Throughout the entire Pokémon series, Ice-types aren't given the best representation compared to other types. This is perhaps due in part to Ash only owning two Ice-types over the course of his whole Pokémon journey, meaning that they haven't necessarily had a fair opportunity to showcase their skills and strengths.
Despite this, there are still a number of strong showings from Ice-types in the anime, from those belonging to Gym Leaders and other Trainers to the two that Ash owned and used.
10 Beartic Is A Ferocious And Powerful Polar Bear Pokémon

Beartic gets two opportunities to shine in the anime, specifically in Unova under the ownership of both Icirrus City Gym Leader Brycen and Iris's rival Georgia, who likes to defeat Dragon-types.
Georgia's Beartic sweeps Iris in their first battle, defeating Axew and Excadrill and then drawing with Excadrill the second time around. Brycen's Beartic is just as powerful, able to defeat Ash's Pignite before eventually being defeated by Ash's Krokorok and some clever strategic thinking on Ash's part.
9 The Legendary Bird Articuno Gives A Good Showing With Noland

As one of the three Legendary Birds from the original generation, Articuno has appeared a few times without making an especially huge impact. However, as a part of the trio with Moltres and Zapdos, it can be majestic but also formidable and mysterious.
Ash even comes across a Trainer who owns one, Noland. However, due to the obvious type disadvantage, it loses to Ash's Charizard, despite putting up a good fight. Charizard learning Overheat and utilizing a devastating Seismic Toss is too much for the Legendary Ice-type to handle.
8 An Elite Four Member's Cloyster Was Too Tough For Pikachu

Known as Lorelei in the Pokémon games but Prima in the anime dub, this Trainer is an Ice-type user and Elite Four member. Ash challenges Prima after finding out how strong she is, but is ultimately humbled by the superior Trainer and her Cloyster.
Prima's Cloyster utilizes Withdraw and Reflect to counter and essentially nullify Ash's Pikachu's attacks, but is equally as capable when going on the offensive, with it using a creative Aurora Beam/Take Down combination to defeat Pikachu's spirited effort. As one of the few original Ice-types from Generation I, it's a wonder why no other Trainers use Cloyster to the best of its ability, especially after seeing how strong it could be under the tutelage of Prima.
7 Lapras Is One Of Ash's Many Pokémon With Somewhat Wasted Potential

Lapras is another impressive Ice-type Pokémon that arguably deserves more spotlight in the anime. Ash saves and captures one during his Orange Islands adventures, but mainly uses it as a mode of transport or for competing in non-battle challenges.
The two main times that Ash uses Lapras in battle, it defeats Captain Crook's Tentacruel and scores a double knockout against Drake's Gengar in the Orange League. Ash releasing his Lapras makes sense when considering it's a creature that needs its own kind to survive, but it was also a wasted opportunity.
6 Abomasnow Is A Must-Have For Any Ice-Type Gym Leader

Abomasnow has two major performances that showcase its strength and power, under the ownership of Snowpoint Gym Leader Candice in Sinnoh and Snowbelle Gym Leader Wulfric in Kalos.
Candice's Abomasnow turns the tide of battle by defeating Ash's Grotle and Staraptor before falling to Ash's Chimchar, and Wulfric defeats Ash's Talonflame, but despite utilizing Mega Evolution, it falls to Ash's Greninja. Abomasnow is a huge and powerful Ice/Grass dual-type which can be handy in battle, as long as it avoids Fire-types.
5 Regice's Impressive Move-Set Can Counter Its Weaknesses

Regice is more than just a Legendary Pokémon and intimidating tree guardian in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew. There's even one under the command of a Trainer called Brandon at the Battle Frontier. In its two main appearances, Brandon's Regice uses an impressively varied pool of moves including Blizzard, Ice Beam, Focus Punch, Zap Cannon, Hyper Beam, and Rest.
It proves to be a tough obstacle for Ash's Pikachu when they face off, but it's ultimately an obstacle that Pikachu manages to pass. However, when Brandon reappears in Diamond & Pearl and faces Paul, his Regice easily defeats Paul's Lairon.
4 Walrein Can Use Ice And Water To Its Advantage In Battle

At the Ever Grande Conference in Hoenn, Walrein is promising strategic Trainer Katie's ace and strongest Pokémon. It utilizes an effective hit and run tactic, wearing out its opponents bit by bit all while constantly returning to the water to take cover.
It defeats Ash's prized Swellow and Corphish before Ash understands what he needs to do and has his Grovyle trick Walrein into freezing the battlefield, giving it nowhere to retreat to. This leads to its eventual defeat and allows Ash to progress to the next round.
3 Weavile Is A Tenacious Battler And Loyal Partner

Weavile is shown in action a number of times under the ownership of multiple trainers, from Kidd Summers in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew to Mable and Alain in Kalos and more prominently with Paul in Diamond & Pearl.
While Paul's Weavile was defeated quickly by Cynthia's intimidating Garchomp and Ash's Staraptor, Alain's Weavile proved to be more of a difficult opponent for Ash to overcome at the Lumiose Conference in X & Y, with it knocking out Ash's Noivern before being defeated by a revenge-driven Hawlucha.
2 Wulfric's Avalugg Initially Decimated Ash's Team

Avalugg is only given one real showing split into two battles in the anime, under the ownership of Snowbelle Gym Leader Wulfric. In his first battle with Ash, Wulfric has his Abomasnow activate hail, which proves useful when Avalugg is called upon as the large Iceberg Pokémon regains health in hail thanks to the Ice Body ability.
Avalugg proceeds to annihilate Ash's Hawlucha, Talonflame, and Greninja, resulting in an absolute defeat for Ash. The rematch sees Avalugg defeat Ash's Pikachu before eventually falling to his Talonflame.
1 Ash's Glalie Was One Of His Aces In Hoenn

Ash's Glalie is one of the most overlooked and underappreciated members of his Hoenn team, helping to win several crucial bouts and knock out some formidable foes at the Ever Grande Conference.
A unique use of Double Team and a pinball strategy helped Glalie to overcome a disadvantage to defeat Clark's Charizard. It also defeated Katie's Dugtrio before being taken down by her Misdreavus's Destiny Bond after it had already knocked out the Ghost-type Pokémon. Glalie defeated Morrison's Metang and eliminated Tyson's powerful Sceptile by sacrificing itself in a double knockout. Glalie was such a useful member of Ash's Pokémon League team that he no doubt wished that he had caught it sooner.