Strategies play an important role in One Piece, just like many other shonen series. Often, before stepping foot on an island, every pirate crew or seafaring organization makes a few plans to accomplish their goals smoothly.
While some characters, such as Luffy and Zoro, are known to be great fighters, others, like Law and Nami, are exceptionally good at planning things out. In Oda's story, however, such strategizing is rarely, if ever, successful and usually ends up being ruined by certain characters' actions.
10 Monkey D. Luffy Never Sticks to Any Plans Made By His Crew

Luffy is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and one would expect him to lead by example when it comes to following plans, but he actually does quite the opposite. Luffy has never followed any plan and acts on pure instinct. In Water 7, he entered Iceberg's mansion alone despite listening to the entire plan of the crew. In Wano, Luffy chose to ignore the Akazaya's plans and attacked Kaido after being told not to. Luffy's free-spirited nature always leads him to act on a whim.
9 Roronoa Zoro Isn't Great At Following Plans, Just Like His Captain

Zoro is the combatant of the Straw Hat Pirates and a Three Swords Style swordsman. Often, Zoro is regarded as second-in-command of the crew following the captain, Luffy. However, just like his captain, Zoro isn't good at following plans either.
While he's slightly better than Luffy, he still chooses to act on his instincts and, most of the time, gets lost, which completely ruins the plan. On Onigashima, Zoro was supposed to infiltrate the mansion quietly yet he chose to slice through several towers, making his presence known immediately.
8 Eustass Kid Is An Extremely Impatient Pirate Captain

Eustass Kid is one of the members of the Worst Generation and the captain of the Kid Pirates. With a bounty of 470 million Berries, Kid is known to be quite a dangerous pirate. Kid's right-hand man, Killer, is the brains of the crew and the former tries to follow his plans, as seen when they formed an alliance with the Hawkins and On-Air Pirates. Despite that, Kid often wanders off alone; a glimpse of that was shown to fans on Onigashima when he charged right through the banquet hall and caused quite a commotion.
7 Trafalgar D. Law Failed To Stick To The Plan To Kill Doflamingo

Law is one of the Worst Generation members, just like Luffy and Kid, but unlike them, he's known to be a pragmatic pirate captain. Yet, when it comes to personal grudges, Law is no less impulsive than them.
In Dressrosa, Law initially aimed to destroy the SMILE Factory and have Kaido turn on Doflamingo. However, his emotions got the better of him and he decided to fight for Corazon's sake. Although Law's goal was accomplished, thanks to Luffy, the way he went about it wasn't according to the plan at all.
6 Portgas D. Ace Didn't Run From Marineford When He Had The Chance

Portgas D. Ace was the captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates and a central figure in the Paramount War. To save him, the Whitebeard Pirates clashed with the Marines in Marineford, with Luffy in the midst of it all.
Ace was eventually saved, but on his way out of Marineford, he fell for one of Akainu's tactics. Instead of running to safety, Ace fought Akainu and later gave his life to protect his brother from the Admiral. At this moment, Ace acted just like his father, Gol D. Roger, but sadly, ended up dying.
5 Usopp Couldn't Part Ways With The Merry Even When Luffy Ordered It

The Water 7 arc of One Piece saw the Straw Hat Pirates in quite a tough situation as their ship, the Going Merry, had been damaged beyond repair. Knowing that she couldn't continue sailing any further, Luffy, with a heavy heart, declared that they'd get a new ship. Usopp couldn't accept the reality and argued with Luffy. The situation escalated quite drastically and resulted in the sharpshooter fighting the Straw Hat captain. The duel ended with Luffy's victory — and with Usopp leaving the crew.
4 Nico Robin Went With The CP-9 To Save The Crew In Water Seven

The Straw Hat Pirates planned to find a decent shipwright for the Merry on the island of Water 7. But moments after stepping foot on the island, Nico Robin abandoned that plan and vanished, thanks to the CP9.
Unbeknownst to the crew, Robin was actually saving them, though her decision to follow her own plan and sacrifice herself for the crew created quite a lot of confusion.
3 Apoo Set Kid Up For An Ambush By Kaido, The Yonko Of The Sea

A member of the Worst Generation, Apoo joined Kid and Hawkins' alliance to take down Red-Haired Shanks following the events of the Dressrosa arc. The alliance was suddenly imperiled by Kaido, who ambushed them and completely demolished them in battle. This could be blamed on Apoo, who was already working for the Yonko at the time. Meanwhile, Hawkins immediately abandoned the alliance and switched sides to Kaido's group.
2 Smoker Didn't Want The Glory For Taking Down Crocodile

A captain of the Marines during the Arabasta Saga, Smoker was given the credit for taking down the Shichibukai Sir Crocodile and his Baroque Works organization. For his accomplishment, he, along with Tashigi, was promoted one rank and ordered to collect a medal. As expected, Smoker realized that taking credit from the Straw Hat Pirates was the wrong thing to do and chose to ignore the order, telling the superiors that he does things his own way.
1 Fujitora Gave Credit To The Straw Hat Pirates During The Dressrosa Arc

Similar to how Smoker was asked to take credit for saving Arabasta, Fujitora was asked to receive all the plaudits for defeating Doflamingo when it was Luffy who actually took him down. Instead, the Marine Admiral went against Akainu's plan and openly apologized to the Kingdom's people for not being able to save the country. Law and Luffy's exploits were soon spread all over the world, while the Marines' attempt to cover up the incident completely failed.