Marvel's Weirdest Thor Just Got Revenge on Asgard's Ultimate Foe

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Beta Ray Bill #5 from Marvel, on sale now.

Beta Ray Bill is on his greatest adventure yet. Bill has been stuck in his horse-like form ever since Stormbreaker was destroyed. He gathered the ultimate team of Skurge, Pip the Troll, and the recently-turned android Skuttlebutt, and set off in search of a weapon that could restore him to a humanoid form. Unfortunately for Bill, the only weapon that fits the description is the Twilight Sword which just happens to be in the possession of Surtur, the Fire Giant that destroyed Bill's homeworld.

Bill and his new team were directed towards Muspelheim by Odin to confront Surtur and steal his sword. Their trip into Surtur's domain proved to be difficult. They had to fight through demonic supporters of Surtur before fending off a tentacled monster. They had barely escaped the grasp of the tentacle monster when they came face-to-face with the Twilight Sword. Unfortunately, Surtur was not too far behind and stopped Bill before he could lay claim to the sword.

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Since Surtur was defeated by Thor in Mighty Thor #21 by Matt Fraction, Alan Davis, Mark Farmer, Javier Rodriguez, and Joe Sabino, he was no longer deemed worthy to wield Twilight. Thus he had to prove to the sword that he was worthy and challenged Bill to fight for the sword in Beta Ray Bill #5 by Daniel Warren Johnson, Mike Spencer, and Sabino. Bill remembered everything that Surtur had taken from him and channeled that into a rage for his initial attack. Bill's efforts were futile as Surtur stayed in his Fire Giant form. This caused Bill to taunt Surtur into shrinking down to the same size, to which he obliged.

Even at the same size, Surtur proved to be a difficult opponent for Bill. Surtur had a clear advantage until he was blindsided by Pip. Pip was stabbed through the chest but was able to plant explosives on Surtur. This caused enough of a distraction for Bill to grab Surtur and impale him on a spike sticking out of the ground. This still was not enough to defeat the Fire Giant and he rose once again and returned to his normal hulking size. Meanwhile, Skurge and Skuttlebutt had devised a plan of their own. Skuttle had charged up the ship by using the shockwaves from Surtur and Bill's battle. She then transformed her arm into a powerful gun which she entrusted to Skurge. He blasted the gun which ripped a hole straight through Surtur's chest. This gave Bill enough time to claim Twilight and decapitate Surtur who was lying on the ground.

Bill slaying Surtur gives the Korbonite the revenge that he had always hoped for. Bill was chosen as the protector of the planet Korbin before the planet's impending doom. Bill was cybernetically enhanced and made capable of protecting Korbin from any incoming threats. Unfortunately, Bill failed when that time came and Surtur and his fire demons laid waste to Korbin causing the Korbinites to flee their planet. Now that Bill has gotten vengeance for his people, his mind can rest a little easier.

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At the end of the day, Bill was only ever as strong as his team around him. He never would have gotten to Muspelheim without Skuttlebutt. Pip's distraction prevented Surtur from pummeling Bill to death and Skurge's shot provided Bill with enough time to defeat Surtur. Bill is accustomed to working in teams as he's belonged to Omega Flight, the Annihilators, and the Guardians of the Galaxy in the past. This time Bill took the lead role though. Since Pip was gravely injured in the battle with Surtur and the Valkyries retrieved Skurge afterward, it would appear Bill's team is at an end. His newfound leadership skills and the power of the Twilight Sword could take him in an entirely different direction.

Bill has the world of opportunity in front of him. He has found a suitable replacement for Stormbreaker that can also turn him into a humanoid form. He also was able to escape from Thor's shadow by forming his own team and taking down a Fire Giant. Not only that, but Skuttlebutt also became an android in the process and gave Bill a friend with whom he can better interact. Whatever Bill's next mission may be, he will certainly be in a better state of mind thanks to Twilight and Skuttlebutt.

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