WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy #15 by Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri, Federico Blee and VC's Cory Petit, on sale now.
The Guardians of the Galaxy are staring down one of their most fearsome foes ever, as the mystical entity Dormammu has emerged from the ominously cocooned Ego, the Living Planet. And even though he's half a universe away, dealing with the fallout of the X-Men's recent cosmic expansion, Star-Lord has a good idea of what's going on thanks to his most impressive new power.
After receiving numerous new powers as the Master of the Sun, Star-Lord implies that he has one of the Marvel Universe's most powerful abilities, cosmic awareness, in Guardians of the Galaxy #15.

While Moondragon is busy helping with the current Korvac problem and the other Guardians await Ego's reemergence, Star-Lord and Nova are on their way to meet with the agents of S.W.O.R.D. The trip provides them plenty of time to catch up, though the conversation is less than civil, especially once Nova brings up the subject of Doctor Doom having been given a place on the team. Star-Lord says that Doom's threats about an encroaching threat felt real to him, thanks to his genuine connection to the cosmos.
From his statements, Quill seems to imply that he has cosmic awareness powers, which would provide him with a deep insight into the workings of the Marvel Universe and where he and the Guardians could be most useful. If he does indeed have these powers, then it would give him the same kind of universal guideposts that the Silver Surfer uses.
While the Peter Quill that fans know only made his first appearance during 2004's Thanos #8 by Keith Giffen and Ron Lim, his story starts long before that. 1976's Marvel Preview #4 debuted Peter Quill as Star-Lord for the very first time in the story "Starlord First House: Earth!" by Steve Englehart, Steve Gan and Bob McLeod. In this early, mostly non-canonical appearance, Peter Quill was made into the Star-Lord by the Master of the Sun, an ancient and benevolent being who exists somewhere beyond the dimensions.

While this experience was long written off in the contemporary Marvel timeline, it began creeping back into Peter Quill's life recently and came to a head just last year during Guardians of the Galaxy #9 by Al Ewing and Juan Cabal. After seemingly dying during a battle with the Olympians, Peter Quill was transported to the Morinus dimension. There he lived for entire lifetimes, finding a new family and a new purpose. This experience could not rid him of his visions of the Master of the Sun, which he brushed aside as false memories until the time came for him to return to his own dimension and come face to face with the Master.
The Master of the Sun, having manifested before Peter, transformed him into his namesake as a true Star-Lord. Both Peter and his Element Gun were imbued with powerful new abilities during this encounter, but Peter was as well. In his current state, Star-Lord is both a walking power plant and a cosmic being, the latter of which puts him in some incredibly rare company. Even if he is still getting acquainted with his newfound status as the living Master of the Sun, the fact that he is so in tune with his abilities is the best edge that the Guardians of the Galaxy could have asked for, especially with The Last Annihilation event looming just over the horizon.