The latest achievement of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's lively modding community is the development of a functional contraption inspired by and modeled after the paraglider from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
As showcased on Reddit, the paraglider looks and feels similar to the beloved movement mechanic from Breath of the Wild, giving players extensive aerial mobility, control and speed. The video in question shows a player taking off from a bridge at the base of High Hrothgar's 7,000 Steps. From there, they follow a series of rivers and waterfalls, being sure to look around at the scenic world as it passes below them, before landing safely in Eastmarch Hold, south of Windhelm. According to the creators of the mod, this allows players to "see the world as only a dovah can."
The modding community has been responsible for literally hundreds of existing tweaks that add to, change or comprehensively polish the beloved world of Skyrim. While some mods seek to simply improve upon the mechanics made available to players in the base game, others seek to add completely new methods of gameplay. These mods, paraglider included, are interesting because they can allow players both a new perspective on the world and help bypass certain annoying obstacles.
While it is unclear from the video whether the paraglider stays true to Breath of the Wild's stamina-depletion mechanic, the distance covered by the player is tremendous either way. The glide from Ivarstead, which is on the western edge of the Rift, all the way to the middle of Eastmarch Hold is a trip that would normally take a player upwards of 15 minutes on foot, assuming they know the proper route. With the paraglider, the trip takes just under 2 minutes.
One aspect of Skyrim's open-world that is considered both a blessing and a curse is its sheer size: the land of Skyrim is a vast place with plenty of areas to explore, but it can be tedious to travel the many roads on foot or horseback. This mod has been praised not only for its mechanically sound controls and polished design but also for giving players a quick method of travel that also allows them to take in the beauty of the wilderness around them.
The paraglider mod, developed by Loki and NickNak, is available now on the NexusMods website.
Source: Reddit