DC: 5 Pieces Of Technology From The Comics That People Would Hate In Real Life

Comics have often been home to some of the most fascinating science fiction concepts and technology dating as far back as Jack Kirby’s Fourth World and the even older age of pulp space opera comic strips. And while these devices and vehicles are amazing to view through the panels, when they transition over to the real world, it becomes clear how they are either very illegal or incredibly dangerous and/or inconvenient from the perspective of the average citizen.

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It also becomes worrying that some of the most dangerous weapons of mass destruction are held by a private group in a secretive headquarters that no one is allowed to visit, which definitely wouldn't bode well in the real world.

5 The Batmobile Would Make Commuting A Nightmare

Metropolitan cities are already a nightmare for traffic. New York and Los Angeles are notorious for their backed-up roads. It gets that much worse when adding a giant high-speed tank driven by a sad trust fund billionaire hell-bent on stopping crime into the mix. Regardless of which Batmobile is being considered, it is simply too wide of a vehicle to accommodate other drivers.

Alongside the inconvenient size, it is also jam-packed with weapons designed to fight armies that it fires in the middle of the city. As cool as the Batmobile is, it would be a huge danger to those around it. If the public were to ever find to that Bruce Wayne is Batman, the first question would probably be why he spent so much money on his crime-fighting super tank when he could have repaired Gotham's infrastructure.

4 Cyborg's Neural Network Interface Is A Breach Of GDPR Laws

A plot device that is often used throughout the Justice League comics is that Cyborg has access to every device on the planet that has an internet connection. However, in reality, the Justice League is actively breaking international law. A private company having access to every individual’s data is a frightening concept. If this was public knowledge, no country would stand for it (ignoring how they may already be doing the same thing).

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Some comics have already shown the major downsides to this, such as the New 52’s Grid— an Earth-3 evil parallel to Cyborg— and in the mini-series DCeased where it was Cyborg’s connection to the internet that spread the zombie virus to the rest of the planet. So it would seem that even in DC comics, Cyborg's technology is already a huge problem as it is.

3 A Ring That Has To Charge Every 24 Hours Isn't Practical

An officer of law enforcement who is based in space that has a time limit on their source of power based on an arbitrary time limit that may not even match up with their planet’s solar cycles is ridiculous. The Green Lanterns of Earth must have lucked out with their power limitations as their rings must be recharged every twenty-four hours.

However, it is not known if the other Lanterns are locked to that schedule. Most likely not as if they could change the recharge time on rings, it would be the longest possible stretch of time. Also, traveling through space, it can be difficult to tell what time it is, meaning that a Lantern can be stuck in deep space with a ring that is low on power and have no access to recharge. Maybe Lantern Rings can be upgraded to wireless or solar recharging like many smart devices are now able to do.

2 Hourman's Hourglass Is Actually Useless In Any Real Situation

When one really stops to think about it, an hour is not a long period of time. Especially for a mission, where any number of hours can pass before a conflict happens. Hourman’s hourglass grants him enhanced strength and durability for up to one hour every day. However, as a character who was featured very heavily throughout World War II, it would be a stretch to assume that his hourglass would empower for as much as is needed. It would be highly improbably, even for a group of superheroes, to finish a firefight in under an hour.

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The hourglass also needs to be manually flipped to activate his powers, which may not sound like a lot— but in the midst of machine-gun fire, that action may take too much time.

1 An Orbiting Satellite Mostly Filled With Dangerous Weapons & Individuals Would Not Stand

The concept of the Justice League Watchtower is really quite terrifying when everything about it is considered. It is a private organization made up of the most dangerous people on the planet, in a self-sustaining satellite headquarters that constantly orbits the Earth filled to the brim with technology leagues beyond what Earth has including teleporters and spaceships and is constantly connected to every device on the planet.

It is also filled with some of the most dangerous weapons from both Earth and other planets, and is a place where no one outside the organization is welcome. To make matters worse, it is a United States-based team of individuals who ignore borders and act on their own authority on behalf of the entire planet (and universe in some cases). With all of that in mind, it is easy to see why many would see the Justice League as a danger as opposed to heroes.

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