Zoan types are one of the three major classes of the mystical Devil Fruits present in the world of One Piece. These fruits grant their user the ability to transform into an animal species whenever they wish.
What's more, the users of these fruits can also enter a special state, called a human-beast form, or a hybrid form, which partially transforms them into the animal while still retaining some characteristics of their human form. Hybrid forms are known to be the best for combat and are what make Zoan type Devil Fruit users as dangerous as they are.
10 Ulti's Hybrid Form Has Great Endurance And Power

Ulti is a member of the Tobiroppo within the Beasts Pirates, all of whom have eaten Ancient Zoan Devil Fruits. Ulti is a user of the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pachycephalosaurus, and its hybrid grants her great strength, speed, and endurance. Throughout the Onigashima war, she was able to fight strong opponents and nearly killed both Usopp and Nami. Her power was great enough for Luffy to take her seriously and she even managed to survive a Thunder Bagua, along with Big Mom's Maser Cannon.
9 Black Maria's Hybrid Form Demands Two Straw Hats To Keep Her At Bay

Another member of the Tobiroppo like Ulti, Black Maria is among the strongest members of the group and she holds the power of the Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli.
Its hybrid form is strong enough for Black Maria to take on both Brook and Nico Robin at once, unlike any other Tobiroppo member. While Black Maria's true strength remains to be seen, her fight with the Straw Hats will give the fans a clear idea of where she stands when compared to the other members of the group.
8 Who's-Who's Hybrid Form Forced Jinbe To Use His Full Power

Considered to be one of the most dangerous members of the Tobiroppo, Who's-Who is the user of the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Saber Tiger. During his fight against Jinbe, Who's-Who used the hybrid form offered by his Devil Fruit and combined it with the power of the Rokushiki. His attacks wounded Jinbe to a great degree, giving him quite a rough time. Ultimately, Who's-Who was taken down by Jinbe's special attack, known as Onigawara Seiken.
7 Jack's Unknown Hybrid Is His Strongest Fighting Form

Jack is a member of Kaido's All-Stars and he possesses the power of the Ancient Zoan Zou Zou no Mi, Model: Mammoth. As expected, the hybrid form of his Devil Fruit allows him to take a human-mammoth appearance, which increases his combat prowess drastically.
Jack's Devil Fruit grants him tremendous strength and an accelerated recovery rate, as seen during his clash against the Minks at Zou. In his fight against the Inuarashi, Jack will finally unleash his full power and reveal the true menace of his hybrid form.
6 Queen's Hybrid Form Combines Dinosaur Powers With Technology

Queen is another member of Kaido's All-Stars and has a bounty of 1,320,000,000 Berries on his head. He possesses the power of the Ancient Zoan Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Brachiosaurus. His hybrid form was recently revealed during his fight against Sanji.
Unlike other Devil Fruit users on Onigashima, Queen's hybrid is a unique mixture of dinosaur powers and scientific technology. He has several lasers installed on his body, along with other augmentations. Being a Brachiosaurus, he has tremendous strength up his sleeve and will prove to be Sanji's biggest challenge in the story so far.
5 King's Unknown Hybrid Form Will Boost His Fighting Prowess Further

King is known to be the strongest All-Star of Kaido's Beasts Pirates. Just like Queen, he has the power of the Ryu Ryu no Mi, but his model is the Pteranodon. King's hybrid form hasn't been revealed thus far, however, being Kaido's strongest subordinate, he's likely to have a stronger hybrid form than Queen. His Pteranodon power grants him the ability of flight, making him far more difficult to take on in battle than the other Ancient Zoan users.
4 Marco's Devil Fruit Makes Him The Strongest Yonko Commander So Far

Marco is the former First Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and an incredibly strong fighter. He possesses the power of the Mythical Zoan Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix. Being a Mythical Zoan, this Devil Fruit sets him apart from most other Devil Fruit users and on Onigashima, allowed him to take on two Yonko Commanders at once.
Marco's hybrid form hasn't yet been shown, although he has demonstrated his ability to partially transform into a phoenix. At times, Marco will just transform his arms into wings, while at others, his feet will transform into phoenix talons. Marco's true hybrid power remains unseen.
3 Yamato's Devil Fruit Gives Him The Power To Fight Kaido

Kaido's son Yamato is an incredibly powerful fighter and after his countless attempts to take down the Yonko, he's grown tremendously tough. He possesses an unnamed Devil Fruit which resembles a Mythical wolf Zoan, however, what exactly this power is remains to be seen. Yamato previously engaged Kaido in a one-on-one battle for an extended period of time, during which he was in his hybrid form all along.
2 Sengoku's Unseen Hybrid Makes Him One Of The Strongest Fighters In The Story

Sengoku is the former Fleet Admiral of the Navy and one of the strongest characters in the entire world of One Piece to date. He possesses the powers of the Mythical Zoan Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu, the usage of which he demonstrated during the Marineford arc.
Unfortunately, Sengoku's hybrid form is yet to be revealed in the story, but given that he was strong enough to rival the likes of Gol D. Roger himself, it goes without saying that it ranks among the very best hybrid forms in the entire story.
1 Kaido's Hybrid Form Makes Him The Strongest Pirate Alive

Kaido is known to be the strongest pirate alive across all the seas of One Piece and much of that reputation is explained by his incredible Devil Fruit powers. He wields the ability of the Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu, which allows him to transform into an Azure Dragon at will. Kaido's hybrid form was first deployed against the Worst Generation and it was strong enough to overpower all of them at once. This ability is what makes him the strongest of all creatures in the world and a true menace in battle.