraction more. Interestingly, it's revealed that she accepts the responsibility of becoming the Cart Titan because of her father's sickness — and the salary received as a Warrior would be sufficient to care for his medical needs.
7 Kenny Ackermann Raises His Nephew As His Own

A young Kenny Ackermann scours the Underground City in search of his lost sister, Kuchel, discovering that she had given birth to a child without his knowledge. After her death, he decides to raise baby Levi all by himself, despite acknowledging his lack of parenting skills.
Kenny trains his nephew in the ways of the world; in other words, he ensures that the boy can handle himself without the need for guidance before disappearing from Levi's life. It's a genuinely heartfelt moment when Kenny reveals everything to his nephew.
6 Gabi Saves Kaya From Being Eaten By A Titan

Although Gabi initially detonates in a violent fury when people dare to question her moral high ground, interacting with the Braus household has a calming effect on her personality. It's so powerful that she actively takes the effort to save Kaya from a Pure Titan, killing the creature with a point-blank shot down its gullet.
In a short but satisfying redemption scene, Gabi acknowledges that she is the "Eldian devil" she used to hate so much, mainly because of all the innocent lives she's taken in her bid to prove her loyalty to the wrong nation.
5 Reiner Is Torn Between His Goal And His Morality

Reiner takes his secret agent role too far, turning into a bizarre blend of two personalities — Marleyan Warrior/Armored Titan and Scout Regiment member. In fact, he switches between them so often that he is confused by the result of his own brutality, treating it as if he's a shocked observer with no relation to the event.
This implies that Reiner has developed the habit of compartmentalizing his feelings, creating a clear distinction between what he needs to do and what is right. It doesn't absolve him of his sins, but it does make him a lot more human.
4 Bertholdt Helps Reiner Maintain His Composure

Bertholdt isn't very talkative or sociable, but his friends in the Scout Regiment still like him anyway. He betrays them from the very beginning, however, by hiding the fact that he's the Colossus Titan who started the whole thing in the first place.
On the other hand, Bertholdt is quite attached to Reiner, often trying to get his friend to calm down and think strategically. It can be argued that his presence helps Reiner see past his conflicting emotions and make the right decisions.
3 Zeke Triggers The Founding Titan To Save Eren

As Reiner attempts to pin Eren down (in their respective Titan forms), the Beast Titan commands Falco Grice's Jaw to interrupt the fight and allow the Attack Titan to escape. Right as Eren is about to make physical contact with Zeke, Gabi's attack blasts his head clean off his shoulders.
Luckily, the Beast manages to catch his brother's severed head, permitting both of them to access the Coordinate and meet Ymir Fritz. Zeke's act saves Eren's life, which is technically a noble thing to do regardless of what the latter does later.
2 Annie Rescues Armin From The Okapi Titan

Armin's affection for Annie is clear from the beginning, so its poetic perfection to have her save him when he's "abducted" by the mysterious Okapi Titan aboard Eren's Founding Titan ribcage.
Although supported by Mikasa and Connie, the Female Titan is fenced in by several Titan opponents, at least until Bertholdt, Porco, Marcel, and Ymir decide to protect them. Mikasa succeeds in freeing Armin from his captor's mouth, allowing Annie to grab him before he plummets to his death.
1 Eren Accepts That He Will Lose All His Friends Forever

Eren Jaeger is painfully aware of the horrors the world experiences because of his decisions, but he is most affected by the thoughts of how his friends and loved ones think of him. In a "telepathic" time-displaced conversation with Armin, Eren states that he wants to live and be with everyone else, especially with Mikasa.
However, his actions have permanently stained his name in the annals of history, and there is absolutely no way he can ask people for forgiveness. Eren acknowledges this fact, which is quite admirable given how much he loses in the process.