In the DC Universe, beings of cosmic power may not be so clear as they are in the Marvel universe. Some of these beings find themselves interacting with the community of super-heroes. Despite their vast power, many of them have aspects that prevent them from being the unstoppable forces they should be.
For some, it may be an aspect of their power that is their limitation. For some, it is a relatively simple loophole around their powers. Regardless, they each have something that prevents them from being the closest thing to a cosmic force that a human mind could comprehend.
10 The Infinite Man Was Stuck In A Closed Loop

Jaxon Rugarth was a time researcher sent through a series of time loops that not only drove him insane but bequeathed him with nigh-omnipotent abilities. His first effort to kill Rond Vidar, the young man that performed the experiment that created him, put him into conflict with the Legion of Super-Heroes. They found only one way to stop the Infinite Man.
With the Legion providing the distraction against the Infinite Man, Rond Vidar sabotaged the Hyper-Time Drive that created the foe. This sent the Infinite Man back into an endless time loop of multiple dimensions until the energies of the Crisis on Infinite Earths freed him. With the magic of the White Witch, the energies that powered him were drained back into the timestream.
9 What Exactly Does Betty Clawman Do?

Following the events of the crossover event Millenium, several humans were given vast powers by the Guardians of the Universe. Among these humans was Becky Clawman who became merged with "the Dreamtime." This was before Neil Gaiman's Sandman established the Dreaming as the realm where dreams are created.
Her abilities were never firmly established with her ultimately serving as a Deus Ex Machina. All appearances since the New Guardians limited series have done little more than using her as a cameo. She's simply a powerful entity that no longer exists in the standard reality.
8 Mister Nebula Has Bad Taste And Worse Balance

Mister Nebula is a parody of Marvel Comics' Galactus. After his herald, the Scarlet Skier finds a suitable world, Mister Nebula redecorates it. Unfortunately, he has really bad taste.
When he came to Earth, the Justice League found a way to disorient the cosmic-powered threat. Ice and Crimson Fox froze his eardrum, temporarily ruining his equilibrium. Fortunately, when Mister Nebula was shown Las Vegas, he decided that his work had already been done for him.
7 Pariah Goes From One Disaster To Another

Introduced in Crisis on Infinite Earths, Pariah journeyed from one parallel Earth to another. Unfortunately, he had no control over this ability, going just ahead of a wave of anti-matter destroying the multiverse. It was part of the plan of the Anti-Monitor to amass enough energy to destroy the positive matter universes at the dawn of time.
Pariah blamed himself for a long time. His ability to traverse the Multiverse was part of the Monitor's efforts to stop his evil counterpart. In the end, he helped Earth's heroes stop the Anti-Monitor.
6 The Spectre Is Bound To A Human Host

The Spectre has bounced up and down the levels of cosmic power. At his strongest, he becomes an elemental magical force, capable of moving planets. There's not much that hinders him.
Therefore, his lack of control comes from being bound to a human host. Upon being bound, the Spectre has raged at being tethered to a mortal soul. Without it, he is unlimited in his mission of vengeance, as shown in Day of Vengeance.
5 The Time Trapper Controls Time But Is Stuck At The End Of Time

The Time Trapper is perhaps the most powerful foe of the Legion of Super-Heroes. While the Trapper has used agents, some disguised as himself, he's been found at the end of time. No matter what identity was revealed under the robes, his base of operations remained the desolate location.
The Trapper has been described as the embodiment of entropy, which might be the reason for this restriction. He might be at his strongest at the end of time, or his powers could be linked to such a place. Nevertheless, when he was forcibly taken from there, it looked to be a certain defeat or even demise by the Infinite Man.
4 Uncle Sam's Power Level Is In Direct Proportion To American Patriotism

Uncle Sam was one of the best and strongest heroes of World War II. With the Freedom Fighters on Earth-X, he provided the leadership to defeat decades of Nazi rule. Unfortunately, whenever he's been placed in another era, he hasn't had the same effect.
It's been theorized by strong evidence in many stories that Uncle Sam's powers are only as strong as American patriotism. It makes perfect sense that Uncle Sam was powerful enough to form gateways to a parallel Earth at the start of the second world war. Since then, he's had times when he was almost powerless.
3 People Keep Finding Ways Around Starro's Powers

Starro the Conqueror looks absolutely ridiculous. However, he has enough power to enslave the Justice League, a large city, and possibly, the world. so why would it keep being beaten?
Starro has a major weakness that prevents it from succeeding. He cannot survive freezing temperatures. It's also a weakness that's made the Justice Leaguer Ice extremely effective against the would-be conqueror.
2 Raven's Human Side Prevents Her From Utilizing Her Full Power

As the daughter of Trigon, Raven is immensely powerful. Of course, to use all of that power, she has to give in to the evil of Trigon. Whenever she's succumbed in the past, it's presented a problem for the Titans.
Because her human half conflicts with the half she got from her father. This keeps her from accessing a lot of her power. If she ever starts exhibiting them, be warned.
1 Delirium Personifies Her Name To The Point That She Is Constantly Unfocused

In the Endless from Neil Gaiman's Sandman, were the personification of fundamental aspects of the universe. Only one of them lacks complete control, Delirium. She used to be known as Delight but evolved into her current state.
Delirium cannot focus her attention, much less her power for very long. One of her lesser abilities she does have control over is to spread this addled state to others. In the times she has focused her attention, she has demonstrated herself to be frightening, even to her fellow siblings.