WARNING: The following contains spoilers for One Piece Chapter #1020, "Robin vs. Black Maria," by Eiichiro Oda, Stephen Paul and Vanessa Satone, available in English via Manga Plus and Viz Media.
As the raid on Onigashima continued, Sanji was doing his best to fend off Queen's assault. As the battle raged on, Zoro finally received the rejuvenating injection from Dr. Miyagi. We cut away before we see the results, instead focusing in on the Polar Tang where the Heart Pirates were trying to figure out how to help Luffy. Thankfully for everyone, he awoke, shouting for meat. Meanwhile, in the Right Brain Tower, Franky and Sasaki were still in the midst of their fight. Sasaki revealed that in his hybrid form, he could use the fin on his neck to act as a propeller, not only allowing him to fly, but also speed up his attacks, which in turn allowed him to put more power behind them. This didn't deter Franky, who faced him head on and blasted a large hole into the dinosaur's stomach with a Franky Radical Beam. Finally, the familial battle between Kaido and Yamato raged on, with the reveal that Yamato not only ate a Devil Fruit, but also has a beast form.
The chapter opens on the fight between Yamato and Kaido, where we learn that Yamato had eaten the Dog-Dog Fruit Mythical Type: Okuchi-no-Makami. This allows Yamato to transform into a rare mythical wolf, which is a guardian spirit of Wano Country. Kaido explains that the reason he wants Yamato to become a shogun in his name is to protect the country for him alone. Yamato shouts that it's not the same type of protection that he wants to provide, but Kaido retorts that Orochi was an exploiter who used Wano as a weapons factory. He wants Yamato to keep that factory running, but Yamato insists that he wants to free the country from his father's rule. He unleashes a Namuji Glacier Fang, with Kaido countering with a Blast Breath.

Elsewhere, Robin sees a vision of her mother, Professor Clover, and Saul, but Brook calls out to her not to go towards them. Robin, however, seems to be aware that it's all a trick and uses her Tres Mano Freesia to interrupt the illusion. The two Straw Hats make a run for it, with Black Maria right on their tails. Robin comments that she was surprised the illusion mist didn't affect Brook, who explains that wishing his friends' death was all a dream made him get used to the pain of illusions. Dodging another attack from Black Maria, they realize that a man-faced pug named Wanyudo runs on the wheel of Maria's weapon, keeping the flame lit. Maria questions how they can say that illusions don't affect them when they're dreaming of beating Kaido, then lights the entire floor on fire with another attack. Robin uses her Spider Net to grab Brook and pull herself and her friend to safety. Robin shouts at Maria that she'll burn the entire castle down, but Maria counters that she should just give up. Brook then asks her to keep him under her arm a little longer, letting her know he has a plan.
He then unleashes a Cold Soul attack at Maria's weapon, causing the pug to fall to the floor. Maria doesn't falter, and swings at them again. She taunts Robin, saying that she's been sold out by her friends and that Sanji knew that he was leading her into Maria's trap. Brook breaks their fall from the ceiling with a Soul Parade Ice Burn. Maria continues her taunting, calling Robin baggage for her crew and that Sanji eagerly led her into the trap. The Beast Pirate goes on to call Sanji the laughing-stock of the island. Brook asks Robin if she would care to finish Black Maria off herself as he turns to deal with the group of incoming followers. Robin happily accepts, and she counters Maria's claims about Sanji, calling him a kind man, and that she could never understand how it felt for Robin to know that Sanji relied on her. She launches her Gigante Fleur attack at Maria before we cut away to Tokage Port.

Here, Luffy is asking for more meat while he and the Heart Pirates regroup with Shinobu and Momonosuke. The Heart Pirates say that they heard a voice that led them to Luffy. Momonosuke tells Luffy that he has incredible luck and that he's surprised the Straw Hat Captain is still alive. He goes on to explain to Luffy that he and Shinobu escaped on Shinobu's kite after Kaido tried to kill them, and he begins crying as he tries to tell Luffy about Kin'emon and Kiku's deaths. Luffy, however, tells him that he's still the leader and that the time for tears can wait. Unbeknownst to the group, they're being watched from afar. Meanwhile, Luffy asks Momo to turn into a dragon and fly him back up onto Onigashima.
The next chapter will release on Monday, August 9.