For the most part, Pokémon is a light-hearted game franchise aimed at younger audiences. However, they know that their fanbase does not stop at the generational line, and they are more than happy to take on some more terrifying aspects when they want to.
Some of the scariest things are hidden behind a Pokédex page that nobody reads or an event that wasn't very widespread in its distribution. Others are like a giant smash to the face with a mallet made out of bricks. They want their players to be so uncomfortable and frightened by some things that they feel compelled to stop them.
10 Bede Getting So Desperate He Destroyed A National Monument
The fact that Bede was so desperate for Chairman Rose's praise that he was willing to go to literally any lengths for him was far more horrifying than Rose himself waking up a monster capable of destroying the entire Galar region.
What this is saying is that Chairman Rose is quite possibly the only adult figure in this boy's life who is willing to give him the time of day. Since he gave him praise and trust, the boy was willing to go to extremes for him. Considering Chairman Rose is clearly not a great role model despite the fact he got the country to where it was, it's horrifying to think of where he comes from and what drove him to this extreme attention-seeking behavior.
9 Az & The Ultimate Weapon
The Kalos games were some interesting installments with some very heavy themes. Throughout the games, the player is tasked with uncovering truths about an ancient king who created a weapon to either destroy all humans or destroy all Pokémon, depending on if the player was playing X or Y.
The fact that Az actually made this weapon to the point it was functional, and cost him more than his human lifespan to grieve over his mistake, was horrifying in and of itself.
8 Lysander's Entire Modus Operandi
Lysander took a page from Lance's book back in the earliest Pokémon Adventures manga where he was trying to stop wars and abuse of Pokémon by harnessing some ultimate energy to kill all of the people in the world, including himself.
However, since Lysander was from a game, he could have also swapped it for killing all Pokémon since that's what people used for wars. He was planning on using the Ultimate Weapon put in place by Az, but when the player defeats him, he is content to dissolve his entire team and desires. His lackey, however, presses the button anyway.
7 Arceus In The Sinjoh Ruins
Once upon a time there was a specific Arceus event that was distributed during the time of Heart Gold and Soul Silver in the Sinjoh Ruins. In it, the player is given one of the most disorienting, actually horrifying cutscenes that has ever come across the screens of a DS.
The player has to pick one of the three legendaries and Arceus's theme plays behind a scene of Arceus with flashing, real-life imagery, ending with a cracking egg over a magic circle. It was probably the most horrifying thing the games have ever produced. At least it was event locked.
6 Ghost Type Pokémon In General
Pokédex entries are mostly flavor text. They give more of an idea of how they are perceived than what they can actually do. If some of them were actually real, then it would be way more deadly in the world than it clearly is.
Litwick and Shedinja supposedly steal the life force of anything looking at specific parts of them. Drifloon tries to spirit away children. Gourgeist sings to draw children off so it can eat them. Then there's Froslass, who gains the ghost type after a female Snorunt comes in contact with the Dawn Stone, implying that the stone itself can kill them.
5 Ditto, Porygon, Gardevoir, & Hypno
Ghost types aren't the only ones that make themselves full of horrifying realizations. Ditto is stated to be able to take the shape of anything, and in Sun and Moon and their Ultra counterparts, they can even take the shape of people. Porygon was created artificially as a living computer, and scientists got so out of hand that by the time Porygon-Z rolled around it was a glitchy, horrifying mess near the level of scientific backfiring as Mewtwo. Gardevoir gets so emotionally attached to its trainer that it will literally create black holes if it thinks it will help save them.
Then there is Hypno. Hypno is known for going out of its way to lure away children and weak-willed humans to eat them? Kill them? Use them as puppets to get what they want? One is also even seen in a shopping center having pretended to be a person.
4 Lavender Town Has Its Reputation For A Reason
Lavender Town was definitely meant to be creepy and unsettling. It's where a whole graveyard for passed Pokémon is, a really depressing subplot with a Marrowak that had been killed by Team Rocket, and has a creepy theme song.
They definitely didn't mean for it to be as absolutely terrifying as it was, as evident by every rumor, myth, story, and forced creepiness that the entire world took from it. They even had to alter the theme song from its original version to quiet some of that down.
3 Ghetsis Using N As A Puppet
N was used as a puppet from a very early age where his adoptive father Ghetsis convinced him he could be royalty with his ability to understand and speak to Pokémon. When N started to realize the error of his ways and started thinking for himself, Ghetsis went bonkers in a way that was unprecedented for the series.
He completely abandoned N in his schemes to use the world with the puppet king he had groomed and set to work doing it himself. So much so that he was willing to create some massive machines and complexes, like that horrifying castle that took over the Elite Four.
2 Team Rocket Forcing Shininess
Shinies in the Pokémon world are essentially albinos. They are special colored variants that are exceptionally rare and valuable. In the second generation, Team Rocket is missing its leader due to Giovanni running off after being defeated by Red.
So in order to try and lure their beloved Boss out of hiding, they devise a way to force Pokémon to become shiny for the easy cash. The problem is this causes the Pokémon to become highly aggressive and they hint that it is not exactly a pleasant experience for the creature. They almost get Giovanni back too, but he has a reuniting with Silver and doesn't ever go through with it.
1 Lusamine Going Bananas Over The Ultra Beasts
She was so obsessive with how she wanted love and attention she was willing to disown her own children when they put up a fight against her. She was willing to ignore Guzma's obvious obsession with her, torture a Pokémon she helped create, and attempt to destroy the lives of other living creatures in order to get what she wanted.
The most horrifying thing was how mentally unhinged she was that she was completely willing to merge with an Ultra Beast and attack. Hopefully Lily and Gladion get her some good therapy and medication because this woman desperately needs them.