Batman is DC Comics' cornerstone character in the modern era. The Dark Knight is endlessly popular, the star of movies, and the centerpiece of the Justice League, among other teams. This is largely due to the rich history and lore of Batman, as dozens of extremely talented creators have worked with the character and crafted unforgettable tales starring Bruce Wayne since his inception.
A good story has an arc, compelling characters, and exciting twists and turns. Shocking reveals and undermining what is thought to be established truth are both great tools in crafting a compelling tale. Batman is no stranger to major twists and revelations; in fact, they permeate his history.
10 Ra's Al Ghul Appearing In The Batcave And Knowing Bruce's Secret Identity

Ra's al Ghul first appeared in Batman #232 by Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams way back in 1971. Ra's al Ghul was a mysterious figure who already knew that Batman and Bruce Wayne were one and the same.
This was a significant moment in Batman's history, as it was the first time in comics history where one of his enemies (as Ra's would prove to be) discovered Batman's secret identity. Ra's wasn't the last, of course, as Hugo Strange, Amanda Waller, and Bane would replicate this achievement in the following decades.
9 The Joker Shooting Barbara Gordon Through The Spine In Killing Joke

Another of the most shocking twists in Batman history takes place during the Killing Joke story by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland. The major twist of this story is the Joker ambushing Barbara Gordon at her apartment. However, this is a strike at Commissioner Gordon; Joker doesn't (seem to) know that Babs is Batgirl.
The Joker shoots Barbara in the stomach, seemingly a deliberate nonlethal shot that, nonetheless, leaves Babs paralyzed from the waist down and needing to use a wheelchair for mobility.
8 The Death Of Robin (Jason Todd) At The Hands Of The Joker In Death Of The Family

This sad tale by Jim Starlin and Jim Aparo began with Batman becoming concerned about Robin's near-suicidal tactics against criminals, which ends with Batman pulling Jason Todd from the field while they figure things out. This leads to Batman and Jason going on a search for Jason's birth mother. Unfortunately, Robin and Batman get separated during this search, and Robin is captured by the Joker.
Joker beats Jason Todd brutally with a crowbar before blowing up the warehouse with Robin inside. It takes Batman some time to discover who was behind this atrocity, and the scars left behind on Batman have never fully healed.
7 Bane Figuring Out Batman's Secret Identity And Taking Him In Knightfall

As previously mentioned, Bane would also discover that Bruce Wayne was the true identity of the Batman. He also handed Batman one of his greatest defeats, breaking open Arkham Asylum and putting Batman through a gauntlet of his worst enemies.
This reached its climax when a tired and battered Batman returned to Wayne Manor to find Bane waiting for him, and Bane breaks Batman's back in the ensuing duel.
6 The Revelation That Batman Had Plans To Take Down The Other Justice Leaguers

Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins continued to plague Batman several times after that first encounter, but one of their greatest capers involved the Justice League in a story called Tower of Babel by Mark Waid and Howard Porter.
In this story, the League of Assassins begins striking at the members of the Justice League with tactics specifically tailored to their weaknesses, personalities, and fighting styles. It's revealed that this all came from Batman, who crafted these plans to deal with any member of the JLA should they ever go bad. Needless to say, this created friction between Bruce and his teammates.
5 The Revelation That The Justice League Wiped Batman's Mind During Identity Crisis

Of course, the Justice League hasn't been completely faithful to Batman either. During the Identity Crisis story by Brad Meltzer and Rags Morales, it is revealed that the villain Doctor Light at one point discerned the secret identity of the Justice Leaguers, and they used Zatanna to wipe his mind of this information. When Batman took issue with this, they did the same to him.
When Batman discovered this breach of trust, he became enraged, and this led to another schism between Batman and the JLA.
4 The Return Of Jason Todd As The Red Hood In Under The Hood

The death of Jason Todd proved impermanent, as Talia al Ghul put Jason Todd in the Lazarus Pit, which is also the secret to Ra's al Ghul's apparent immortality. Jason came back fractured and angry, and he received secret training from the League of Assassins. He later returned to Gotham City as the Red Hood to try and cleanse it of its criminal underworld.
This led to an inevitable showdown between Jason and Batman in Under the Hood by Judd Winick and Doug Mahnke. Batman discovers that the Red Hood is Jason Todd, and the two battle it out. Jason escapes, and, in the years since, Red Hood has become a mercurial ally to Batman.
3 Batman Being Killed By Darkseid At The Climax Of Final Crisis

Final Crisis by Grant Morrison, J.G. Jones, and Carlos Pacheco was an explosive event that involved the return of Darkseid in a new and more vicious ploy than ever before. He began establishing a vast seat of power on Earth and killing his enemies. Batman tried to actually kill Darkseid using a gun loaded with radiation bullets (like the one used to kill Orion on Darkseid's orders), but Batman was instead struck by the Omega Beams, which seemingly killed him.
Superman ultimately manages to beat Darkseid at the end of Final Crisis, and the heroes mourn Batman. In reality, Batman was still alive, but he was lost in the timestream with seemingly no way home. In the present, Dick Grayson took up the mantle of Batman with Damian Wayne, son of Bruce and Talia al Ghul, as Robin.
2 Catwoman Leaving Batman At The Altar At The Behest Of Bane

With the coming of DC Rebirth and Batman by Tom King, David Finch, Mikel Janin, and others, it seemed like Batman and Catwoman may finally tie the knot. Bruce proposes to Selena, and the two being preparing for the impending nuptials.
However, Catwoman leaves Batman at the altar, and it is revealed that this was part of a long-term plan Bane had to break the Batman. However, there was one other major reveal that accompanied this deception...
1 Thomas Wayne Being Part Of Bane's Plan To Bring Down The Batman

Thomas Wayne, the Batman of the Flashpoint timeline, was working with Bane to bring down Batman. Bruce had already met Thomas during the Button crossover with Flash, and, apparently, Thomas wasn't willing to let Bruce be Batman in any timeline. As such, he crossed over to Earth-1 to try and break his son so that he would no longer be Batman.
This included, among other things, having Bane kill Alfred Pennyworth and take over Gotham City and having KGBeast shoot Nightwing. However, Batman ultimately beats both Bane and Thomas Wayne and remains Batman.