MCU: The Most Heartwarming Moments In Loki | CBR

While people are going to remember Loki for its wild adventures and clever quips, there is much more to the show than its stunning visual effects and hilarious dialogue. Throughout the series, there were many heartwarming moments that really helped fans feel a connection to Loki and others.

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In fact, every episode contained at least one moment where the audience is meant to feel an emotional connection with a character from the show, even some of the more emotionally distant ones. It's unknown how deliberate these moments were by the creative team, but with Marvel, fans have come to expect greater meaning in smaller details.

9 Episode 1 - Loki Revisits Frigga's Death (& Odin's)

After Loki manages to escape and retrieve a now useless Tesseract, he returns to the interrogation room and starts to review the events of his life. He starts by going back to Frigga's body after her untimely demise, and he clearly feels some sort of guilt despite this not yet happening. The music that plays (by Natalie Holt) is touching as well, really pulling on the viewer's heartstrings; this song can be heard throughout the series during other emotional moments as well.

After he sees Figga, he fast-forwards to Ragnarok when Odin is saying goodbye to both of his sons before leaving them for Valhalla. Loki never finds out about his mean big sister, though he is shocked, and truly shaken by witnessing his own death. Who wouldn't be?

8 Episode 2 - Loki Tears Up When He Learns About Ragnarok

After Mobius saves Loki from being reset/pruned, Loki is drafted into a search effort to find another Variant of himself, one that has been murdering TVA agents for some time. Loki is tasked with brushing up on the case files while Mobius goes to grab a salad from the cafeteria.

One of the files Loki comes across is the report on Ragnarok, detailing its destruction and casualties in emotionless blurbs and bullet points. As Loki reads more of the report, the same song plays that played in the first episode when Loki sees Frigga and Odin. Loki even tears up, showing fans that he really did care for his home and his family all along, even when he was transforming into snakes to stab Thor.

7 Episode 3 - Loki & Sylvie Sharing Stories On The Train

When Loki and Sylvie arrive on Lamentis-1 they are constantly at odds with one another until they realize that they must work together in order to survive. After a few trials and tribulations, they find a brief period of calm when they board a train headed for the last hope of the inhabitants on Lamentis-1.

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Loki and Sylvie both share personal stories about their childhood, their families, and even lovers. It's a great scene between these two as it's the first indicator that the ice is truly melting. The sweetest part is perhaps the fact that Sylvie can't sleep around untrustworthy people and after talking with Loki, she is able to sleep long enough for Loki to get into trouble.

6 Episode 4 - The Nexus Event

Despite only sharing bits of information with one another, Loki and Sylvie quickly develop a close bond with each other. This is likely due to the fact that they are the same person, suggesting that they must understand each other fairly well. Distraught over their failure on the soon-to-be-demolished moon, Loki attempts to encourage Sylvie.

He suggests that despite Lokis failing, constantly, what truly makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that they survive. He goes on to compliment Sylvie on how incredible she is, the ways she's fought the TVA and been on her own for so long. Sylvie is touched by his sentiment and grabs his arm in a way that confuses him, and when he moves away, she doesn't move her hand. Just before their presumed final moments, they shift from an awkward arm touch to full-blown hand holding before the TVA arrives to arrest them, again.

5 Episode 4 - How About A Friend?

After doing some investigating, Mobius comes to the conclusion that Loki was right about the TVA and rushes to break his buddy out of the time prison where he was repeatedly being beaten by Lady Sif. He frantically asks Loki a series of questions to try and understand if he can trust what Sylvie said.

Loki says that he believes what Sylvie told him about enchantment, and how she accesses past memories. Somewhat satisfied to hear it wasn't all a trick, he says to Loki, "So, I just have to trust the word of two Lokis?" and after a brief moment of self-reflection, Loki counters with, "How about the word of a friend?" solidifying Mobius and Loki as the true buddy-cop heroes of this series.

4 Episode 4 - The Confrontation With The Time Keepers

While the actual interaction with the phony Time Keepers is quite jarring for Lokis and fans alike, there are a few moments scattered across this sequence that make the viewers smile. The first moment came when Loki and Sylvie are brought to the end of the hall together, just before boarding the elevator to the Time Keepers' chamber.

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Sylvie, with a genuine look of concern, asks Loki if he's okay, suggesting she actually cares for Loki's well-being at this point. While Loki was still reeling over the recent pruning of his buddy Mobius, he nods in response. The second moment is less traditionally heartwarming, but when B-15 enters the chamber with Sylvie's sword, fans couldn't help but cheer.

3 Episode 5 - Never Too Late To Change/Loki & Sylvie Sharing A Tablecloth

Just before the Loki gang enacts their plan against Alioth and the TVA, they take a quick break to rest up and talk a bit. Mobius finds himself inside of a small shack with Classic Loki, Kid Loki, and Alligator Loki talking about the plan for going back and taking down the TVA. Classic Loki can't believe that Mobius will be able to go against what he's done his whole life, but Mobius simply tells him it's never too late to change. Clearly, this statement resonated with Classic Loki and was likely the reason why he (possibly) sacrificed himself to help Sylvie and Loki.

However, before the confrontation with Alioth, Loki and Sylvie share many sweet moments together just outside the shack, sharing a tablecloth-like blanket that Sylvie suggests isn't very snuggly. Despite such a short time together, these two have a strong bond and once Loki magically tosses his blanket around Sylvie, she obviously swoons over the gesture, and fans can't help but gush.

2 Episode 5 - Loki & Mobius' Hug/Loki & Sylvie's Hand Holding

When Loki declares that he will be staying with Sylvie, for better or for worse, he surrenders the TemPad to Mobius so that he can return to the TVA and wreak havoc. However, as Mobius reaches his hand out for a handshake, Loki thinks for a moment before countering with a full-on embrace that made every fan happy.

Mobius even continues the gesture (despite looking directly at Sylvie when saying this) by telling Loki that he was his favorite. After the sweet goodbye, Loki and Sylvie take on Alioth. After the enchantment doesn't appear to be working, Sylvie adjusts their handgrip from casual hand-holding to interlaced fingers which was not only a special moment but also the catalyst that allowed them to stop the cloud beast in its tracks. Even after subduing the monster, the two continued to hold hands on their walk toward the Citadel.

1 Episode 6 - Loki Thinks Of His Family Again & Bears His Soul To Sylvie

During the season finale, Miss Minutes tries to coerce Loki and Sylvie by telling them that they can wake up together in the Sacred Timeline tomorrow with everything they had ever wanted and no bad memories. She teases Sylvie with a normal life, not living on the run, and teases Loki with the promise of a throne. While some fans believe 2012 Loki is responding to this notion, the same violin can be heard from when he revisited his parents' deaths. After his emotional growth in the series, Loki is happier with the thought of being able to see his father, brother, and mother again than sitting atop a throne.

Additionally, after He Who Remains attempts to pit them against each other, Loki tries to keep Sylvie from killing the quirky time traveler. As part of a last-ditch effort, he stands in Sylvie's way, tosses his blade to the ground, and confesses that he only wants her to be okay. This scene was an emotional revelation for Loki (and fans), capped with the heartwarming kiss that needs a lot of unpacking in Season 2.

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