The DC Universe is home to some of the vilest characters ever created in superhero media. These individuals have shown their true colors through their actions time and time again. They just can't seem to get enough of tormenting people's lives. Some can't even get enough of killing gods and endangering the multiverse.
However evil these people are, some of them do sometimes find themselves on the heroic side of events. While it would be fair to say that their motivations to be a force of good in the world were probably rooted in selfishness, that does not change the fact that their actions have sometimes produced a safer world. But who knows? Maybe somewhere, deep in their blackened hearts, some DC villains actually have an ounce of goodness in them.
10 Deathstroke Has A Conscience

Having nicknames such as "The Terminator" and "The Fastest Killer Alive" don't exactly elicit thoughts of heroism or honor in people's heads. Even so, Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke, has used his skills and natural abilities to aid in the fight against evil on multiple occasions. In recent years, he fought with the Justice League against the forces of the Dark Multiverse when they invaded the Earth. He has also fought with Wonder Woman against an evil titan known as Lapetus. The titan threatened to destroy Themyscira and the world, but Deathstroke slew him before he got the chance.
9 Captain Cold Has Been A True Hero

Leonard Snart is one of The Flash's most iconic villains. He has committed many crimes and tortured The Flash and Central City for many years. However, after the Justice League, Justice League Dark, and Justice League of America were all seemingly killed at the hands of the Crime Syndicate, Captain Cold fought against them. Surprisingly, he then joined the Justice League, where he fought against injustice for some time. He has indeed had quite the heroic streak, especially for a career criminal.
8 Harley Quinn Let Go Of The Joker

Those who haven't read any DC comics in a while might not know about Harley's new status as somewhat of an anti-heroine. Most people know her as the crazed sidekick of the Joker. Alongside her Clown Prince, she used to regularly terrorize and murder the people of Gotham.
These days, she finds herself actually taking down criminals and helping people, sometimes even alongside Batman. During the events of Joker War, Harley fought against Joker's forces, including Punchline. Since then, she has continued to fight for good, which is something the other heroes of Gotham should be grateful for.
7 Sinestro Has The Will To Do Good

Thaal Sinestro is most well-known for his time as the leader of the Yellow Lanterns. As their leader, he enabled and promoted their terrorization of the universe. He also killed almost all of the Guardians of the Universe at one point. Those who know about him however, know that he was once a prominent member of the Green Lantern Corps as well. He did accomplish good deeds while he wore a green ring, but his most heroic acts happened as a Yellow Lantern. He not only helped fight against the Crime Syndicate during their invasion, but he also valiantly fought Nekron, an extremely powerful being of pure death. He may be a harbinger of fear, but some of his actions have certainly brought safety and security to the universe.
6 Killer Frost Helped Stop A Major Villain

There is no doubt that Caitlin Frost is a villain. As Killer Frost, she has killed many people and tried to kill many more. She has also fought against any superhero that would ever try to stop her. As villains in the DC Universe tend to do, she found her way onto Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad.
During a run-in with the Justice League, Eclipso was freed, taking control of most of the League as well. Killer Frost's powers were crucial in saving the day, and she was praised by the heroes for doing so. She even joined Batman's Justice League of America for a while after this event.
5 Darkseid Has Saved Reality

It's hard for fans to imagine Darkseid as anything other than the most evil being ever. He is the ruler of a hellish world, Apokolips, which is inhabited by only slaves, prisoners, parademons, or any other of Darkseid's servants. He makes war on the universe regularly, desiring only to rule over everything and everyone. There are a few instances, however, where he has been depicted as not being a complete menace. For example, he fought Imperiex when he sought to destroy the universe. The version of himself in the Sixth Dimension also helped the Justice League escape from prison so they could stop the World Forger and save their multiverse.
4 Lex Luthor Was A Justice League Member

The archenemy of Superman is widely known for being just that. For the majority of his existence, Lex Luthor has either spent his time making plans to destroy Superman, or carrying out those plans. He's also spent some time trying to conquer the multiverse with Perpetua and even killed some family members too. As terrible as his history is, he has spent a decent amount of time-fighting for good, or maybe just for his own selfish reasons. He successfully led a group of villains in defeating the Crime Syndicate, which then paved the way for him to join the Justice League. Ironically, he also gave his life to save Superman during the events of Dark Nights: Death Metal.
3 Black Adam Isn't Always Evil

Above all else, Black Adam is a defender of Kahndaq and all its people. One of the first things he ever did with his godly powers was free his people from the rule of dictators. But of course, his actions as a villain have been much more prominent than his virtuous ones. He has constantly been in conflict with Shazam, a hero, and he usually kills without question. More recently, however, it seems he has been trying to turn over a new leaf. In the current Justice League series, by Brian Michael Bendis, Black Adam has joined the League and has been fighting otherworldly enemies side by side with its members. Fans will have to wait and see how long this new status quo lasts for the ruler of Kahndaq.
2 Nekron Killed A Major Threat

Nekron, The Lord of the Unliving, is the corporeal idea of death. His level of power is nearly unmatched and he can summon the dead to serve him as he wishes. His own lantern corps, the Black Lanterns, serve him and seek to destroy all existing living things for him. He is truly a force to be reckoned with. Fans may think that a being like this is only capable of harming the world, but in one instance, Nekron actually saved everything. Under the control of Hal Jordan, Nekron cut down Volthoom, the first lantern, while he was on the cusp of remaking the universe in his image. He might not have been in complete control of himself, but there is no doubt that Nekron saved the universe.
1 The Joker Has Helped Batman

The Joker is the most iconic villain of all time. His sadistic streak and his methods of employing sadism are famous to those who consume any of DC's stories. Fans have been witness to some absolutely disturbing Joker material for decades now. He has tortured the children in the Bat-Family, cut off his own face, and even eaten the entire country of China. Yes, he ate all of China when he had the powers of a fifth-dimensional imp.
There is no conceivable way he could ever make up for his history, but at least he helped save the multiverse once. During Dark Nights: Metal, Joker helped Batman fight The Batman Who Laughs, who was about to cause an explosion that would destroy the multiverse. The fight was intense, and if Joker had not arrived when he did, there may not be a DC Multiverse right now.