Marvel Comics: 5 Heroes Who Would Hate Ted Lasso (& 5 Who Would Love Him)

It isn't easy being a superhero in the Marvel Universe. No matter how many times the heroes come together to save the world, it seems like they always end up fighting among one another, which doesn't help their standing in the eyes of the regular citizens of the world. Even the most respected heroes of the Marvel Universe are always being side-eyed by the public just waiting for them to go rogue and start destroying cities.

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Still, there is always some hope in the Marvel Universe, and if the Apple TV+ star Ted Lasso somehow made his way to that world of mutants and mayhem, he surely would add to the optimism. If the happy-go-lucky coach from Kansas somehow made his way to the MCU, there are surely some heroes who would like him, but there are also a number of heroes who would hate the mustachioed pun maker.

10 Love: Captain America Would Love Ted's Can-Do Attitude

Ted Lasso is all about having a can-do attitude to the point that it can really annoy others. No matter what is happening, Ted moves forward, striving to be the best he can be. As Ted sometimes says, "be a goldfish", by which he means that you shouldn't dwell on the past (because of the popular belief that goldfish only have ten-second memories).

The idea of being a positive force in the world and always working to help others and be the best you can be would appeal to Captain America, a man who personifies those very traits.

9 Hate: Wolverine Would Love To Cut Ted Down To Size

If Roy Kent was a mutant and not a retired footballer, he would be Wolverine. Both men are always grumpy, both love to chew people out, and both are cursed to be loved by children and cheery women. And like Roy Kent, Wolverine would have very little patience for Ted Lasso's antics.

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There are only so many pop culture references and puns that Wolverine would put up with before he would end up screaming at Ted and storming off to the Danger Room to beat up a simulated version of the peppy football coach.

8 Love: Spider-Man Would Find Comfort In Ted

Ted Lasso loves to make jokes, loves to drop pop culture references like they're going out of style, and loves to hide his pain behind a big smile. These are also things that Spider-Man loves to do, which is why the two men would get along so well. For Peter Parker, Ted would be someone he could riff with while keeping his mind off all his personal problems, and for Ted, Spider-Man would be like one of his players; a younger man who needs a father figure.

But sooner or later, their personal traumas - the many deaths in Spider-Man's life and the failed marriage that Ted doesn't want to think about - would come to the surface.

7 Hate: Ghost Rider Would Love To Take Ted's Soul, But Ted's Too Good

The Spirit of Vengeance, Ghost Rider isn't known for his personality so much as for his flaming skull and penance stare. Ghost Rider only sees the worst in people, which is something Ted Lasso is incapable of doing. To Ted, there is no one who can't be redeemed, and he's more than ready to help each and every person find their redemption.

Ghost Rider would much rather wrap people up in his chains and put the fear of God in them. There isn't a bigger odd couple than Ted Lasso and Ghost Rider.

6 Love: Squirrel Girl Would Be Ted's Best Friend

On Ted Lasso, Ted quickly found a friend in Keeley Jones. Like Ted, Keeley is full of pep and believes that everyone can be good. If Keeley were in the Marvel Universe, she most certainly would be Squirrel Girl.

With that in mind, it isn't hard to see Ted and Squirrel Girl getting along like peanut butter and jelly. The two would quickly form a bond and work together to bring a little light to the often dark Marvel Universe.

5 Hate: Daredevil Is Too Burdened By Guilt To Get Along With Ted

As mentioned before, Ted Lasso doesn't believe in dwelling on past mistakes. While he takes that idea to what is probably an unhealthy level by just not dealing with the things in his life that make him sad, his basic tenant is a good one - don't let the past weigh you down with guilt.

But for Daredevil, that isn't an option. Matt Murdock carries the burden of guilt for everything he's ever done. The idea of letting that guilt go just isn't in Daredevil's DNA, and there's no way the Man Without Fear would take advice from a football coach from Kansas, no matter how good it is.

4 Love: Deadpool Would Love To Chill With Ted

Take Ted Lasso's love of puns and refusal to deal with his feelings, add some serious scars and a serious love of killing, and you basically have Deadpool. The two men would certainly not agree on how Deadpool goes about his day but they would have very fun conversations about it, and since neither one is big on judging others, they wouldn't let those differences get in the way of their growing friendship.

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Maybe Ted could even get through to Deadpool and show him that there are ways to save the day without stabbing people, and maybe Deadpool is exactly the kind of person Ted needs in order to open up about his divorce.

3 Hate: The Punisher Would Be Looking For Reasons To Kill Ted

There may be no hero in the Marvel Universe who is angrier than the Punisher. Once a police officer with a loving family, Frank Castle became the murderous vigilante with a skull on his chest after he watched his wife and children being gunned down before his very eyes. No matter how many jokes or impressive on mots Ted Lasso comes up with, he would never get the Punisher to crack a smile, let alone put down his guns.

Chances are, if Lasso and Castle came across one another, Punisher would be waiting for Ted to do one thing out of line just so he could shoot the football coach clean between the eyes.

2 Love: The Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing Would Be A Big Fan Of Ted Lasso

Ted Lasso treats everyone the same, which is to say that he treats everyone with respect. No matter who you are or what you believe, Ted will greet you with a smile and warm hello. For Ben Grimm, a man trapped inside the body of an orange rock monster better known as the Thing, being treated like just a regular guy would be a welcome change.

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Ted would happily spend hours listening to Ben talk about his sweet Aunt Petunia or his old days playing football in college, which is something Ben's own teammates in the Fantastic Four seem to have no time for.

1 Hate: Hulk Smash Ted Lasso

When your power is based on rage, people like Ted Lasso are your greatest enemy. Not because Ted is evil or mean or anything like that, but because Ted can be quite annoying. How long would it be before Bruce Banner couldn't take any more of Ted's rambling and turns into the Hulk? And how long would it be before Hulk would turn Ted Lasso into paste?

Ted is great at a lot of things, but knowing when to be quiet isn't one of them, and he's even worse at knowing when to leave someone alone. This would surely lead to very bad things if he found himself hanging out with Hulk.

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