Black Widow: 10 Things You Need To Know Before Watching The Movie

Black Widow is finally going to be hitting theatres this July and fans couldn't be more excited after so many delays. While the Disney+ shows have been picking up the slack with respect to new content, each story has been isolated from the greater MCU while still foreshadowing what's to come.

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It's been quite a long time since fans have seen Natasha on screen, so some may need a few reminders before going into the film. Aside from rewatching Iron Man 2, The Avengers, Age of Ultron, Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame, the following list should get fans ready for the release.

10 Who Is Black Widow?

Black Widow, aka Natasha Romanov, is the titular hero of the long-awaited MCU film. She was first introduced under the alias Natalie Rushman in Iron Man 2, but it's later found out that she was sent by Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. to keep an eye on Tony's deteriorating health. She was also one of the original six Avengers that took down Loki in New York.

Despite not having any powers, she has been a crucial asset to the team in not only combat but also espionage and getting the big guy to calm down after a fight. She has a stained and mysterious past that fans have only been shown glimpses of during flashbacks, so any character reveals in this movie will be exceptionally rewarding for fans.

9 What Makes Her So Special?

Natasha is incredibly good at being a spy, she was trained for many years by the KGB to become a cold-blooded assassin of the deadliest variety. She was also trained significantly by S.H.I.E.L.D. in a myriad of weaponry and fighting techniques.

She is also much more intelligent than fans realize, she not only hacked into Ivan Vanko's operating system to regain control of Rhodey's suit, but she also hacked into S.H.I.E.L.D. files on the Lemurian Star, and even found Zola, inadvertently. Between her mental abilities, physical abilities, and her expertise over gadgetry, Black Widow certainly deserves a spot on the Avengers.

8 What Is The Red Room?

The Red Room has been seen via flashbacks in Age of Ultron; it's where Natasha spent her childhood learning the skills required to become an assassin/spy. She also underwent a procedure in the Red Room that prevented her from being able to have children, thus preventing any distractions from her work as a Black Widow.

It's believed that other movie characters were also products of the Red Room. Whether it's via another flashback sequence, or Natasha and friends actually visiting the Red Room, fans should expect to learn more about this place in this film.

7 Who Are Yelena Belova, The Red Guardian, & Melina Vostokoff?

Yelena Belova, the Red Guardian, and Melina Vostokoff are new MCU characters and appear to be Natasha's allies. It's implied that Yelena is from the same Red Room as Natasha and many assume she will become the next Black Widow of the MCU. Red Guardian, aka Alexei Shostakov, appears to have the Russian Super Soldier Serum coursing through his veins. In the comics, Alexei is a skilled pilot before becoming the Red Guardian and he even marries Natasha; though the trailer paints him as more of a father figure.

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Melina Vostokoff actually develops into a villainess in the comics, eventually getting sick of living in Natasha's shadow and leaving Russia to become a freelance assassin by the name of Iron Maiden. Perhaps the MCU is setting the stage for a future villain in Captain America 4.

6 Who Is The Villain Of The Movie?

The villain of the film appears to be Taskmaster, who is a deadly foe capable of replicating any move he sees. Taskmaster in the comics is a relatively normal human, making him a fair foe for Widow. Additionally, he has ties to not only the Red Room but also villainous organizations such as Hydra.

The actor playing Taskmaster is still unknown. Some fans have theorized that when Taskmaster finally removes their mask it will be revealed to be Melina Vostokoff, thus gender-swapping the character and updating Melina's villainous origins. With so many other comic characters being gender and race swapped for the MCU, this is an entirely possible scenario.

5 Where Does This Movie Take Place?

The movie seems like it's going to take place in Russia for the most part, though there are likely going to be portions in the U.S. as well, possibly picking up from Civil War or leading into Infinity War. It's also been suggested that the legendary Budapest mission will be of significance, so perhaps fans will finally have some insight on the infamous mission that keeps getting referenced in the MCU.

In addition to Russia, the Widow gang will likely hop international borders and end up in a few other eastern European or Asian nations. This will likely be to either escape from, find information on or track down Taskmaster.

4 When Does This Movie Take Place?

It's been confirmed that this film is a period piece and will take place between Civil War and Infinity War. This is approximately a two-year span chronologically in the MCU starting with Team Cap on the run after the fallout of the Sokovia Accords and ending with the arrival of The Children of Thanos on Earth.

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It's unclear how much overlap there will be between the films if any, but fans should expect some sort of context as to why Natasha is where she is in the movie (and why Steve isn't with her). It's also unclear how much time the movie will span over or when during the two-year gap it takes place, but if Natasha's hair color changes by the end, it's likely just before she rejoins Steve and heads to Glasgow.

3 Will There Be Any Additional MCU Cameos?

It's been almost confirmed that Thaddeus Ross will be making an appearance in this film, which would make sense considering his heavy involvement in the Sokovia Accords. There have also been rumors that Tony Stark may make a brief cameo since he would play a significant role in this period of the MCU.

Additionally, soon after Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine made her MCU debut, rumors emerged about her potential cameo in Black Widow. With so little known about her character at this point, fans would love to learn more about the mysterious Val. Additionally, if the Budapest storyline does end up playing a significant part in this film, Hawkeye may even show up in some capacity.

2 What Took So Long For The Movie To Be Released (& How Can I Watch It)?

This movie was originally supposed to release all the way back in 2020, but unfortunately, the world had other plans. Due to the global pandemic, Disney was forced to push all projects by several months on multiple occasions; indefinitely at one point. The 2021 release date was only pushed because Disney wanted to release in theatres and stream on their app simultaneously to make more money.

The world is opening back up and many theatres in larger cities across the country are opening their doors once again for moviegoers. However, Black Widow will also be available to stream on Disney+ for two to three times the cost of a movie ticket. Though, if one has a family, this is actually a much more cost-effective option than going to the theatres.

1 How Does It Tie Into The Greater MCU?

While there are many ideas, rumors, and theories on how this movie will tie things together, it all remains to be seen until the movie actually premieres. Then fans can finally see what's real and what was intentional misdirection in the trailers. With the introduction of a Russian Super Soldier, the lore of the serum goes even deeper and could be explored further in Cap 4.

Additionally, if Val does show up, that could provide more insight into the shadowy agency she works for. Considering they will be traipsing around Russia and presumably other parts of Asia, there may be a Kamar-Taj tie-in or perhaps a reference to Dr. Strange's fight with Dormammu. With everything fans have seen thus far, Black Widow is sure to weave into the greater MCU somehow.

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