Dragon Ball: 10 Worst Things About Vegeta & Bulma's Relationship

There is no shortage of anime series that become permanent fixtures of the medium, yet Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball has become an especially evergreen franchise. For decades, Dragon Ball showcases unbelievable clashes of power and incredible transformations that push warriors with legendary strength to even greater heights. Dragon Ball caters towards action spectacles, but there are still tender relationships that blossom around all of the flying fists and energy blasts.

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One of the biggest and most surprising relationships in Dragon Ball is the unconventional union between Vegeta and Bulma. The love shared between these two becomes an important aspect of both of their characters, but there are also a number of factors that only highlight their dysfunctional nature.

10 They Exhibit Zero Interest In Each Other's Hobbies

There are many anime relationships that emphasize how opposites can attract in beautiful ways. There is certainly a type of character in Dragon Ball and most individuals seem to be driven by training and power more than anything else. Bulma and Vegeta couldn’t initially be more different, yet their relationship doesn’t seem to bridge this gap at all. Vegeta doesn’t demonstrate any interest in the happenings at Capsule Corp or how to lend a hand with their work. Alternatively, Bulma never takes an interest in Vegeta’s training, and they remain on these separate islands.

9 Vegeta Feels Like A Stranger During Family Vacations

World-ending threats and possible apocalypses understandably take up a lot of the characters’ focus in Dragon Ball, which means that leisurely vacations are a bit of a rarity. It’s significant to note that the early episodes of Dragon Ball Super showcase Vegeta, Bulma, and Trunks on a family vacation together, which certainly surpasses Goku’s efforts as a family man but is also a highly awkward endeavor. It’s appreciated that Vegeta makes this time for his family, but he seems miserable and actively embarrassed on these group outings. He could stand to swallow his pride and fully commit to the experience.

8 He Can't Keep His Emotions Under Control When She's In Trouble

The affinity shared between Vegeta and Bulma may confound some, but the proof of their bond is in how they bring out such intense emotions in each other. The arrival of Beerus triggers some of Vegeta’s most explosive behavior when he flies off the handle to reprimand the God of Destruction after he injures Bulma.

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This automatic defense of his partner highlights Vegeta’s inherent devotion to his wife, but in this case, it’s slightly problematic. Vegeta’s outburst could have resulted in his death and the fact that Bulma inspires such explosive behavior in Vegeta could lead to more significant problems.

7 Death Doesn't Deter Vegeta From Future Dangerous Antics

Dragon Ball is a rare anime series where death is often only a temporary inconvenience. The majority of Dragon Ball’s best fighters, Vegeta included, have all met their ends at certain points. Vegeta ends up with Bulma and begins his family after his first death. For many, this change of pace would persuade them to give up their reckless ways and worry about the new lives that are connected to them. This shift in priorities can be seen through characters like Krillin or Gohan, yet Vegeta only takes on greater challenges and seems even more ready for possible death.

6 Vegeta’s Latent Hostility Toward Yamcha

There’s minimal foreshadowing between Vegeta and Bulma’s romance, which makes its impact come as an even bigger surprise. Previously, Bulma’s biggest romantic prospect is Yamcha, who gradually becomes a less relevant and powerful character. Vegeta is clearly superior to Yamcha in every way, but the Saiyan is unable to let sleeping dogs lie. Vegeta is consistently rude toward Yamcha whenever they’re in group settings, but he also regularly snaps when Bulma talks about him, even if it’s in passing. Vegeta should be more confident here and not so concerned over the past.

5 Bulma's Inventions Benefit Everyone Besides Her Family

Bulma recedes into more of a supporting character in Dragon Ball, but her brilliant tech skills are still assets that frequently solve everyone’s more complex problems. Bulma’s science skills are most frequently demonstrated through her Dragon Radar work or the help that she provides on Future Trunks’ time machine.

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Bulma could specifically foster tech for Vegeta that aids him on his journey, but her inventions are predominantly for others. Admittedly, Bulma has helped Vegeta with a high-tech training room, and she develops the Blutz Ray in Dragon Ball GT, but these examples are rare and motivated by other factors.

4 Power Still Takes Precedence Over Love

Dragon Ball often functions in a way where it seems like nothing is more important than strength. There’s an inherent relationship between power and love, but Vegeta is presented with a very literal choice on the matter during the height of the Buu Saga. Babidi offers Vegeta an extreme boost in power if he succumbs to the Majin race. Vegeta knows that this sacrifice will cost him and potentially erase his affection for Bulma, yet he proceeds with this process anyway. Vegeta cannot refuse the temptation of greater strength.

3 They Don't Keep Each Other Filled In During Moments Of Danger

Dragon Ball begins as a terrestrial story, but the anime’s scope grows more expansive and covers not just outer space, but alternate timelines and parallel universes. The heroes in Dragon Ball can get consumed by battle, and there can be dozens of episodes where characters are left in the dark over the fate of others. The total lack of communication between Vegeta and Bulma during such perilous events doesn’t exactly represent a healthy bond. Vegeta doesn’t touch base with Bulma during his Copy-Vegeta troubles, and she never contacts him when she encounters unexpected trouble.

2 Vegeta Repeatedly Puts Their Son In Harm's Way

Family is a delicate issue in Dragon Ball and characters like Goku and Vegeta operate as if they have no other option than to turn their children into battle-hungry warriors like themselves. Vegeta experiences an atypical relationship with his son, largely because he meets an adult version of him from the future, which helps establish the baseline for how much Vegeta loves Trunks. Vegeta often puts Trunks in danger and pushes him beyond his comfort zone. It’s behavior that’s easy to identify in Vegeta, but it doesn’t change how he constantly risks the safety of Bulma’s child for pride.

1 Vegeta Is Closer With Goku Than Bulma

None of the characters in Dragon Ball are especially romantic, yet oddly Vegeta and Bulma receive the most intimate moments between the anime’s couples. Vegeta proves his devotion to Bulma, but at the end of the day, he’s still more driven by his friendly rivalry with Goku than he is by his own wife. Goku can bring the most excitement out of Vegeta, and he’s even prepared to fuse with him, which he initially believes to be a permanent process. Vegeta does prioritize Bulma’s pregnancy with Bulla over the Tournament of Power, but Goku still beats out Bulma.

NEXT: Dragon Ball: 10 Times Bulma Should Have Given Up On Vegeta

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