As the years go on, comic storylines have evolved with the times and created deep realistic, and engaging storylines that shock and amaze. Several landmark stories that may not even feature any high-octane superhero action, but rather instead choose to focus on the human aspect of the characters and further investigate pressures and terrors that come with living a double-life and battling a seemingly endless amount of threats every day.
DC especially has made an effort to bring their Golden/Silver Age characters down to a grounded and human level to face threats that their incredible powers and even the mighty Superman cannot overcome.
6 DC'S Identity Crisis Deconstructs The Concept Of The Alter Ego

The murder of Ralph Dibny’s wife, Sue, rocks the superhero community to its core. Then, a murder is attempted on Palmer’s ex-wife Jean Loring. Then, a death threat was sent to Lois Lane. And finally, Jack Drake, the father of Tim Drake Robin is murdered by Captain Boomerang. The superhero community realizes that a serial killer has targeted their families. However, an autopsy of Sue’s body reveals that whoever killed her used The Atom Ray Palmer’s shrinking technology. When Jean lets it slip that she was aware of a piece of Drake’s murder that was not revealed to the public, it is revealed that she accidentally murdered Sue Dibny using The Atom’s technology to travel through the phone line.
5 The Tower Of Babel Had Sown The Seeds Of Distrust

Suddenly, villains that the JLA had defeated time and time again overpowered, outsmarted, and defeated them. Each exploiting their weaknesses that even the League themselves were not fully aware of. The Flash shot with a vibrating bullet that vibrates constantly to put him in a continuous seizure. Aquaman is infected with The Scarecrow’s fear toxin, manipulated to fear the very water that empowers him. It is revealed that each of these weaknesses and tactics is from the mind of their own ally Batman who developed these in the event that he had to subdue his partners. What he did not expect, however, was for the villains to steal these very plans.
4 The Throne Of Perpetua Showed The Earth Surrender To Evil

With the finale of the Justice/Doom War in the 2020 run of Justice League, they came face to face with the multiversal god, Perpetua. She wishes for all the people of Earth to revert to their natural instincts and become the apex predators she envisioned them to be, to side with the self-centered power of Doom. However, the League, through Martian Manhunter’s mental link, plead with the people of Earth to choose to fight for one another.
In the end, the human race chose to side with Perpetua and Doom. Now Perpetua is free to reshape the multiverse in her image. However, the League is given a second chance by the all-powerful Quintessence, who grants them the opportunity to re-enter the multiverse and try to stop Perpetua again. Once through the door, they encounter Dark Knight's Death Metal, a multiverse completely under the influence of Perpetua.
3 Heroes In Crisis Made Heroes Feel Vulnerable

An old shack in the middle of nowhere that offers nothing to the average person. But, to the superhero community, it is known as Sanctuary, a form of rehab for supers to air their grievances and engage in therapy. A mass murder at the site immediately pulls the attention of every super, and there are only two suspects, Harley Quinn, and Booster Gold. Both are convinced that the other was responsible. However, it is revealed that Wally West had lost control of his powers and murdered dozens of heroes, framing the last two remaining attendees.
2 Cry For Justice Actively Questioned The Superhero Morals

Following the events of the Final Crisis crossover event, Green Lantern Hal Jordan begins to question the methods of the Justice League. With the deaths of notable heroes such as Batman and the Martian Manhunter, Hal believes that the world isn’t any safer than when they started. In the period of transition, the villains mobilize and engage in a variety of large-scale attacks, eventually coalescing in the villain Prometheus destroying Star City and killing Red Arrow’s daughter.
Despite being in the League’s custody, he explains that he’s placed similar devices in various cities. Deciding to let him go, both Hal and Oliver question if it is right to let him live, feeling the same about Manhunter’s killer. In the end, Oliver finds Prometheus and murders him.
1 Final Crisis Saw The Death Of An Icon

Final Crisis was an event that saw the return of the New God Darkseid and his subtle invasion of Earth. By having each of the New Gods be reborn on Earth, Darkseid could assemble his forces without the League knowing. In the end, Darkseid has unleashed the Anti-Life Equation and enslaved the majority of the Earth. As numerous heroes are off across the multiverse or protecting the survivors of Earth, only Batman is left to confront Darkseid. Not only does the Dark Knight decide to break his number one rule and shoot Darkseid with a radion pistol, Darkseid, with his last dying breath, burns Batman alive with his Omega beams, seemingly killing the hero.