Dragon Ball: 10 Characters Who Are Just Comic Relief | CBR

It’s not easy for an anime series to become as prolific as Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball franchise, but it seems as if every decade only brings more popularity and success to the shonen property. Dragon Ball excels when it comes to kinetic action sequences and unbelievable transformations of power, but Dragon Ball has also slowly changed through the years, especially when it comes to its relationship with comedy.

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Dragon Ball Super brings back a lot of the quirky humor that’s present in the original Dragon Ball series, and there are some hilarious sequences and entire episodes that flex Dragon Ball’s comedic skills. Goku and company are mostly concerned over who is the strongest, but Dragon Ball also has plenty of individuals who are essentially just around as comic relief.

10 Jaco The Galactic Patrolman Constantly Stumbles His Way To Success

Dragon Ball progressively expands its scope to visit other planets, timelines, and eventually universes. A celestial infrastructure gets introduced to maintain peace in the galaxy, which is the role that Jaco fulfills on the Galactic Patrol. Jaco has good intentions and is often in pursuit of some universal scofflaw, but his ineptitude turns him into a running punchline more than a saving grace. Jaco has slowly indoctrinated his way into the Dragon Ball crew, where he honestly seems more comfortable than when he’s trying to resolve galactic felonies.

9 Oolong & His Shapeshifting Antics Never Amount To Much More Than Laughs

Oolong is one of the stranger characters to come along in the infancy of Dragon Ball. The franchise has a history with anthropomorphic animals that can talk, but Oolong, as well as his feline-based friend, Puar, is exceptional because he can also shapeshift. Oolong does function as an ally, and he manages to swoop in and be resourceful on a few occasions, but his ungrateful attitude and comical transformations are primarily meant for laughs. As the series goes on, he becomes more of a background presence, which allows him to be even snider and a punchline for gags.

8 Champa Is A God Of Destruction Who’s More Of A Test Of Patience

One of the most exciting developments in Dragon Ball Super is that the characters learn that they just exist in one of twelve universes, each of which has its own respective Gods of Destruction and Angels.

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Champa is Universe 6’s God of Destruction, and he basically looks like a larger version of Beerus. Champa’s title makes him naturally dangerous, but in the anime, his main purpose is just to aggravate Beerus. The petty feuds between Champa and Beerus are always entertaining, and it’s a fun way to subvert this powerful figure.

7 The Ginyu Frog Is A Hopping Reminder Of What Can Go Wrong In Battle

The Ginyu Force are some of the more colorful and unconventional warriors in Dragon Ball. They’re a powerful task force that also can appreciate a flair for presentation and theatrics. Despite their silly nature, each member of the team is still incredibly strong. Ginyu’s Change Now body swap technique backfires on him and results in the leader of the Ginyu Force being stuck in the body of a Namekian frog. This frog oddly becomes a recurring figure throughout the series and even gets a redemption arc of sorts in Dragon Ball Super. Ginyu’s frog form is just there for heightened laughs.

6 Barry Kahn Is An A-List Aggravation Who Is Out Of Touch

Dragon Ball Super features more dangerous villains than anything that’s previously been encountered, but the sequel series also isn’t afraid to engage in some lighter mini-arcs that can come across more like filler. One of these detours pits Gohan against an alien parasite known as Watagash, but the central figure here is a disaffected actor named Barry Kahn. Barry is in a Great Saiyaman theatrical feature, which leads to some satisfying confrontations once the real Great Saiyaman gets involved. Barry’s whole character comes across as a joke, and Gohan never even realizes that he’s in peril.

5 The Galactic King Is A Silly Figure With A Prestigious Title

Dragon Ball Super brings a lot of powerful celestial figures into the mix and Omni-King Zeno would be a prime fit here if not for the fact that he also has overwhelming erasure abilities that can take out entire universes on a whim.

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A lesser version of this is the Galactic King, an octopus-like figure who Jaco describes as the king of Universe 7’s Milky Way Galaxy and the leader of the Galactic Patrol. The Galactic King’s look subverts expectations, and Goku’s embarrassing faux pas upon meeting the king only makes the leader more comical.

4 Mr. Satan’s Performative Attitude Turn Him Into A Parody Of Himself

Dragon Ball Z’s introduction of Hercule Satan brings with it an injection of levity into the series. Hercule is a very different type of character than anyone who’s previously appeared in the series, and he speaks to the showboating, brash personalities that are more commonly found in professional wrestling than shonen anime. Hercule is all bark with very little bite to fall back on, and this schism within him is often the source of comedy. Hercule’s frantic efforts to keep the illusion of his strength going are a delight, as is his unusual friendship with Buu.

3 Arale Is Proof That Big Surprises Can Come In Small Packages

Dragon Ball is easily Akira Toriyama’s most notable property, but Doctor Slump has a devout following in Japan, and there have been several crossovers between Toriyama’s two popular series. Arale looks like a precocious girl, but she’s actually a powerful robot with endless curiosity. Arale’s appearance in the original Dragon Ball is entertaining, but she’s at the center of Dragon Ball Super’s funniest episode. She single-handedly takes on Goku and Vegeta, leaving the two confused and frustrated over her effortless success. She triggers what seems to be an existential crisis in Vegeta, which is a sublime absurdity.

2 Grand Kai Is A Wildly Different Take On The Legendary Guardians

King Kai is the first Kai audiences get acquainted with in Dragon Ball. King Kai sets a precedent for comedic mentor figures, but he’s still incredibly important toward Goku’s growth as a fighter. The same can be said for Old Kai, who embodies Master Roshi’s silliest and most lecherous traits, but his training of Gohan is indispensable. Grand Kai, on the other hand, is at the head of the Other World Tournament and is considerably less important. Grand Kai’s “Dead Head” aesthetic and groovy attitude mostly amount to laughs, unlike his peers.

1 Veku Is The Hilarious Failed Result Of Improper Fusion

Dragon Ball’s characters never seem to struggle when it comes to stumbling upon new transformations of power, but the advent of fusion becomes a game-changer for the anime. The fusion dance is a precise procedure that can have dire consequences if the partners involved aren’t in complete sync. Goku and Vegeta stumble during this process and the result of their failed fusion dance is Veku. Veku is slow, out of shape, and wholly unequipped for battle. Visually he’s a comedic slant on Goku and Vegeta, but his efforts to avoid conflict until the fusion wears off are hysterical.

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