The final Eternals trailer recently dropped, allowing fans to see the titular superheroes' God-like abilities in action. Right off the bat, it's clear that these characters are like nothing that has ever been shown in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As such, it will be interesting to see how the rest of the MCU reacts to their powers compared to those of Gods like Thor or enhanced humans like the Hulk or Scarlet Witch.
The movie features ten Eternals, each with their own unique abilities that are wildly different from the others. At the same time, they were all created by super-powerful beings known as Celestials, meaning their powers come from a shared energy source. The final trailer offers a glimpse at almost every ability the Eternals have, and this list will help to break down whose powers are on display and what makes them unique.
Ikaris and his powers make him the most recognizable of the Eternals. In the trailer, his trademark abilities of flight and laser vision are on full display as he bring the fight to the Eternals' sworn enemies, the Deviants. The trailer also shows him battling his enemies both in and out of costume, making it clear that Ikaris is always ready for combat. Comparatively, Ikaris is similar to Superman in terms of his abilities and presence, given that he's also the Eternals' de facto leader.
Another unique ability shown briefly in the trailer is armor projection. The kindly Eternal Gilgamesh uses this power as he deflects an attack by the warrior Thena. Gilgamesh's abilities are also showcased when he punches a Deviant directly in the head with his two fists, but his powers offer protection around his arms. Typically, Eternals all have the base abilities of strength, speed, and stamina, but with Gilgamesh being the strongest, his armor ability grants an added punch. Due to the celestial technologies that created them, his armor has a gold lacy trim reminiscent of how the Green Lanterns create armor constructs from their rings.
The same golden trim surrounding Gilgamesh also powers the weapons of Thena. However, unlike her counterpart, Thena's abilities allow her to create weapons to use in combat. While almost every Eternal uses cosmic energy manipulation to bolster their own abilities, Thena is the only one who uses it in conjunction with her base powers. Essentially, her warrior skills are so great that she only needs cosmic energy to create tools to use in combat rather than enhance herself. Like Gilgamesh, her abilities are most similar to the Green Lantern energy constructs because her weapons are only limited by her skill and imagination.
While most of the powerhouse Eternals focus their abilities on offenses, there are a couple who work more in deception. Sprite is a great example of this, as her powers in the comics involve using cosmic energy to create illusions. These are briefly glimpsed in the trailer with her, at first, disguising her fellow Eternals and later using her abilities to create fireworks for humans. The power of illusion also works great for the character as she is deceptively older than she looks. In that regard, she's comparable to Loki, who also uses illusions to trick his enemies.
In the comics, Kingo is one of the most unique of the Eternals because he chooses not to use his abilities and instead fights as a samurai. However, in the MCU, Kingo hides in plain sight as a major Bollywood star, as opposed to a wandering warrior. As such, he uses his powers to fire small energy balls from his fingertips, which grants the character his speed in battle while allowing him to be more versatile with how he fights. His abilities are somewhat similar to how Iron Man fires his repulsors, although he needs less time to charge them up again, so to speak.
The trailer offers a brief look at Makkari's super speed. Makkari can run so fast in the comics that traveling to different planets is nothing more than a short trip. Likewise, the footage shows her running on the ground then leaping to another part of the globe in the blink of an eye. Since the Eternals are so powerful at their base level, it's possible this isn't even the full extent of her abilities in the MCU. Comparably, her powers are like a cross between those of The Flash and Quicksilver, combined with the Hulk's massive leaps.
Sersi is a caring and powerful empath with a love for humans, and her cosmic energy manipulation gives her the power to transmute matter. The trailer shows this when she steps in front of a vehicle heading straight for her and turns it into a mass of flower petals. In the comics, these abilities make her one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe, and it's safe to say the film is carrying over the full extent of her abilities. Her powers are comparable to those of Doctor Strange, who showed he can change matter when he turned a black hole thrown by Thanos into butterflies during Avengers: Infinity War.
Unlike the other Eternals, Phastos' abilities are born from his mind instead of his body. Phastos is an incredibly skilled inventor and engineer who uses his abilities to construct tools that are years ahead of its time. Thanks to his contributions, the human race accomplished amazing technological feats that can still be seen today. Since his ability is hard to visually showcase, it's played for laughs in the trailer when Ikaris believes Phastos has made a whole safehouse in his apartment. He also thinks his table is made out of vibranium, only to find it's from the fall collection at IKEA after smashing it. Phastos is akin to Reed Richards or Tony Stark because their real abilities and creativity come from their minds.
Check out these owers and more when Eternals hits theaters on Nov. 5.