New Pokémon Snap proved itself a worthy successor to the fan-favorite original when it launched earlier this year. The lively Lental region showcased Pokémon more effectively than many other titles have. It was recently announced that New Pokémon Snap will receive a free content update on August 3, with new courses and Pokémon taking center stage.
While some new additions have already been announced (like the previously rather conspicuously absent Feraligatr and Snorlax), the full list of brand new photo opportunities is still a mystery. Here are five Pokémon that would be perfect fits for the new update -- or for future ones.

New Pokémon Snap included a wide assortment of creatures from every generation, a surprise given how notorious the franchise is for fixating on Generation I. That said, Dragonair is one original monster that deserves an appearance in the game.
Dragonair is an incredibly photogenic Pokémon that could offer some rather unique interactions in-game. The dragon has been featured canonically swimming the depths of the ocean and soaring the skies, meaning it could appear in various locations. Dragonair is often overshadowed by its final form, Dragonite, but beauty and elegance are two advantages it has over its evolution that New Pokémon Snap can utilize fully.

Lopunny is an incredibly popular creature that seems tailor-made for a game like New Pokémon Snap. Its bipedal stance allows it to take a variety of poses, and its standing as a Generation IV Pokémon will give the era more of a presence on Switch before the release of Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.
Lopunny and its pre-evolution Buneary could believably reside in various environments. It seems like a reasonable addition to the roster of creatures that will dance when the player uses the Music Player, and the Normal-type's timid nature could provide a real challenge for even veteran players to capture this creature on camera.

Scizor sits comfortably near the top of Johto's Pokédex in terms of popularity. The creature has a truly striking design and claws strong enough to crush anything, creating the potential for some truly spectacular photos. Its counterpart, Steelix, is already in New Pokémon Snap, so this creature's absence should be amended.
Scizor's rarity and immense power could lead to players needing to track one down or lure it out of hiding -- likely leading to the destruction of some nearby structures. Scizor has an undeniable "cool" factor that would encourage any player to want to see everything it has to offer in a game as expressive as New Pokémon Snap.

Despite being released during the current generation, New Pokémon Snap has a distinct lack of Galar-native Pokémon. Hatterene would be a great fit to help remedy this issue, as the Psychic/Fairy-type has proven a hit with fans. Espurr's telekinetic antics within the Elsewhere Forest stage provide some truly unique experiences, and Hatterene could easily expand on this type of behavior.
This reclusive creature avoids others and mainly travels via levitation and teleportation, but is said to hate loud noises, becoming immediately hostile to the perpetrators of the disturbance. Hatterene would prove another challenging Pokémon to capture on film, as well as providing much-needed Galarian representation.

Dragapult is another breakout hit of Generation VIII. This unique Dragon/Ghost-type is mysterious; all that is really known about it is that it acts as a sort of guardian for Dreepy, its first evolutionary form.
Some of this creature's mystery could be explored within New Pokémon Snap. Perhaps players would need to locate a Dreepy and pester it enough with Fluffruits that Dragapult would feel the need to show itself. This Pokémon sits firmly in the categories of cool, cute and popular, and would prove a perfect addition to the game -- especially given the lack of Galarian monsters.